mirror of
synced 2025-01-10 23:37:31 +07:00
UnitActionType now knows keys, sounds and most icons (#4607)
* Removed Char-only restriction in keyboard support for unit actions, remap a few keys, key tooltips for non-ascii keys * UnitActionType now knows keys, sounds and most icons * UnitActionType empower - fix Prophets spreading Pantheons
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,42 +1,144 @@
package com.unciv.models
import com.badlogic.gdx.Input
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor
import com.unciv.ui.utils.KeyCharAndCode
import com.unciv.ui.utils.ImageGetter
import com.unciv.Constants
import com.unciv.models.translations.equalsPlaceholderText
import com.unciv.models.translations.getPlaceholderParameters
/** Unit Actions - class - carries dynamic data and actual execution.
* Static properties are in [UnitActionType].
* Note this is for the buttons offering actions, not the ongoing action stored with a [MapUnit][com.unciv.logic.map.MapUnit]
data class UnitAction(
val type: UnitActionType,
val title: String = type.value,
val isCurrentAction: Boolean = false,
val uncivSound: UncivSound = UncivSound.Click,
val uncivSound: UncivSound = type.uncivSound,
val action: (() -> Unit)? = null
) {
fun getIcon(): Actor {
if (type.imageGetter != null) return type.imageGetter.invoke()
return when {
type == UnitActionType.Upgrade
&& title.equalsPlaceholderText("Upgrade to [] ([] gold)") -> {
type == UnitActionType.Create
&& title.equalsPlaceholderText("Create []") -> {
type == UnitActionType.SpreadReligion
&& title.equalsPlaceholderText("Spread []") -> {
val religionName = title.getPlaceholderParameters()[0]
if (ImageGetter.religionIconExists(religionName)) religionName else "Pantheon"
).apply { color = Color.BLACK }
type == UnitActionType.Fortify || type == UnitActionType.FortifyUntilHealed -> {
val match = fortificationRegex.matchEntire(title)
val percentFortified = match?.groups?.get(1)?.value?.toInt() ?: 0
ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Shield").apply {
color = Color.BLACK.cpy().lerp(Color.GREEN, percentFortified / 80f)
else -> ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Star")
companion object {
private val fortificationRegex = Regex(""".* (\d+)%""")
enum class UnitActionType(val value: String) {
SwapUnits("Swap units"),
StopAutomation("Stop automation"),
StopMovement("Stop movement"),
SleepUntilHealed("Sleep until healed"),
FortifyUntilHealed("Fortify until healed"),
StopExploration("Stop exploration"),
SetUp("Set up"),
FoundCity("Found city"),
ConstructImprovement("Construct improvement"),
/** Unit Actions - generic enum with static properties
* @param value _default_ label to display, can be overridden in UnitAction instantiation
* @param imageGetter optional lambda to get an Icon - `null` if icon is dependent on outside factors and needs special handling
* @param key keyboard binding - can be a [KeyCharAndCode], a [Char], or omitted.
* @param uncivSound _default_ sound, can be overridden in UnitAction instantiation
enum class UnitActionType(
val value: String,
val imageGetter: (()-> Actor)?,
val key: KeyCharAndCode,
val uncivSound: UncivSound = UncivSound.Click
) {
SwapUnits("Swap units",
{ ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Swap") }, 'y'),
{ ImageGetter.getUnitIcon("Great Engineer") }, 'm'),
StopAutomation("Stop automation",
{ ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Stop") }, 'm'),
StopMovement("Stop movement",
{ imageGetStopMove() }, '.'),
{ ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Sleep") }, 'f'),
SleepUntilHealed("Sleep until healed",
{ ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Sleep") }, 'h'),
null, 'f', UncivSound.Fortify),
FortifyUntilHealed("Fortify until healed",
null, 'h', UncivSound.Fortify),
{ ImageGetter.getUnitIcon("Scout") }, 'x'),
StopExploration("Stop exploration",
{ ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Stop") }, 'x'),
{ imageGetPromote() }, 'o', UncivSound.Promote),
null, 'u', UncivSound.Upgrade),
{ ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Pillage") }, 'p'),
{ ImageGetter.getUnitIcon("Paratrooper") }, 'p'),
SetUp("Set up",
{ ImageGetter.getUnitIcon("Catapult") }, 't', UncivSound.Setup),
FoundCity("Found city",
{ ImageGetter.getUnitIcon(Constants.settler) }, 'c', UncivSound.Silent),
ConstructImprovement("Construct improvement",
{ ImageGetter.getUnitIcon(Constants.worker) }, 'i'),
// Deprecated since 3.15.4
ConstructRoad("Construct road"),
ConstructRoad("Construct road", {ImageGetter.getImprovementIcon("Road")}, 'r'),
SpreadReligion("Spread Religion"),
HurryResearch("Hurry Research"),
StartGoldenAge("Start Golden Age"),
HurryWonder("Hurry Wonder"),
ConductTradeMission("Conduct Trade Mission"),
FoundReligion("Found a Religion"),
DisbandUnit("Disband unit"),
GiftUnit("Gift unit"),
ShowAdditionalActions("Show more"),
null, 'i', UncivSound.Chimes),
SpreadReligion("Spread Religion",
null, 'g', UncivSound.Choir),
HurryResearch("Hurry Research",
{ ImageGetter.getUnitIcon("Great Scientist") }, 'g', UncivSound.Chimes),
StartGoldenAge("Start Golden Age",
{ ImageGetter.getUnitIcon("Great Artist") }, 'g', UncivSound.Chimes),
HurryWonder("Hurry Wonder",
{ ImageGetter.getUnitIcon("Great Engineer") }, 'g', UncivSound.Chimes),
ConductTradeMission("Conduct Trade Mission",
{ ImageGetter.getUnitIcon("Great Merchant") }, 'g', UncivSound.Chimes),
FoundReligion("Found a Religion",
{ ImageGetter.getUnitIcon("Great Prophet") }, 'g', UncivSound.Choir),
DisbandUnit("Disband unit",
{ ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/DisbandUnit") }, KeyCharAndCode.DEL),
GiftUnit("Gift unit",
{ ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Present") }, UncivSound.Silent),
ShowAdditionalActions("Show more",
{ imageGetShowMore() }, KeyCharAndCode(Input.Keys.PAGE_DOWN)),
{ imageGetHideMore() }, KeyCharAndCode(Input.Keys.PAGE_UP)),
// Allow shorter initializations
constructor(value: String, imageGetter: (() -> Actor)?, key: Char, uncivSound: UncivSound = UncivSound.Click)
: this(value, imageGetter, KeyCharAndCode(key), uncivSound)
constructor(value: String, imageGetter: (() -> Actor)?, uncivSound: UncivSound = UncivSound.Click)
: this(value, imageGetter, KeyCharAndCode.UNKNOWN, uncivSound)
companion object {
// readability factories
private fun imageGetStopMove() = ImageGetter.getStatIcon("Movement").apply { color = Color.RED }
private fun imageGetPromote() = ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Star").apply { color = Color.GOLD }
private fun imageGetShowMore() = ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/ArrowRight").apply { color = Color.BLACK }
private fun imageGetHideMore() = ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/ArrowLeft").apply { color = Color.BLACK }
@ -291,6 +291,7 @@ object ImageGetter {
return circle
fun religionIconExists(iconName: String) = imageExists("ReligionIcons/$iconName")
fun getReligionIcon(iconName: String): Image {
return getImage("ReligionIcons/$iconName")
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ object UnitActions {
if (!unit.hasUnique("Founds a new city") || tile.isWater) return null
if (unit.currentMovement <= 0 || tile.getTilesInDistance(3).any { it.isCityCenter() })
return UnitAction(UnitActionType.FoundCity, uncivSound = UncivSound.Silent, action = null)
return UnitAction(UnitActionType.FoundCity, action = null)
val foundAction = {
UncivGame.Current.settings.addCompletedTutorialTask("Found city")
@ -168,14 +168,14 @@ object UnitActions {
if (unit.civInfo.playerType == PlayerType.AI)
return UnitAction(UnitActionType.FoundCity, uncivSound = UncivSound.Silent, action = foundAction)
return UnitAction(UnitActionType.FoundCity, action = foundAction)
return UnitAction(
type = UnitActionType.FoundCity,
uncivSound = UncivSound.Chimes,
action = {
// check if we would be breaking a promise
val leaders = TestPromiseNotToSettle(unit.civInfo, tile)
val leaders = testPromiseNotToSettle(unit.civInfo, tile)
if (leaders == null)
else {
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ object UnitActions {
* @param tile The tile where the new city would go
* @return null if no promises broken, else a String listing the leader(s) we would p* off.
private fun TestPromiseNotToSettle(civInfo: CivilizationInfo, tile: TileInfo): String? {
private fun testPromiseNotToSettle(civInfo: CivilizationInfo, tile: TileInfo): String? {
val brokenPromises = HashSet<String>()
for (otherCiv in civInfo.getKnownCivs().filter { it.isMajorCiv() && !civInfo.isAtWarWith(it) }) {
val diplomacyManager = otherCiv.getDiplomacyManager(civInfo)
@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ object UnitActions {
if (unit.isCivilian() || !unit.promotions.canBePromoted()) return
// promotion does not consume movement points, so we can do it always
actionList += UnitAction(UnitActionType.Promote,
uncivSound = UncivSound.Promote,
action = {
@ -222,7 +221,6 @@ object UnitActions {
val isSetUp = unit.action == "Set Up"
actionList += UnitAction(UnitActionType.SetUp,
isCurrentAction = isSetUp,
uncivSound = UncivSound.Setup,
action = {
unit.action = Constants.unitActionSetUp
@ -251,7 +249,7 @@ object UnitActions {
private fun addPillageAction(unit: MapUnit, actionList: ArrayList<UnitAction>, worldScreen: WorldScreen) {
val pillageAction = getPillageAction(unit)
if (pillageAction == null) return
?: return
if (pillageAction.action == null)
actionList += UnitAction(UnitActionType.Pillage, action = null)
else actionList += UnitAction(type = UnitActionType.Pillage) {
@ -268,7 +266,7 @@ object UnitActions {
return UnitAction(UnitActionType.Pillage,
action = {
// http://well-of-souls.com/civ/civ5_improvements.html says that naval improvements are destroyed upon pilllage
// http://well-of-souls.com/civ/civ5_improvements.html says that naval improvements are destroyed upon pillage
// and I can't find any other sources so I'll go with that
if (tile.isLand) {
tile.improvementInProgress = tile.improvement
@ -309,23 +307,22 @@ object UnitActions {
return UnitAction(UnitActionType.Upgrade,
title = "Upgrade to [${upgradedUnit.name}] ([$goldCostOfUpgrade] gold)",
uncivSound = UncivSound.Upgrade,
action = {
val unitTile = unit.getTile()
val newunit = unit.civInfo.placeUnitNearTile(unitTile.position, upgradedUnit.name)!!
newunit.health = unit.health
newunit.promotions = unit.promotions
newunit.instanceName = unit.instanceName
val newUnit = unit.civInfo.placeUnitNearTile(unitTile.position, upgradedUnit.name)!!
newUnit.health = unit.health
newUnit.promotions = unit.promotions
newUnit.instanceName = unit.instanceName
for (promotion in newunit.baseUnit.promotions)
if (promotion !in newunit.promotions.promotions)
newunit.promotions.addPromotion(promotion, true)
for (promotion in newUnit.baseUnit.promotions)
if (promotion !in newUnit.promotions.promotions)
newUnit.promotions.addPromotion(promotion, true)
newunit.currentMovement = 0f
newUnit.currentMovement = 0f
}.takeIf {
unit.civInfo.gold >= goldCostOfUpgrade && !unit.isEmbarked()
&& unit.currentMovement == unit.getMaxMovement().toFloat()
@ -367,7 +364,6 @@ object UnitActions {
if (unit.currentMovement > 0) for (unique in unit.getUniques()) when (unique.placeholderText) {
"Can hurry technology research" -> {
actionList += UnitAction(UnitActionType.HurryResearch,
uncivSound = UncivSound.Chimes,
action = {
@ -378,7 +374,6 @@ object UnitActions {
"Can start an []-turn golden age" -> {
val turnsToGoldenAge = unique.params[0].toInt()
actionList += UnitAction(UnitActionType.StartGoldenAge,
uncivSound = UncivSound.Chimes,
action = {
@ -394,7 +389,6 @@ object UnitActions {
else currentConstruction.isAnyWonder()
actionList += UnitAction(UnitActionType.HurryWonder,
uncivSound = UncivSound.Chimes,
action = {
tile.getCity()!!.cityConstructions.apply {
addProductionPoints(300 + 30 * tile.getCity()!!.population.population) //http://civilization.wikia.com/wiki/Great_engineer_(Civ5)
@ -410,7 +404,6 @@ object UnitActions {
&& tile.owningCity?.civInfo?.isAtWarWith(unit.civInfo) == false
val influenceEarned = unique.params[0].toInt()
actionList += UnitAction(UnitActionType.ConductTradeMission,
uncivSound = UncivSound.Chimes,
action = {
// http://civilization.wikia.com/wiki/Great_Merchant_(Civ5)
var goldEarned = ((350 + 50 * unit.civInfo.getEraNumber()) * unit.civInfo.gameInfo.gameParameters.gameSpeed.modifier).toInt()
@ -432,7 +425,6 @@ object UnitActions {
if (!unit.hasUnique("May found a religion")) return // should later also include enhance religion
if (!unit.civInfo.religionManager.mayUseGreatProphetAtAll(unit)) return
actionList += UnitAction(UnitActionType.FoundReligion,
uncivSound = UncivSound.Choir,
action = {
@ -450,7 +442,6 @@ object UnitActions {
val city = tile.getCity()
actionList += UnitAction(UnitActionType.SpreadReligion,
title = "Spread [${unit.religion!!}]",
uncivSound = UncivSound.Choir,
action = {
unit.abilityUsedCount["Religion Spread"] = unit.abilityUsedCount["Religion Spread"]!! + 1
city!!.religion[unit.religion!!] = 100
@ -471,10 +462,9 @@ object UnitActions {
for (unique in uniquesToCheck) {
val improvementName = unique.params[0]
val improvement = tile.ruleset.tileImprovements[improvementName]
if (improvement == null) continue
?: continue
finalActions += UnitAction(UnitActionType.Create,
title = "Create [$improvementName]",
uncivSound = UncivSound.Chimes,
action = {
val unitTile = unit.getTile()
for (terrainFeature in tile.terrainFeatures.filter { unitTile.ruleset.tileImprovements.containsKey("Remove $it") })
@ -575,14 +565,12 @@ object UnitActions {
if (isDamaged && !showingAdditionalActions)
actionList += UnitAction(UnitActionType.FortifyUntilHealed,
title = UnitActionType.FortifyUntilHealed.value,
action = {
}.takeIf { !unit.isFortifyingUntilHealed() }
else if (isDamaged || !showingAdditionalActions)
actionList += UnitAction(UnitActionType.Fortify,
uncivSound = UncivSound.Fortify,
action = {
}.takeIf { !isFortified }
@ -630,7 +618,7 @@ object UnitActions {
// We need to be in another civs territory.
if (recipient == null || recipient.isCurrentPlayer()) return null
// City States only take miliary units (and GPs for certain civs)
// City States only take military units (and GPs for certain civs)
if (recipient.isCityState()) {
if (unit.isGreatPerson()) {
// Do we have a unique ability to gift GPs?
@ -643,7 +631,7 @@ object UnitActions {
else if (!tile.isFriendlyTerritory(unit.civInfo)) return null
if (unit.currentMovement <= 0)
return UnitAction(UnitActionType.GiftUnit, uncivSound = UncivSound.Silent, action = null)
return UnitAction(UnitActionType.GiftUnit, action = null)
val giftAction = {
if (recipient.isCityState()) {
@ -667,12 +655,12 @@ object UnitActions {
UncivGame.Current.worldScreen.shouldUpdate = true
return UnitAction(UnitActionType.GiftUnit, uncivSound = UncivSound.Silent, action = giftAction)
return UnitAction(UnitActionType.GiftUnit, action = giftAction)
private fun addToggleActionsAction(unit: MapUnit, actionList: ArrayList<UnitAction>, unitTable: UnitTable) {
actionList += UnitAction(UnitActionType.ShowAdditionalActions,
title = if (unit.showAdditionalActions) "Back" else "Show more",
actionList += UnitAction(
type = if (unit.showAdditionalActions) UnitActionType.HideAdditionalActions else UnitActionType.ShowAdditionalActions,
action = {
unit.showAdditionalActions = !unit.showAdditionalActions
@ -1,87 +1,19 @@
package com.unciv.ui.worldscreen.unit
import com.badlogic.gdx.Input
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Button
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table
import com.unciv.Constants
import com.unciv.UncivGame
import com.unciv.logic.map.MapUnit
import com.unciv.logic.map.RoadStatus
import com.unciv.models.UnitAction
import com.unciv.models.translations.equalsPlaceholderText
import com.unciv.models.translations.getPlaceholderParameters
import com.unciv.ui.utils.*
import com.unciv.ui.utils.KeyPressDispatcher.Companion.keyboardAvailable
import com.unciv.ui.utils.UncivTooltip.Companion.addTooltip
import com.unciv.ui.worldscreen.WorldScreen
import kotlin.concurrent.thread
private data class UnitIconAndKey(val icon: Actor, var key: KeyCharAndCode = KeyCharAndCode.UNKNOWN) {
constructor(icon: Actor, key: Char) : this(icon, KeyCharAndCode(key))
class UnitActionsTable(val worldScreen: WorldScreen) : Table() {
private fun getIconAndKeyForUnitAction(unitAction: String): UnitIconAndKey {
when {
unitAction.equalsPlaceholderText("Upgrade to [] ([] gold)") -> {
// Regexplaination: start with a [, take as many non-] chars as you can, until you reach a ].
// What you find between the first [ and the first ] that comes after it, will be group no. 0
val unitToUpgradeTo = unitAction.getPlaceholderParameters()[0]
return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getUnitIcon(unitToUpgradeTo), 'u')
unitAction.equalsPlaceholderText("Create []") -> {
// Regexplaination: start with a [, take as many non-] chars as you can, until you reach a ].
// What you find between the first [ and the first ] that comes after it, will be group no. 0
val improvementName = unitAction.getPlaceholderParameters()[0]
return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getImprovementIcon(improvementName), 'i')
unitAction.equalsPlaceholderText("Spread []") -> {
// This should later include icons for the different religions. For now, just use the great prophet icon
return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getUnitIcon("Great Prophet"), 'g')
else -> when (unitAction) {
"Sleep" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Sleep"), 'f')
"Sleep until healed" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Sleep"), 'h')
"Fortify" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Shield").apply { color = Color.BLACK }, 'f')
"Fortify until healed" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Shield").apply { color = Color.BLACK }, 'h')
// Move unit is not actually used anywhere
"Move unit" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getStatIcon("Movement"))
"Stop movement" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getStatIcon("Movement").apply { color = Color.RED }, KeyCharAndCode(Input.Keys.END))
"Swap units" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Swap"), 'y')
"Promote" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Star").apply { color = Color.GOLD }, 'o')
"Construct improvement" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getUnitIcon(Constants.worker), 'i')
"Automate" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getUnitIcon("Great Engineer"), 'm')
"Stop automation" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Stop"), KeyCharAndCode(Input.Keys.END))
"Found city" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getUnitIcon(Constants.settler), 'c')
"Hurry Research" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getUnitIcon("Great Scientist"), 'g')
"Start Golden Age" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getUnitIcon("Great Artist"), 'g')
"Hurry Wonder" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getUnitIcon("Great Engineer"), 'g')
"Conduct Trade Mission" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getUnitIcon("Great Merchant"), 'g')
// Deprecated since 3.15.4
"Construct road" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getImprovementIcon(RoadStatus.Road.name), 'r')
"Paradrop" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getUnitIcon("Paratrooper"), 'p')
"Set up" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getUnitIcon("Catapult"), 't')
"Explore" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getUnitIcon("Scout"), 'x')
"Stop exploration" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Stop"), 'x')
"Pillage" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Pillage"), 'p')
"Disband unit" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/DisbandUnit"), KeyCharAndCode.DEL)
"Gift unit" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Present"))
"Show more" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/ArrowRight"), KeyCharAndCode(Input.Keys.PAGE_DOWN))
"Back" -> return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/ArrowLeft"), KeyCharAndCode(Input.Keys.PAGE_UP))
else -> {
// If the unit has been fortifying for some turns
if (unitAction.startsWith("Fortification")) return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Shield"))
return UnitIconAndKey(ImageGetter.getImage("OtherIcons/Star"))
fun update(unit: MapUnit?) {
if (unit == null) return
@ -93,16 +25,15 @@ class UnitActionsTable(val worldScreen: WorldScreen) : Table() {
private fun getUnitActionButton(unitAction: UnitAction): Button {
val iconAndKey = getIconAndKeyForUnitAction(unitAction.title)
val icon = unitAction.getIcon()
// If peripheral keyboard not detected, hotkeys will not be displayed
if (!keyboardAvailable) { iconAndKey.key = KeyCharAndCode.UNKNOWN }
val key = if (keyboardAvailable) unitAction.type.key else KeyCharAndCode.UNKNOWN
val actionButton = Button(CameraStageBaseScreen.skin)
val fontColor = if (unitAction.isCurrentAction) Color.YELLOW else Color.WHITE
val action = {
@ -111,8 +42,8 @@ class UnitActionsTable(val worldScreen: WorldScreen) : Table() {
if (unitAction.action == null) actionButton.disable()
else {
actionButton.onClick(unitAction.uncivSound, action)
if (iconAndKey.key != KeyCharAndCode.UNKNOWN)
worldScreen.keyPressDispatcher[iconAndKey.key] = {
if (key != KeyCharAndCode.UNKNOWN)
worldScreen.keyPressDispatcher[key] = {
thread(name = "Sound") { Sounds.play(unitAction.uncivSound) }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user