- Deserts are a little bit more common (but now have higher chance of being stripes)
- Slightly reduced range of Tundra.
- Slightly reduced amount of Snow.
- Grasslands can now appear next to desert tiles and huge plains areas are much less likely.
This should make the map look more like a civ5 map:
here is a spreadsheet i've created and used to make these changes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18uacHvZlh4FoM8xEVH4J9jaAmtHomutr/view?usp=sharing
What it does:
- makes center of a map mostly Grassland with some bits of Plains
- next biome is Desert and Plains with a rare patches of Grasslands.
- next biome is again Grasslands and Plains (in about equal proportions)
- final biome is Tundra that turns into Snow towards poles.
- makes the whole map look less stripy.
It looks kind of messy, but i tried to make it as compact as i could.
* cellular automata for mountains and hills
* cellular automata for mountains and hills
* tweaks
* spawn location algorithm
* consolation prizes
* improve city state spawns
* AI settle in place if possible
* make heightmap generation mod agnostic
* Improved nukes
* Fixed build error (probably)
* Implemented reocmmended changes, fixed some other stuff, the usual
* Implemented requested changes
* Fixed Tech connections
* Fixed nuclear missiles and guided missiles being interceptable
* Missiles are no longer air units. This is, as they cannot be stationed on carriers and cannot be intercepted.
* Fixed open terrain bonus working in rough terrain
Fixed#4139 - The open terrain combat bonus no longer works in rough
Deprecated "Open terrain" and "Rough terrain" uniques and undeprecated
"rough" property of terrains.
* Minor simplification
* Replaced "rough" with "Rough terrain" unique
* Empty commit to re-run the build checks
* changed hill to terrain Feature
* Update Terrains.json
* Update Terrains.json
* Snow with capital S
* Fixed tests failing
* Added check for ruleset supports hill as terrain feature
Fixed Moai
Wonder overlay will remove terrain overlay in default tileset
Oasis, Marsh and Atoll now have "Rare feature" unique, rare features can be added by mods
implemented TileInfo.fitsUniqueFilter(filterText:String): Boolean
parameterized uniques:
* "Must have an owned [Mountain] within [2] tiles"
* "Must be on [River]" - not to be confused with "Must be next to [River]" - the tile city on must have river at its border, not the adjacent tile
* "Must not be on [Hill]"
* "Must not be next to []"
* "Must be on [seacoast]" - next to "Coast" tile
* "Must be on [tile adjacent to source of fresh water]"
* "Must be next to [Water]" - next to any water tile, including "Lakes"
* "Must be next to [terrainFeature]"
* "Must be next to [unique]" - e.g "Must be next to [Rare feature]" - next to terrain or terrain feature having this unique
* fixed KotlinNullPointerException crash in chooseMilitaryUnit
random() is not to be used in predicate
* GodmodeCheckbox is not lockable and unchecked by default
* no great people actions if no movement points left
* unique "Can start an []-turn golden age" now has parameter and 8-turn golden ages will last 8 turns instead of 10
golden age can be started if unit is on own territory (even embarked)
* "Golden Age length increased by [50]%" - now has parameter
* tweaked changed fort and terrain defence bonuses
fort can be built on forest and jungle (vegetation will not be removed)
any open flat land gives 10% penalty
marsh gives 15% penalty
only top terrain counts, improvement bonus will be added to that
flatland + fort = 40%
hill + fort = 75%
hill = 25%
forest/jungle on flatland = 25%
forest/jungle on hill = 25%
forest on flat + fort = 75%
forest on hill + fort = 75%
forest on hill + citadel = 125%
fixed 20% penalty for attacking over river - will be displayed if unit is standing on the other side of river
"Amphibious" unique removes this penalty
* Farms near freshwater
* Farm now has unique "Can also be built on tiles adjacent to fresh water"
Even snow: https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/11qtko/farms_on_snow/
Hill+Farm, Snow+Farm, Tundra+Farm sprites by THE BUCKETEER and Ravignir from discord
* fields improvingTech and improvingTechStats converted into uniques
"[+1 Production] once [Scientific Theory] is discovered"
"[+1 Food] on [fresh water] tiles once [Civil Service] is discovered"
"[+1 Food] on [non-fresh water] tiles once [Fertilizer] is discovered"
* ai will build trading posts and farms in snow and tundra if it has no better tiles to work on
* "Provides a one-time Production bonus to the closest city when cut down" unique for forest
* update template.properties
* Added icons
* [temple](https://thenounproject.com/search/?q=temple&i=28256) By Fabio Meroni for Temple of Artemis
* [Canoe](https://thenounproject.com/term/canoe/402285/) By Viktor Fedyuk (Tim P) for Floating Gardens
* [Garden](https://thenounproject.com/search/?q=garden&i=1478380) By Bharat
Aztecs by Séan https://discord.com/channels/586194543280390151/633733497277775884/727255962754351104
Jaguar by Red11
Reused slinger icon for Slinger Withdraw
* Added buildings and uniques for them
garden - bonus building of the Medieval Era. City "Must border a source of fresh water"
Temple of Artemis - World wonder of the Ancient era
Floating Gardens - Aztec unique building, replaces Water Mill
"[+1 Science] Per [2] Population in this city" - for Library and Public School
"+[]% great person generation in this city" - for garden
"Must border a source of fresh water" - "fresh water" provided by river or tiles with "Fresh water" unique. Added "Fresh water" unique to Lakes and Oasis
"+[10]% growth in all cities" - now has parameter - for Tradition Complete policy and Temple of Artemis
"+[10]% growth in capital" - now has parameter
"+[15]% Production when constructing [ranged units]" - "ranged units" now valid param
"[stats] once [tech] is discovered" - Petra and Mughal Fort have it
"[+1 Production] from [River] tiles in this city"] - now can use "River" - for Hydro plant
* Added Jaguar - Aztec unique unit
New unique - "+[]% combat bonus in [param]" unique - Norwegian Ski Infantry, Jaguars and Mohawks have it. param can be terrainFeature or baseTerrain, in case of baseTerrain it implies there are no features like vegetation her
Implemented "Culture for the empire from each enemy unit killed"
tweaked honor policy - it should bring half as much culture, and same as Sacrificial Captives
Fixed penalty for terrain if unit do not have "No defensive terrain bonus" unique
* Added Aztecs
* Update template.properties
* update template.properties
* update template.properties
* update template.properties