* Fix problems with stats from tiles and improvements
* Hold on, we can get the ruleset from the tile. And I was about to complain about that
* Update docs
* Funky null fix
* if else chain doesn't make sense for percent changes on second thought
* Incorporate suggestions
* Use getUnpillagedImprovement functions in matchesFilter
* We don't actually need the whole improvement here, just the name
* Move Golden Age to after all other stats
* Simplify percent stat adds
* Avoid Civilopedia stumbling over missing Grassland
* A few wiki comments on Terrain
* Minor linting of my own crud
* Pedia linking PromotionPickerScreen
* Change actionTypeToFunctions signature to use Sequence
* Uniques: added MayBuyConstructionsInPupets unique for a civ
Gives an ability to buy items (units and buildings) in puppet cities
* Uniques: clear unnecessary whitespaces
* Uniques: typo in a `puppet` word
* Uniques: use city's `getMatchingUniques` instead of civ's `hasUnique` during checking the unique
* Wiki: Remove texture atlas info from the Introduction, minor formatting changes
* Wiki: Add texture atlas info back in under Images-and-Audio, expanded (external tools, settings, encoding warning).
* On second thought...
* Double-check wording for 'game.png is no longer a special boy', ensure game atlas is merged into textureRegions only once
* xpForNewUnits is not used anymore
* Adding links to json files
* Redid some tables (TODO)
* Deprecate cannotBeBuiltWith
* Update 2-Civilization-related-JSON-files.md
Standardised uniques link and description
Miscellaneous changes to grammar to be consistent
* First round of amendment
Fixed up some links
Made grammar more consistent
Removed deprecated `effect` from ModOptions.json
Added CityStateTypes.json
* Second round of amendment
Made grammar more consistent
Changed `Optional` header to `Default`
Removed tabs from json code
Changed all stats to a `<stats>`
* Undid accidental replacement
* Undid accidental replacement
* Made list more consistent
* Rewrote policy branch and turns in eras.json
* Third round of amendment
Split stats
Fixed a couple of stuff idk tbh
* Added stats
* Added nationFilter
* Final amendment
* Adding markdown table format based on suggestion
* Fixed errors/suggestions based on reviews
changed building.cost default to be -1
added footnotes for improvements instead of list
removed faith from unit.hurryCostModifier
removed assosciation of nationFilter with civFilter
* Mod compatibility - update declarations
* Mod compatibility - logic and UI changes
* Mod compatibility - flag some invalid use patterns
* RulesetValidator - lint until Studio shuts up
* Fix isBaseRuleset test in ModRequires validation
Co-authored-by: Yair Morgenstern <yairm210@hotmail.com>
* Tweaked the stat gamespeed conditional
Tweaked the stat gamespeed conditional to accept the resources
* Changed some names
* Fixed a double limit bug
* Ruleset-validate some Unique amounts to be positive
* Add TechAction for tech gained from Ruins
* Allow PolicyPickerScreen to highlight a Policy
* Add the 'PolicyAction' NotificationAction
* Use the new PolicyAction
* Prepare Leader Voices: Framework
* Leader Voices: Hooks and corresponding text field comments
* Leader Voices: wiki
* Leader Voices: oops, comments
* Decouple voice play calls to make global modification easier
* Move voices to own folder and give them a separate volume setting
* Oops, template needed too
* Oops, wiki needed too
* River yields moddable and Civilopedia entry
* Improve text and better fresh water explanations
* Map editor exclusion as Unique, for River and previously hardcoded Improvements
* Map editor brush to Civilopedia link, starting locations cleaned
* Some SeventhM input applied
* Reword River/Lakes/Oasis civilopediaText and comments again
* Added Human and AI filters, separated civFilter from nationFilter (very similar and yet slightly different)
* Changed "Human" and "AI" to "Human player" and "AI player"
* Fix "AskForAssistance" Quest notification untranslatable
* Extend DiplomacyAction to allow showing the TradeTable of the other civ
* Make "trade ends" notifications clickable
* Make entries in Trade page of Empire Overview clickable
* Highlight selected civ in DiplomacyScreen, moddable
* A little proactive comment
* RekMod-inspired: StatPercentFromReligionFollowers does work on FounderBelief target
* RekMod-inspired: Make StatPercentFromReligionFollowers check correct Religion
* RekMod-inspired: Prep: flags on ImprovementBuildingProblem
* RekMod-inspired: Don't offer e.g. Kampong Ayer to non-Brunei Workboats
* Update "filtering Uniques" documentation
* Verbose exception for the original RekMod's Civilian crash
* Make ConstructImprovementInstantly validation gameInfo-agnostic
* Helpers to encapsulate repetitive Conditional test patterns, eliminating ruleset(), all ruleset access guarded
* Make ConditionalFirstCivToResearch actually work on Policies - ???
* Linting
* Revert params accessor helpers and reduce ConditionalFirstCivToResearch to tech only
* Implement ConditionalFirstCivToAdopt for nicer symmetry
* Added two new Conditional Uniques
These are:
- <when above [amount] gold>
- <when below [amount] gold>
* Added Remove Building unique
It has two parameters: buildingFilter and cityFilter
* Minor example update
* Applied the corrections proposed by SomeTroglodyte
* Update uniques.md
* Slightly changed an unique text
Removed "in" word from the unique
* Updated the Stat Conditional to support more stats
Now supports more stockpileable Stats
- Gold
- Faith
- Culture
- Science
* Added the game speed-adjusted conditionals
Now there are 5 uniques in my pull request
* Integrated the Stat and Resource Conditionals
Requested by @yairm210
* Applied the suggestions of @yairm210
* Applied the suggestions of @yairm210 again
I hope my PR is ready to merge
* Display Pixel Unit Art in Civilopedia
* Pixel Unit Art in Civilopedia - Setting UI
* Change FormattedLine.extraImage sizing to apply to longer coordinate
* Pixel Unit Art in Civilopedia - better centering using 'crop to content'
* Giant refactoring - get rid of old religion style actions!!!
* Added special promotion to replace Great Mosque of Djenne ability
* removed double promotion added my mistake
* Added AI recognition of cities with bonus spread religion charges
* Added "disallowed for pantheon" filtering to new unit actions
* merge unit action changes with religion action changes
* Use new invokeUnitAction function for simplicity
* revert inquisitor unique change used for tests
* separate modifier side effects from old-style side effects
* Use canUSe shorthand for clarity
* Victory Screen Illustrations page
* Fix WorldReligion victory disclosing random player count
* Victory screen icons and Victory types get their separately moddable path
* Merge fix and nicer wiki text
* VictoryScreenIllustrations debug run
* Fix Image sizing and some polishing
* Fix white squares on some Victory Screen Cultural milestone buttons
* Defensive Pacts can now be offered.
* Signing a defensive pact now makes the Civs join all defensive wars. Any future defensive wars will force the other civ to join.
* Removed Popup Alert Defensive Pact.
* Defensive pact and Research pact now are only on the trade screen.
* AI now offers defensive pacts.
* Added AI evaluating sending and receiving Defensive Pact offers.
* Reverted some temporary changes
* Reduced the chance an AI offers a defensive pact
* Starting an offensive war now cancels all Defensive Pacts with other civilisations.
* Removed extra requirements before an AI will sign or offer a defensive pact.
* Added Defensive Pacts to the Civilopedia.
* Fixed the AI counter offering with treaties.
* Fixed a test using the old method of checking if a civ is at war.
* Fixed a previous refactor error.
* Deleted commented out Research Agreement button code.
* Fixed some spelling errors and remnant debugging code.
* Removed signing a defensive pact brings both Civ's into each others previous defensive wars.
* Refactored setFriendshipBasedModifier to look better
* Starting an offensive war now removes the defensive pact form both sides.
* Reverted changes to DiplomaticStatus
* Removed extra technology check to sign a defensive pact.
* Removed DiplomacyManager.isAtWar() completely.
* Moved setting defensivePact flags from TradeLogic.transferTrade() to DiplomacyManager.signDefensivePact.
* Changed diplomatic modifiers related to Defensive Pacts to be less extreme.
* Fixed canceling Defensive Pacts when declaring war and notifying other Civs.
* Updated the Defensive Pact entry in the Civilopedia and fixed some spelling.
* Fixed Defensive Pact behavior while attacking and defending.
* Changed a variable to a more readable name.
* Improved readability of setFriendshipBasedModifier().
* Moved the important onWarDeclared functionality to their own functions.
* Added a notification for the attacking Civ when a Civ joins war through a Defensive Pact.
* Refactored setDefensivePactBasedModifier() to be more readable.
* Increased DeclinedDefensivePact time.
* Deleted old commented code that removed the research agreement button.
* Fixed having reverting changes errors in UnitMovementTests.
* Refactored breaking treaties when declaring war.
* Removed unnecessary semicolons.
* Treat remaining untyped Uniques in default rulesets, make unit test catch them
* Change untyped filtering Uniques check to Validation by inclusion in GlobalUniques instead of UniqueType.AircraftMarker
* Wiki for untyped filtering Uniques
* Re-include the "Who knows" of Future Tech on the Tech picker
* Overhaul NUKE code to behave closer to original
* Separate garrison protection of Bomb Shelter to its own Unique
* Reduce code duplication: getNukeBlastRadius
* Disallow nuking unknown civs
* Don't show Nuke attack table when the Nuke has just been selected
* World map display of nuke blast radius and friendly fire
* Reduce conversion of local mod folder names to treat only ending spaces/dashes
* Wiki entry for GlobalUniques
* Missing originRuleset coverage
* Nicer RulesetValidator messages when name or originRuleset are missing
* Allow a few working UniqueType-UniqueTarget combos in RulesetValidator
* RulesetValidator checks GlobalUniques
* Alternate Settlers and Workers recognized via Unique - same rules in RulesetValidator and GameStarter, wiki clarification
* Split off some UniqueType helper classes, make regions work in Android Studio and linting
* Fix wrong UniqueType.Stats target
* Fix two Pantheon uniques
* BeliefType a little nicer to read
* More linting
* Implement UniqueTarget validation
* Validation of UniqueTypes allowed as conditionals
* City-level resources are...
- Not displayed in civ top bar
- Not considered civ-level resources (for trade, non-city conditionals, etc)
- Are explicitly treated in city conditionals
- ARE considered for constructing buildings requiring resource
- ARE NOT considered for construction units requiring resource
* getCityResources separates resources by origin so we need to sum them - kudos @SeventhM
* CR fixes
* Added new Civilization.getResourceAmount function
* More usages of civInfo.getResourceAmount()
* Don't add city resource table if it's empty
* Extract AnimatedMenuPopup from UnitUpgradeMenu to make its basic idea reusable
* Rebase UnitUpgradeMenu onto AnimatedMenuPopup
* Add SoundPlayer.playRepeated for future reusability
* Move UnitUpgradeMenu to popups package
* Reuse playRepeated in PromotionPickerScreen
* Reuse playRepeated in PromotionPickerScreen - clean up imports
* Tighten mod check severity and selectivity for unit-producing triggered Uniques
* Prettify display of mod check results by suppressing dupes and hiding conditionals from tr()
* Extra confirmation to play with errors, colors, improved handling of mod checkboxes
* Tweaks to improved mod checking in new game
* Dynamic mod categories from online query
* Move Working string to Constants
* Move Mod categories to json
* Move Mod categories to json - UI
* Move Mod categories to json - initial json
* Popups get the ability to scroll only the content without the buttons
* Centralize LoadingPopup
* Split non-WorldScreenMenuPopup classes off from that file
* Linting
* Nicer music playback dialog
* Translation templates
* Unit upgrade tooltip in overview
* Unit upgrade tooltip in action table
* Unit upgrade tooltip in action table - colored Key
* Unit upgrade in Overview - reselect
* Fix merge problems and FormattedLine color markup ability
* Relax MarkupRenderer.render lines parameter type
* Skin has a getColor shortcut - use it
* Unit overview upgrade icons now open a menu instead of upgrading immediately
* Unit Overview upgrade - "Mid" buttons
* Unit Overview upgrade - reorg
* Allow mod preview image to be a jpg
* Allow preview images from WIP mods lacking github url
* Wiki preview.jpg
* Allow mod preview image to be a jpg - review
* Add `May not annex cities` unique, following same behaviour as Civ5 Venice. Hopefully this time I won't need to re-install windows.
* Add `May not annex cities` unique, following same behaviour as Civ5 Venice. Hopefully this time I won't need to re-install windows.
* Fix raze button being unavailable in city screen
* Fixed raze button being available in city screen, as per civ5
* Corrected indentation
* mayAnnex instead of canAnnex, hasUnique rather than getMatchingUniques
* AI will follow rules
* Replaced getMatchingUniques with hasUnique, for real this time
* Resource stockpiles!
* toString extension including sign (+/-)
* Trigger uniques to provide/consume stockpiled resources
* Fixed build
* Display 'per turn' for stockpiled resources that are consumed per turn
* "Costs [amount] [resource]" works!
* Stockpile unique costs are displayed in construction button
* Added unique to prevert certain resources from being traded
* Slight cleanup of TileStatFunctions
* Make City center minimum tile yields moddable
* Make City center minimum tile yields moddable - patch1
* Make City center minimum tile yields moddable - patch1
* Fixed TechButton progress-bar padding, less rounded corners for buttons.
* Removed extra padding on the right
Co-authored-by: tunerzinc@gmail.com <vfylfhby>