Open-source Android/Desktop remake of Civ V
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Arthur van der Staaij 450c185af8
Corrected many building production costs, tech requirements and wonder effects (#4201)
* Corrected building construction costs

Full changelog:
(Changes marked with a "!" deviate from the surrounding pattern)

Lighthouse         100 -> 75  (!)
Great Lighthouse   250 -> 185 (!)

Temple             120 -> 100
Burial Tomb        120 -> 100
Mud Pyramid Mosque 120 -> 100
Market             120 -> 100
Bazaar             120 -> 100
Mint               120 -> 100
Aqueduct           120 -> 100
The Oracle         300 -> 250
Petra              300 -> 250
Great Wall         300 -> 250

Monastery          160 -> 120
Workshop           160 -> 120
Forge              160 -> 120
Hagia Sophia       400 -> 300
Chichen Itza       400 -> 300
Machu Picchu       400 -> 300

Harbor             200 -> 120 (!)
University         200 -> 160
Wat                200 -> 160
Castle             200 -> 160
Mughal Fort        200 -> 150 (!)
Armory             200 -> 160
Angkor Wat         500 -> 400
Alhambra           500 -> 400
Notre Dame         500 -> 400

Observatory        250 -> 200
Opera House        250 -> 200
Bank               250 -> 200
Satrap's Court     250 -> 200
Hanse              250 -> 200
Theatre            250 -> 200
Sistine Chapel     625 -> 500
Forbidden Palace   625 -> 500
L. Tower of Pisa   625 -> 500
Himeji Castle      625 -> 500

Seaport            300 -> 250
Windmill           300 -> 250
Taj Mahal          750 -> 625
Porcelain Tower    750 -> 625

Museum             360 -> 300
Public School      360 -> 300
Arsenal            360 -> 300
Military Academy   360 -> 300
Louvre             920 -> 750
Big Ben            920 -> 750
Brandenburg Gate   920 -> 750

Hospital           500 -> 360
Stock Exchange     500 -> 360

Eiffel Tower       1250 -> 1060
Statue of Liberty  1250 -> 1060
Kremlin            1250 -> 625  (!)
Neuschwanstein     1250 -> 1060

Nuclear Plant      750  -> 500
Solar Plant        750  -> 500
Sydney Opera House 2000 -> 1250
Manhattan Project  2000 -> 750  (!)
Apollo Program     1500 -> 750  (!)

* Corrected Hanging Gardens

10 food -> 6 food.
Now provides a free Garden.

* Corrected Statue of Liberty

Now provides a free social policy.

* Corrected Angkor Wat

Now unlocked with Education instead of Chivalry.

* Corrected Cristo Redentor

Now unlocked with Plastics instead of Flight.

* Corrected Kremlin

No longer gives 12 city strength (this was removed in G&K).

* Corrected Manhattan Project

Now unlocked with Atomic Theory instead of Nuclear Fission".

This does buff nuclear missiles quite a bit, since you no longer need
Nuclear Fission, but that's only because the last part of the tech tree
is very incomplete, and provides nuclear missiles too early. We need to
start correcting it somewhere.

* Corrected Leaning Tower of Pisa

Now provides +25% great person generation in all cities.

* Corrected Kremlin some more

Now unlocked with Metallurgy instead of Railroad.

* Fixed Arsenal production cost correction

It is now actually 300, as was stated in the previous changelog.

* Reordered many buildings

Reordered many buildings to conform to the tech tree order.
In order of priority:
left to right, top to bottom, buildings to national wonders to wonders.

* Corrected production cost for Colossus

Colossus was wrongly ordered in the json file, so its production cost
was unknowingly changed from 300 to 250 (this was not noted in the
previous changelog), however, it should be even lower: 185. This commit
corrects this.

tl;dr 250 -> 185

* Corrected Hermitage

Now unlocked with Architecture instead of Archaeology.

* Corrected National Treasury

Now unlocked with Guilds instead of Currency.

* Reverted incorrect corrections

Provides 12 city strength again.

Statue of Liberty:
No longer provides a free social policy.
2021-06-19 21:45:41 +03:00
.github Update buildAndDeploy.yml 2021-04-19 22:12:02 +03:00
android Corrected many building production costs, tech requirements and wonder effects (#4201) 2021-06-19 21:45:41 +03:00
buildSrc 3.15.2-patch1 2021-06-18 11:22:55 +03:00
core Change improvement picker key indicators to tooltip (#4174) 2021-06-19 21:43:04 +03:00
desktop Made atlas textures use mipmaps again (#4187) 2021-06-18 09:25:11 +03:00
docs Fix typo (#4168) 2021-06-17 12:13:23 +03:00
extraImages 3.15.2-patch1 2021-06-18 11:22:55 +03:00
gradle/wrapper Gradle upgrade 2021-05-07 13:18:48 +03:00
ios Gradle Kotlin DSL (#2634) 2020-05-19 00:14:01 +03:00
tests Re-show redundant tech prereq mod errors without impeding playability (#4046) 2021-06-08 06:44:25 +03:00
.gitignore Resolved #3600 - multiplayer game reloading and screen resize no longer reset map zoom and position 2021-02-16 20:00:47 +02:00
build.gradle.kts Gradle upgrade 2021-05-07 13:18:48 +03:00 3.15.2 2021-06-18 10:08:59 +03:00
debug.keystore We need the debug keystore to check the Android package locally 2021-03-06 21:44:37 +02:00 New SDK versions, gradle properties, and androidx - this seems to solve the previous problems! 2021-05-08 23:24:57 +03:00
gradlew As did the upgrade to 6.2.2 2020-04-19 11:47:34 +03:00
gradlew.bat As did the upgrade to 6.2.2 2020-04-19 11:47:34 +03:00
keystore.jks Google play-able 2017-11-25 21:56:04 +02:00
LICENSE Create LICENSE 2018-02-25 00:13:37 +02:00 Update 2021-06-18 11:21:32 +03:00
settings.gradle.kts Gradle Kotlin DSL (#2634) 2020-05-19 00:14:01 +03:00

Unciv - FOSS Civ V for Android+Desktop

Google Play F-Droid Flathub

Travis CI w/ Logo Build and deploy Discord Chat

What is this?

An open-source, mod-friendly Android+Desktop remake of Civ V, made with LibGDX

Is this any good?

Depends what you're looking for. If you're in the market for high-res graphics, amazing soundtracks, animations etc, I highly recommend Firaxis's Civ-V-like game, "Civilization V".

If you want a small, fast, moddable, FOSS, in-depth 4X that can still run on a potato, you've come to the right place :)

What's the roadmap?

Is this order:

  • Polish! As you may have noticed, Unciv is fully functional but rough around the edges. This means:
    • UI+UX improvements (suggestions welcome!)
    • Better automation, AI etc. in-game
  • Development and distribution cycle - Done! (tests, f-droid/Google Play/ deployment)
  • Missing features from Vanilla - Natural wonders , city-state quests, missing civs etc. - mostly done!
  • G&K mechanics - religion, faith etc.
  • BNW mechanics - trade routes etc.


How can I help?

Programmers start here!

Translators start here!

Modders start here!

You can join us in any of the open issue, or work on improving anything you want - once you're finished, issue a pull request and it'll go into the next version!

If not, you can help by spreading the word - vote for Unciv where you can, mention it on Reddit or Twitter etc, and help us with new ideas of how to get the word out!


Will you implement {feature}?

If it's in the original Civ V, then yes!

There's a lot left to implement, so it's hard to give an estimation of when exactly each feature will be added, but we're constantly improving!

If not, then the feature won't be added until we've finished all the features from the original Civ - as mentioned, this will take a while!

Will you implement Civ VI?

Considering how long it took to get this far, no.

Is there a desktop version?

Yes! Windows and Linux versions are available at, and if you're using the Itch app, your game will stay up-to-date - and we release pretty frequently so that's an issue ;)

If you have Java 8, and are familiar with the command line, there are (considerably smaller) JARs in Releases which you can run with java -jar Unciv.jar. This is also (currently) the only way to run the game on MacOS.

If you use Flatpaks, there's a Flatpak by MayeulC and you can know more about it here. Flathub link is available in the Downloads section.

If you want to build it from sratch for some reason, we have instructions for that as well

How about IOS?

I'm not planning on it.

It means paying money to Apple, yet another release path, and since I don't have an IOS device it means I can't test it properly.

How come this isn't working on my Raspberry Pi?

LibGDX doesn't work on Raspberry, and so neither does Unciv.

If you're really invested, I'd be thrilled if you could make it work - this seems to be possible, see for his detailed instructions

How can I learn to play? Where's the wiki?

All the tutorial information is available in-game at menu > civilopedia > tutorials

All the information is included in the amazing Civ V wiki

Since this is a Civ V clone, you can search Google for how to play Civ V and there are loads of answers =)

Alternatively, you could join us on Discord and ask there =D

This is a subject that I've heard a lot of hearsay on but no solid sources of law.

From what I gather, it is illegal:

  • To use the Civilization name
  • To impersonate the Civ games (so calling yourself civi|zation with a similar logo, for instance)
  • To use any assets from the original game (images, sound etc) - they belong to Firaxis

From what I understand, intellectual property rights apply to names, characters and settings. They do not apply to mechanics - as I'm sure you know, there are a billion Flappy Bird knockoffs

If anyone has any real legal sources, or can shed some light on the limits of what is and is not allowed, I'd be happy to hear!


Multiplayer takes advantage of Dropbox, which is non-free software, for syncing purposes.

Single player does not use this feature.


Credits and 3rd parties