Created ProfilerManager passive system to act as a manager and factory for SystemProfiler instances
Changed SystemProfiler static functions to be a ProfilerManager instance via injection
Fixed some UI bugs within SystemProfiler GUI including incorrect width
Added reference to ProfilerSystem within CursorMovementSystem to block input events when profiler GUI is open
Removed ProfilerSystem#dispose() -- ProfilerManager has it's own dispose method
Reduced visibility of SystemProfiler constructors -- instances should only be created by ProfilerManager
SystemProfiler#initialize() will no longer add the instances to a struct -- automatically added when created by ProfilerManager factory
Implemented averaging of network latency samples via NetworkProfiler
NetworkProfiler handles the interfacing between Profiler plugin and Pinger system
Created IntervalBaseSystem which is a copy of IntervalSystem without dependency on any Aspect
Added support for a PacketListener for Pinger system (receives callbacks for received ping packets)
Created actual SystemProfiler instances for sampling CPU and GPU frame times
CPU and GPU frame times are now graphed with each system (adding them should give total frame time)
Added sample field to SystemProfiler to store value of last call to SystemProfiler#sample(long)
Removed CPU and GPU profiling from ProfilerSystem
Rewrote artemis-odb-contrib/contrib-plugin-profiler
Profiler was too restrictive and privated many useful fields and had static methods, yuk
Profiler plugin will always run and the key will only hide the UI (and set it as GPU system)
Profiler plugin will maybe be modified in the future to be more extensible
Extended profiler plugin to support tagging systems as GPU systems
I'd like to know which systems are slow and track CPU/GPU bottlenecks on mobile
Added Ping to Networking fbs
Created long to store current ping in ms
Changed Client draw fps to draw below fps
Created Pinger system which manages and sending and receiving Ping packets is really more like RTT+frame_time and should be ironed out better
Created issue #77 related to the work done in this commit and deficiencies to be addressed
Removed Deleted component and associated flatbuffers classes
Created Flags component along with added a bitflags field to EntitySync flatbuffers table
It seems plausible more flags will be needed in the future aside from marking an entity as deleted
ItemController interface changed to be an engine-operable interface
Removed ItemController interface from CharData
Changed ItemController#groundToCursor(Item) to #groundToCursor(int) to pick up an item wrapper entity
ItemManager now handles item entity creation/deletion (may change)
ClientItemManager changed to operate upon Riiablo.charData and is for clients
CursorMovementSystem now uses ItemController instead of handling item drop and packeting directly
Item wrapper entity deletion remains unhandled in multiplayer until support for networking entity deletion is added
ItemController created to allow swappable interfacing between CharData and ClientItemManager
ClientItemManager engine system added (defers to Riiablo.charData temporarily)
Added dependency injection for ItemController to allow wiring
Changed item management panels to use ItemController injection instead of Riiablo.charData directly
CharData has been fully replaced with a version that doesn't just wrap a D2S file
Added support for a more event-based action approach with the UI
Event systems still need to be added to engine to perform CharData item operations
Decoupled com.riiablo.Cursor from D2S cursor item management -- defers to Riiablo.charData instance
Added some additional load methods and util functions
Added some backwards compat functions to grab item index, etc
D2S#copyTo(CharData) calls D2S#loadRemaining automatically
Added CharData#obtain to return an uninitialized (possibly dirty) CharData
Added CharData#preloadItems which loads player and merc items
CharData#load(D2S) will set CharData to managed
Implemented support for updating items, item stats, and applying stats to ItemData attributes field
Added reference to CharStats.Entry to ItemData -- this may be removed when hireling stats are implemented more thoroughly
Added clear method in CharData to support chaining CharData reset methods clear().load(D2S)
Added empty base stats for hireling -- fixes issues with applying hireling stats to their own Attributes
Passed sets map should correspond to any set-counting entity (player or hireling)
Added fix to ignore CharStats.Entry field in Attributes#op if null (for hirelings)