Changed rounding method of Map#flags(float,float) to use Map#round(float) instead of casting down to int
Removed indexing and connection links from Point2
Point2 are now indexed using MapGraph#getOrCreate and mapped using an ObjectSet -- using int hash did not seem sufficient
Connections to a given Point2 are lazily generated using a static Array -- it did not make sense to cache this for every node
Cleaned up API and method references (all pathing methods now use MapGraph#searchNodePath as their base method)
Most of these changed are geared to hopefully use the underlying map collision flags array as the graph instead of building a new one
Created Box2DComponent to store Box2D body
Created Box2DPhysicsSystem to generate world objects and iterate physics
Created Box2DBodySystem to propagate VelocityComponent to Box2D bodies
Introduced CofComponent.setComponent(int,int) to auto set dirty flags for changed components
AnimationLoaderSystem will now unset load flag for null layers and remove transform and alpha update flags
CofLoaderSystem will now trigger a layer load when a nil component is encountered
Removed generic update flags from CofComponent
Created AlphaUpdate and TransformUpdate components to store flags of layers that need updating
AnimationLoaderSystem no longer sets alpha and transform values and sets flags instead
Created AlphaUpdateSystem and TransformUpdateSystem to update animation layers
Added support for animation transformations / alphas
Changed CofComponent transformation field back to byte
Introduced update dirty flags in CofComponent to track transformation changes
Added target field to AngleComponent
Set default AngleComponent angles to PI/2
Changed AngleComponent angle fields to Vector2
Added support for angular velocity -- entities will no longer instantly update to target vector
Added support for pooling Animation, Animation.Builder, Animation.Layer
Animation will now use only its managed BBox -- no more returning BBox of layers
Redefined animation states into Mode enum -- they were discrete
Replaced act methods with update
Animation builder now copies layers instead of setting the animation object layers reference to builder layers reference
Added support for ds1 object paths
Added first debug system PathDebugSystem -- more features will be moved from RenderSystem
Added radius field to RenderSystem to track radius of overscan (used to clamp rendering of entities to fov)
font16 W was rendering an additional line of pixels from adjacent character -- this should prevent the character size increase if it extends into adjacent pixels