Removed Deleted component and associated flatbuffers classes
Created Flags component along with added a bitflags field to EntitySync flatbuffers table
It seems plausible more flags will be needed in the future aside from marking an entity as deleted
ItemController interface changed to be an engine-operable interface
Removed ItemController interface from CharData
Changed ItemController#groundToCursor(Item) to #groundToCursor(int) to pick up an item wrapper entity
ItemManager now handles item entity creation/deletion (may change)
ClientItemManager changed to operate upon Riiablo.charData and is for clients
CursorMovementSystem now uses ItemController instead of handling item drop and packeting directly
Item wrapper entity deletion remains unhandled in multiplayer until support for networking entity deletion is added
ItemController created to allow swappable interfacing between CharData and ClientItemManager
ClientItemManager engine system added (defers to Riiablo.charData temporarily)
Added dependency injection for ItemController to allow wiring
Changed item management panels to use ItemController injection instead of Riiablo.charData directly
CharData has been fully replaced with a version that doesn't just wrap a D2S file
Added support for a more event-based action approach with the UI
Event systems still need to be added to engine to perform CharData item operations
Decoupled com.riiablo.Cursor from D2S cursor item management -- defers to Riiablo.charData instance
Added some additional load methods and util functions
Added some backwards compat functions to grab item index, etc
D2S#copyTo(CharData) calls D2S#loadRemaining automatically
Added CharData#obtain to return an uninitialized (possibly dirty) CharData
Added CharData#preloadItems which loads player and merc items
CharData#load(D2S) will set CharData to managed
Implemented support for updating items, item stats, and applying stats to ItemData attributes field
Added reference to CharStats.Entry to ItemData -- this may be removed when hireling stats are implemented more thoroughly
Added clear method in CharData to support chaining CharData reset methods clear().load(D2S)
Added empty base stats for hireling -- fixes issues with applying hireling stats to their own Attributes
Passed sets map should correspond to any set-counting entity (player or hireling)
Added fix to ignore CharStats.Entry field in Attributes#op if null (for hirelings)
Removed some ItemData related methods from CharData for the time being
Moved initial stat assignments to reset method since only set at initialize
Started implementing stat tracking in ItemData instead of CharData
Above change needed because merc stats should track differently than player
Changed initial value for cursor field to INVALID_ITEM for consistency
Equip and unequip manage equipped enum map and set counter updates
Changed EquipListener onChanged to onEquip and onUnequip
Removed support for swapping equip items within a single call (swapping is an aggregate now)
UpdateSets changed to updateSet that will add or remove item based on add parameter
Added Attributes field to ItemData constructor -- items will apply attrs to this field