* Songhai, Burial Tomb, Gold for capturing city
* Burial Tomb unique: double gold gained when city is captured
* Rebuilt Atlas and Translations
* Italian translation + fix missing translations
* Barbarian Camp Reward
Is now modified by Speed and Difficulty
1-140 line - fixed errors in words
141 line - Wat is untranslatable thing so I change Roman alphabet on Cyrillic alphabet .
I'm will continue tomorrow.
* Added the notification for the third-party civilizations
If a civilizations knows about some two civilizations, it will be notified when:
* They declare the war
* They make a peace
* They sign the declaration of peace
* One denounce the other
Additionally, when civ enters a new era, all civs that know about it get a notification
* Fixed the translation `.properties`
* Cleanup
* Fix: 2 notifications for each peace treaty
Russia and America...
America and Russia...
* Typo
* Code style changes
* Resolved conflicts
* Simple getCommonKnownCivs() tests
* Fix Natural Wonders tile worked happiness not computed & double bonus from discovering extended (like GBR) Natural Wonder in same turn
* Bugfix Barbarians spawning on Natural Wonder + Notification on Barbarian Spawn
* Added notification text to ranslations
* Fix Greece Unique wasn't effective + Added CityState relation notifications
* Greece influence to CityState benefits from unique
* Added notifications when you are about to lose (or lost) friendship and alliance with a city state. Closes#1168
* Introduced restingPoint in DiplomacyManager to support constant shifts in influence
* Autogeneration translation files
* NaturalWonders initial commit
* Created models/ruleset/tile/NaturalWonder and assets/json/NaturalWonders
* MapGenerator now spawns NaturalWonders in random compatible random locations
* MapParameters has a noNaturalWonders option
* TileInfo has naturalWonder property (set to null if none)
* TileInfo and UnitMovementAlgorithms correctly manages stats and consider the tile unpassable and unimprovable
* Notification and happiness on NaturalWonder discovery
* El Dorado discovery bonus, Spain unique
* Doubled tile yields for Spain
* NaturalWonders implemented as TerrainType + Fountain of Youth promotion
* Images issue #124
* NaturalWonder TileImages (Fantasy) and Overlay (Default)
* NaturalWonderOverlay.png : https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/mount-fuji_2166259
* Bugfix
* Added translations
* Italian translations
* Fix translation issue
* missing space after = in template.properties breaks translations
* Improved NaturalWonder spawn logic
* Great Barrier Reef spawns on 2 contiguous tiles
* Each wonder has specific spawn requirements
* Number of wonders spawned scales with map radius
* Fix unused import