* Add additional cityFilters
* Maybe viewingCiv shouldn't be null
* Studio complains it is unnecessary now
* I'm doomed to forget imports
* Ignore this
* typo
* ModOptions reorder into regions, and bring back "internal" fields into the wiki
* Fix two cases of Mod Manager displaying out-of-sync states
* ModConstants and ModConstants.UnitUpgradeCost get equality contracts and a reflection-based shorter merge
* GithubAPI.kt more documentation
* Fix problems with stats from tiles and improvements
* Hold on, we can get the ruleset from the tile. And I was about to complain about that
* Update docs
* Funky null fix
* if else chain doesn't make sense for percent changes on second thought
* Incorporate suggestions
* Use getUnpillagedImprovement functions in matchesFilter
* We don't actually need the whole improvement here, just the name
* Move Golden Age to after all other stats
* Simplify percent stat adds
* Avoid Civilopedia stumbling over missing Grassland
* A few wiki comments on Terrain
* Minor linting of my own crud
* Pedia linking PromotionPickerScreen
* Change actionTypeToFunctions signature to use Sequence
* Uniques: added MayBuyConstructionsInPupets unique for a civ
Gives an ability to buy items (units and buildings) in puppet cities
* Uniques: clear unnecessary whitespaces
* Uniques: typo in a `puppet` word
* Uniques: use city's `getMatchingUniques` instead of civ's `hasUnique` during checking the unique
* Wiki: Remove texture atlas info from the Introduction, minor formatting changes
* Wiki: Add texture atlas info back in under Images-and-Audio, expanded (external tools, settings, encoding warning).
* On second thought...
* Double-check wording for 'game.png is no longer a special boy', ensure game atlas is merged into textureRegions only once
* xpForNewUnits is not used anymore
* Adding links to json files
* Redid some tables (TODO)
* Deprecate cannotBeBuiltWith
* Update 2-Civilization-related-JSON-files.md
Standardised uniques link and description
Miscellaneous changes to grammar to be consistent
* First round of amendment
Fixed up some links
Made grammar more consistent
Removed deprecated `effect` from ModOptions.json
Added CityStateTypes.json
* Second round of amendment
Made grammar more consistent
Changed `Optional` header to `Default`
Removed tabs from json code
Changed all stats to a `<stats>`
* Undid accidental replacement
* Undid accidental replacement
* Made list more consistent
* Rewrote policy branch and turns in eras.json
* Third round of amendment
Split stats
Fixed a couple of stuff idk tbh
* Added stats
* Added nationFilter
* Final amendment
* Adding markdown table format based on suggestion
* Fixed errors/suggestions based on reviews
changed building.cost default to be -1
added footnotes for improvements instead of list
removed faith from unit.hurryCostModifier
removed assosciation of nationFilter with civFilter
* Mod compatibility - update declarations
* Mod compatibility - logic and UI changes
* Mod compatibility - flag some invalid use patterns
* RulesetValidator - lint until Studio shuts up
* Fix isBaseRuleset test in ModRequires validation
Co-authored-by: Yair Morgenstern <yairm210@hotmail.com>
* Refactor Battle damage shadowed Label into reusable WidgetGroup
* Make Politics Overview "Grid header" fixed and some linting
* Add a Legend popup explaining line colors in the Politics Overview Diagram: Click inside
* Missing translation template
* Final decision on background didn't make it in properly
* Remove unused png - those are now in the Construction atlas
* Smaller background image
* Color and shadow choices
* Redo atlas to include both 10505 and this
* Tweaked the stat gamespeed conditional
Tweaked the stat gamespeed conditional to accept the resources
* Changed some names
* Fixed a double limit bug
* Added a frigate cannon fire volley sound with crashing
* Changed the frigate and ship of the line to use shipCannonVolley.mp3
* Added proper credits
* Renamed "Volly" to "Volley"
* Start on road connect feature.
* Rough UI and tile highlighting
- Highlight visible tiles for selected unit red
-- Maybe change this to all explored tiles
- Move action firing inside WorldMapHolder
- Set begin and end tiles
* Serialize Vector2 instead of Tile
* Add road icon
* Much better UI handling
- Tile highlights go away after choosing a tile
- Added restrictions to allowed tile destination choices.
- Explored
- Land
- Passable
- Added two-tap button
* Refactor part of `onTileClicked` for readability
* Band-aid fix null pointer error
* Add RoadConnection icon
* Tentatively working connect road feature
* AStar search implementation
* AStar connect road automation
* Fix worker getting stuck in city tiles
* Heuristic should be between tiles
* Add heuristic to road connect, remove maxSize limit
* Fix predicates
* Cancel automation when worker is force moved off path
* Change valid/highlighted tiles to be friendly or neutral
* Put log back the way it was
* Fix behavior when kicked off path
* Worker no longer wastes movement points
* Workers will progress multiple tiles at a time towards the next build destination.
* Respect civs with certain tiles as roads
* Refractor ForceAutomateRoadConnection -> AutomateRoadConnection
* Connect road UI button only shows for units with UniqueType.BuildImprovements
* Connect road UI button only show when road tech is unlocked
* Add wagon sound
* Fix destination icon, add KeyboardBinding to 'c'
* UI highlight connect road path tiles orange
* Downsample wagon.mp3
* Apply migration patch, idiomatic sequence processing
* Add notifications on success and failure
* Extract movement cost function to be reusable
* Refactor road pathfinding into MapPathing.kt
* Make pathing calls more general for future extendability
* Add UI road connection tile path preview
* Keep road path highlighting when routing to a city tile
* Adjust road pathing cost function
* Path includes pillaged roads
* Repair pillaged roads along path
* Valid road path tiles now include all passable tiles (open borders)
* Ruleset-validate some Unique amounts to be positive
* Add TechAction for tech gained from Ruins
* Allow PolicyPickerScreen to highlight a Policy
* Add the 'PolicyAction' NotificationAction
* Use the new PolicyAction