Added level entry label
Added BlendMode.TINT_ID_RED since I can't subtract RGB components
Fixed EntryFile column in Levels.Entry
Added DCWrapper which wraps a DC in an Image and adds blending functionality
Exposed a Map's act
Implemented warp interaction (hard-coded to specific offset)
Added Den of Evil (hard-coded layout)
Increased MapLoader min load to load all Act 1 DT1s (will relax a bit) and up to cave level type
Added button to show all labels for items on the ground
Fixed issue where dropped items were overwriting existing entities -- going to replace with ashley soon
Changed blockIndex back to final
Removed ability to mark blocks as deleted
Moved mpqs to MPQFileHandleResolver
Added public final references to individual mpqs
Forced gem.wav to resolve to d2sfx manually
These changes will have a lower impact when pkexplode eventually gets fixed
Fixed entities not un-setting selection on mobile
Fixed projection matrix not setting to the correct viewport
Changed auto zoom to apply if default viewport is 360p (for desktop debugging)
Changed item drop sound to play in the panels and not cursor
This resolved an issue where dropping item on the ground was playing the inventory drop sound
Added BRIGHTEN blend mode which adds some contrast and lightens image
BRIGHTEN more closely matches the in-game effect than TINT_ID
Playing around with new blend modes -- will experiment with actual HSL method as well
Added support for invisible entities, e.g., placeholders for actual entities
Added some logging for unknown DS1 objects (when no backing id can be found)
Removed virtual MPQ file support -- was for previous version where I was making fake assets
Other minor changes
See #8 on some MPQ read issues I've noticed
Copied over code and fixed some core design issues (much more to come)
Leaving in old code still for now in case some bugs were introduced
Re-designed most of the UI to be far more dynamic in its scaling
Added detection for the android soft keyboard and some UI elements will now actively display above it
Cleanup of old files (not including the old code-base)
Fixed item code 0x53 which was mislabeled
Rewrote Entity class to remove Vector3 dependency and add support for indexed fields
Console cvar completion no longer cares about character case
Added TINT_ID blend mode to add the current color to the image (will use later to highlight entities)
Added very basic controller support (namely splash and main menu)
Redesigned CharacterPreview to be a watered-down player entity instead of a completely separate code-base
Added AnimationWrapper and EntityWrapper classes to assist with adding game elements to Stage
Lots more undocumented changes
Fixed issue with font glyph sizes being slightly too short
I think this was a fix for when there was no padding between glyphs -- no adverse changes apparent yet
Added support for COF layer transforms (transparency, luminance blending, etc)
Added tint to Animation.Layer
Refactored Animation API a bit to make common use-case easier
Refactored colors order, added transparency colors