
1306 lines
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Raw Normal View History

credits.text = Entwickelt von [royal]Anuken[] - [sky]anukendev@gmail.com[]\n\n[gray]
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
credits = Danksagungen
contributors = Übersetzer und Mitwirkende
discord = Tritt dem Mindustry-Discord bei!
2020-06-22 02:03:46 +07:00
link.discord.description = Der offizielle Mindustry Discord Server
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
link.reddit.description = Der Mindustry Subreddit
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
link.github.description = Quellcode des Spiels
link.changelog.description = Liste der Änderungen
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
link.dev-builds.description = Entwicklungs-Builds (instabil)
link.trello.description = Offizielles Trello-Board für geplante Features
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
link.itch.io.description = itch.io-Seite mit Downloads und der Web-Version des Spiels
link.google-play.description = Google Play Store-Seite
link.f-droid.description = F-Droid-Seite
link.wiki.description = Offizelles Mindustry-Wiki
2020-07-26 06:08:25 +07:00
link.suggestions.description = Neue Ideen einbringen
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
linkfail = Fehler beim Öffnen des Links!\nDie URL wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert.
screenshot = Screenshot gespeichert unter {0}
2019-08-16 22:10:27 +07:00
screenshot.invalid = Karte zu groß! Eventuell nicht ausreichend Arbeitsspeicher für Screenshot.
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
gameover = Der Kern wurde zerstört.
gameover.pvp = Das[accent] {0}[] Team ist siegreich!
highscore = [accent]Neuer Highscore!
copied = Kopiert.
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
indev.popup = [accent]v6[] is currently in [accent]alpha[].\n[lightgray]This means:[]\n[scarlet]- The campaign is completely unfinished[]\n- Content is missing\n - Most [scarlet]Unit AI[] does not work properly\n- Many units are unfinished\n- Everything you see is subject to change or removal.\n\nReport bugs or crashes on [accent]Github[].
indev.notready = This part of the game isn't ready yet
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
2020-07-06 18:08:48 +07:00
load.sound = Audio
load.map = Karten
load.image = Bilder
load.content = Inhalt
load.system = System
load.mod = Mods
load.scripts = Scripts
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
be.update = Ein neuer Bleeding Edge build ist verfügbar:
be.update.confirm = Herunterladen und neu starten?
be.updating = Aktualisieren...
be.ignore = Ignorieren
be.noupdates = Keine Aktualisierungen gefunden.
be.check = Auf Aktualisierungen prüfen
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
schematic = Entwurf
schematic.add = Entwurf speichern...
schematics = Entwürfe
schematic.replace = Ein anderer Entwurf hat bereits diesen Namen. Diesen ersetzen?
2020-06-22 02:03:46 +07:00
schematic.exists = Es gibt schon einen Entwurf mit diesem Namen.
schematic.import = Entwurf importieren...
schematic.exportfile = Datei exportieren
schematic.importfile = Datei importieren
schematic.browseworkshop = Workshop durchsuchen
schematic.copy = In Zwischenablage kopieren
schematic.copy.import = Aus Zwischenablage importieren
schematic.shareworkshop = Im Workshop teilen
schematic.flip = [accent][[{0}][]/[accent][[{1}][]: Entwurf umkehren
schematic.saved = Entwurf gespeichert.
schematic.delete.confirm = Dieser Entwurf wird vollständig vernichtet.
schematic.rename = Entwurf umbenennen
schematic.info = {0}x{1}, {2} Blöcke
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
stat.wave = Wellen besiegt:[accent] {0}
stat.enemiesDestroyed = Gegner zerstört:[accent] {0}
stat.built = Gebäude gebaut:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Gebäude zerstört:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Gebäude abgebaut:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Übertragene Ressourcen:
2020-03-28 03:13:41 +07:00
stat.playtime = Time Played:[accent] {0}
stat.rank = Finaler Rang:[accent] {0}
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
globalitems = [accent]Global Items
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
map.delete = Bist du sicher, dass du die Karte "[accent]{0}[]" löschen möchtest?
2019-08-16 22:10:27 +07:00
level.highscore = Highscore: [accent]{0}
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
level.select = Level-Auswahl
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
level.mode = Spielmodus:
coreattack = < Die Basis wird angegriffen! >
nearpoint = [[ [scarlet]SOFORT DEN SPAWNPUNKT VERLASSEN[] ]\nVernichtung droht
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
database = Kern-Datenbank
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
savegame = Spiel speichern
loadgame = Spiel laden
joingame = Spiel beitreten
customgame = Benutzerdefiniertes Spiel
newgame = Neues Spiel
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
none = <nichts>
2019-04-03 02:52:44 +07:00
minimap = Minimap
2019-10-23 07:33:52 +07:00
position = Position
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
close = Schließen
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
website = Website
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
quit = Verlassen
save.quit = Speichern & Verlassen
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
maps = Karten
maps.browse = Karten durchsuchen
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
continue = Weiter
maps.none = [lightgray]Keine Karten gefunden!
invalid = Ungültig
pickcolor = Farbe wählen
preparingconfig = Konfiguration vorbereiten
preparingcontent = Inhalt vorbereiten
uploadingcontent = Inhalt hochladen
uploadingpreviewfile = Vorschaudatei hochladen
committingchanges = Veränderungen übernehmen
done = Fertig
feature.unsupported = Dein System unsterstützt dieses Feature nicht.
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
mods.alphainfo = Vergiss nicht, dass Mods in der Alpha sind, und[scarlet] sehr fehlerhaft sein können[].\nMelde alle Probleme an den Mindustry GitHub oder Discord.
2019-10-23 07:33:52 +07:00
mods.alpha = [accent](Alpha)
mods = Mods
mods.none = [lightgray]Keine Mods gefunden!
mods.guide = Modding-Anleitung
mods.report = Problem melden
mods.openfolder = Mod-Verzeichnis öffnen
2020-07-06 18:08:48 +07:00
mods.reload = Neu laden
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
mods.reloadexit = The game will now exit, to reload mods.
2020-03-28 03:13:41 +07:00
mod.display = [gray]Mod:[orange] {0}
mod.enabled = [lightgray]Aktiviert
mod.disabled = [scarlet]Deaktiviert
mod.disable = Deaktivieren
2020-04-26 22:24:52 +07:00
mod.content = Content:
mod.delete.error = Unfähig Mod zu löschen. Datei könnte in Benutzung sein.
mod.requiresversion = [scarlet]Benötigt mindestens Version:[accent] {0}
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
mod.outdated = [scarlet]Not compatible with V6 (no minGameVersion: 105)
mod.missingdependencies = [scarlet]Fehlende Abhängigkeiten: {0}
mod.erroredcontent = [scarlet]Inhalt-Fehler
mod.errors = Beim Laden von Inhalt sind Fehler aufgetreten.
mod.noerrorplay = [scarlet]Du hast Mods mit Fehlern.[] Deaktiviere die Mods oder fixe die Fehler, bevor du spielst.
mod.nowdisabled = [scarlet]Mod '{0}' fehlen Abhängigkeiten:[accent] {1}\n[lightgray]Diese Mods müssen erst installiert werden.\nDieser Mod wird automatisch deaktiviert.
mod.enable = Aktivieren
mod.requiresrestart = Das Spiel wird jetzt beendet, um die Mod-Änderungen anzuwenden.
mod.reloadrequired = [scarlet]Neuladen benötigt
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
mod.import = Mod importieren
2020-04-26 22:24:52 +07:00
mod.import.file = Import File
mod.import.github = GitHub-Mod importieren
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
mod.jarwarn = [scarlet]JAR mods are inherently unsafe.[]\nMake sure you're importing this mod from a trustworthy source!
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
mod.item.remove = This item is part of the[accent] '{0}'[] mod. To remove it, uninstall that mod.
mod.remove.confirm = Dieser Mod wird gelöscht.
mod.author = [lightgray]Autor:[] {0}
mod.missing = Dieser Spielstand enthält Mods, welche nicht mehr vorhanden oder aktualisiert wurden. Spielstandfehler könnten passieren. Bist du dir sicher, das du ihn laden möchtest?\n[lightgray]Mods:\n{0}
mod.preview.missing = Bevor du diesen Mod hochladen kannst, musst du eine Bildvorschau einbinden.\nLade ein Bild namens[accent] preview.png[] in den Modordner und versuche es nochmal.
mod.folder.missing = Nur Mods in Ordnerform können in den Workshop hochgeladen werden.\nUm einen Mod in einen Ordner zu konvertieren, extrahiere das Archiv und lösche das alte Archiv danach. Starte dann das Spiel neu oder lade die Mods neu.
2020-06-25 15:45:21 +07:00
mod.scripts.disable = Ihr Gerät unterstüzt keine Mods mit Scripts. Du musst diese Mods deaktivieren, um spielen zu können.
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
about.button = Info
name = Name:
noname = Wähle zunächst einen[accent] Spielernamen[].
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
planetmap = Planet Map
launchcore = Launch Core
filename = Dateiname:
unlocked = Neuer Inhalt freigeschaltet!
2019-08-16 22:10:27 +07:00
completed = [accent]Abgeschlossen
techtree = Forschung
research.list = [lightgray]Forschung:
research = Erforschen
researched = [lightgray]{0} erforscht.
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
research.progress = {0}% complete
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
players = {0} Spieler online
players.single = {0} Spieler online
2020-03-28 03:13:41 +07:00
players.search = search
players.notfound = [gray]no players found
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
server.closing = [accent]Schließe den Server ...
server.kicked.kick = Du wurdest vom Server geworfen!
server.kicked.whitelist = Du befindest dich nicht auf der Whitelist des Servers.
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
server.kicked.serverClose = Server geschlossen.
server.kicked.vote = Es wurde abgestimmt, dich rauszuwerfen. Tschüss.
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
server.kicked.clientOutdated = Veralteter Client! Aktualisiere dein Spiel!
server.kicked.serverOutdated = Veralteter Server! Bitte den Host um ein Update!
server.kicked.banned = Du wurdest vom Server verbannt.
server.kicked.typeMismatch = Dieser Server ist nicht mit deinem Buildtyp kompatibel.
server.kicked.playerLimit = Dieser Server ist voll. Warte auf einen freien Platz.
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
server.kicked.recentKick = Du wurdest gerade gekickt.\nWarte bevor du dich wieder verbindest.
server.kicked.nameInUse = Es ist bereits ein Spieler \nmit diesem Namen auf dem Server.
2019-08-16 22:10:27 +07:00
server.kicked.nameEmpty = Dein Name muss mindestens einen Buchstaben oder eine Zahl enthalten.
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
server.kicked.idInUse = Du bist bereits auf dem Server! Anmeldungen mit zwei Accounts sind nicht gestattet.
server.kicked.customClient = Der Server akzeptiert keine Custom Builds von Mindustry. Lade dir die offizielle Version herunter.
server.kicked.gameover = Game Over!
server.kicked.serverRestarting = Der Server startet neu.
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
server.versions = Deine Version:[accent] {0}[]\nServerversion:[accent] {1}[]
host.info = Der [accent]Server hosten[]-Knopf startet einen Server auf den Ports [scarlet]6567[] und [scarlet]6568.[]\nJeder im gleichen [lightgray]W-Lan oder lokalen Netzwerk[] sollte deinen Server in seiner Serverliste sehen können.\n\nWenn du anderen die Verbindung über deine IP-Adresse ermöglichen willst, musst du [accent]Port-Forwarding[] durchführen.\n\n[lightgray]Hinweis: Falls es Probleme mit der Verbindung im Netzwerk gibt, stelle sicher, dass Mindustry in deinen Firewall-Einstellungen Zugriff auf das lokale Netzwerk hat.
join.info = Hier kannst du eine [accent]Server-IP[] eingeben, um dich zu verbinden, oder Server im [accent]lokalen Netzwerk[] entdecken und dich mit ihnen verbinden.\nSowohl Spielen über das lokale Netzwerk als auch Spielen über das Internet werden unterstützt.\n\n[lightgray]Hinweis: Es gibt keine globale Serverliste; wenn du dich mit jemandem per IP-Adresse verbinden willst, musst du den Host nach seiner IP-Adresse fragen.
hostserver = Mehrspieler hosten
invitefriends = Freunde einladen
hostserver.mobile = Hoste\nSpiel
host = Hosten
hosting = [accent]Server wird eröffnet ...
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
hosts.refresh = Aktualisieren
hosts.discovering = Suche nach LAN-Spielen
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
hosts.discovering.any = Suche nach Spielen
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
server.refreshing = Server wird aktualisiert
hosts.none = [lightgray]Keine LAN-Spiele gefunden!
host.invalid = [scarlet]Kann keine Verbindung zum Host herstellen.
2020-03-28 03:13:41 +07:00
servers.local = Local Servers
servers.remote = Remote Servers
servers.global = Community Servers
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
trace = Spieler verfolgen
trace.playername = Spielername: [accent]{0}
trace.ip = IP: [accent]{0}
trace.id = Eindeutige ID: [accent]{0}
trace.mobile = Mobiler Client: [accent]{0}
trace.modclient = Gemoddeter Client: [accent]{0}
invalidid = Ungültige Client-ID! Berichte den Fehler.
server.bans = Verbannungen
server.bans.none = Keine verbannten Spieler gefunden!
server.admins = Administratoren
server.admins.none = Keine Administratoren gefunden!
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
server.add = Server hinzufügen
server.delete = Bist du dir sicher, dass du diesen Server löschen möchtest?
server.edit = Server bearbeiten
server.outdated = [crimson]Veralteter Server![]
server.outdated.client = [crimson]Veralteter Client![]
server.version = [lightgray]Version: {0}
server.custombuild = [accent]Benutzerdefinierter Build
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
confirmban = Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Spieler verbannen möchtest?
confirmkick = Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Spieler rauswerfen willst?
confirmvotekick = Bist du sicher, dass du darüber abstimmen willst, diesen Spieler rauszuwerfen?
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
confirmunban = Bist du sicher, dass du die Verbannung des Spielers rückgängig machen willst?
confirmadmin = Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Spieler zu einem Administrator machen möchtest?
confirmunadmin = Bis du sicher, dass dieser Spieler kein Administrator mehr sein soll?
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
joingame.title = Spiel beitreten
joingame.ip = IP:
disconnect = Verbindung unterbrochen.
disconnect.error = Verbindungsfehler.
disconnect.closed = Verbindung geschlossen.
disconnect.timeout = Zeitüberschreitung.
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
disconnect.data = Fehler beim Laden der Welt!
cantconnect = Nicht möglich beizutreten ([accent]{0}[]).
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
connecting = [accent] Verbinde...
connecting.data = [accent] Welt wird geladen...
server.port = Port:
server.addressinuse = Adresse bereits in Verwendung!
server.invalidport = Falscher Port!
server.error = [crimson] Fehler beim Hosten des Servers:[accent] {0}
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
save.new = Neuer Spielstand
save.overwrite = Möchtest du diesen Spielstand wirklich überschreiben?
overwrite = Überschreiben
save.none = Keine Spielstände gefunden!
savefail = Fehler beim Speichern des Spiels!
save.delete.confirm = Möchtest du diesen Spielstand wirklich löschen?
save.delete = Löschen
save.export = Spielstand exportieren
save.import.invalid = [accent]Dieser Spielstand ist ungültig!
save.import.fail = [crimson]Spielstand konnte nicht importiert werden: [accent]{0}
save.export.fail = [crimson]Spielstand konnte nicht exportiert werden: [accent]{0}
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
save.import = Spielstand importieren
save.newslot = Name:
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
save.rename = Umbenennen
save.rename.text = Neuer Name
selectslot = Wähle einen Spielstand.
slot = [accent]Platz {0}
editmessage = Nachricht bearbeiten
save.corrupted = [accent]Datei beschädigt oder ungültig!
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
empty = <leer>
on = An
off = Aus
save.autosave = Automatisches Speichern: {0}
save.map = Karte: {0}
save.wave = Welle: {0}
save.mode = Spielmodus: {0}
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
save.date = Zuletzt gespeichert: {0}
save.playtime = Spielzeit: {0}
warning = Warnung
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
confirm = Bestätigen
delete = Löschen
view.workshop = Im Workshop ansehen
workshop.listing = Workshop-Auflistung bearbeiten
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
ok = OK
open = Öffnen
2019-08-16 22:10:27 +07:00
customize = Anpassen
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
cancel = Abbruch
openlink = Link öffnen
copylink = Link kopieren
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
back = Zurück
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
data.export = Daten exportieren
data.import = Daten importieren
2020-03-28 03:13:41 +07:00
data.openfolder = Open Data Folder
data.exported = Daten exportiert.
data.invalid = Dies sind keine gültigen Spieldaten.
data.import.confirm = Der Import von externen Daten wird [scarlet] alle[] deine gegenwärtigen Spieldaten löschen.\n[accent]Das kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden![]Sobald der Import abeschlossen ist, wird dein Spiel sofort beendet.
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
quit.confirm = Willst du wirklich aufhören?
quit.confirm.tutorial = Weißt du, was du tust?\nDu kannst das Tutorial unter[accent] Einstellungen->Spiel->Tutorial wiederholen[] erneut spielen.
loading = [accent]Wird geladen...
reloading = [accent]Lade Mods neu...
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
saving = [accent]Speichere...
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
respawn = [accent][[{0}][] to respawn in core
cancelbuilding = [accent][[{0}][] um den Plan zu leeren
selectschematic = [accent][[{0}][] zum Auswählen+Kopieren
pausebuilding = [accent][[{0}][] um das Bauen zu pausieren
resumebuilding = [scarlet][[{0}][] um das Bauen fortzusetzen
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
wave = [accent]Welle {0}
wave.waiting = Welle in {0}
wave.waveInProgress = [lightgray]Welle im Gange
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
waiting = Warten...
waiting.players = Warte auf Spieler...
wave.enemies = [lightgray]{0} Gegner verbleiben
wave.enemy = [lightgray]{0} Gegner verbleiben
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
loadimage = Bild laden
saveimage = Bild speichern
unknown = Unbekannt
custom = Benutzerdefiniert
builtin = Enthalten
map.delete.confirm = Bist du sicher, dass du diese Karte löschen willst? Dies kann nicht rückgänig gemacht werden!
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
map.random = [accent]Zufällige Karte
map.nospawn = Diese Karte hat keine Kerne in denen die Spieler beginnen können! Füge einen [royal]blue[] Kern zu dieser Karte im Editor hinzu.
map.nospawn.pvp = Diese Karte hat keine gegnerischen Kerne in denen Gegner starten können! Füge über den Editor [scarlet] rote[] Kerne zu dieser Karte hinzu.
map.nospawn.attack = Diese Karte hat keine gengnerischen Kerne, die Spieler angreifen können! Füge über den Editor [scarlet] rote[] Kerne zu dieser Karte hinzu.
map.invalid = Fehler beim Laden der Karte: Beschädigte oder ungültige Kartendatei.
workshop.update = Objekt aktualisieren
workshop.error = Fehler beim Laden von Workshop-Details: {0}
map.publish.confirm = Willst du diese Karte wirklich veröffentlichen?\n\n[lightgray]Vergewissere dich, dass du der Workshop-EULA zugestimmt hast, sonst tauchen deine Karten nicht auf!
workshop.menu = Wähle aus, was du mit diesem Objekt tun willst.
workshop.info = Objekt-Info
2019-10-23 07:33:52 +07:00
changelog = Changelog (optional):
2019-09-27 02:41:42 +07:00
eula = Steam EULA
missing = Dieses Objekt wurde gelöscht oder verschoben.\n[lightgray]Die Workshop-Auflistung ist nun automatisch getrennt worden.
publishing = [accent]Veröffentlichen...
publish.confirm = Willst du das wirklich veröffentlichen?\n\n[lightgray]Vergewissere dich, dass du der Workshop-EULA zugestimmt hast, sonst tauchen deine Objekte nicht auf!
publish.error = Fehler beim Veröffentlichen des Objekts: {0}
steam.error = Fehler beim laden der Steam-Dienste.\nError: {0}
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
editor.brush = Pinsel
editor.openin = Öffne im Editor
editor.oregen = Erze generieren
editor.oregen.info = Erze generiert:
editor.mapinfo = Karten-Info
editor.author = Autor:
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
editor.description = Beschreibung:
editor.nodescription = Eine Karte benötigt eine Beschreibung mit mindestens 4 Buchstaben, bevor sie veröffentlich werden kann.
editor.waves = Wellen:
2019-08-16 22:10:27 +07:00
editor.rules = Regeln:
editor.generation = Generator:
editor.ingame = Im Spiel Bearbeiten
editor.publish.workshop = Im Workshop veröffentlichen
2019-08-16 22:10:27 +07:00
editor.newmap = Neue Karte
2019-09-27 02:41:42 +07:00
workshop = Workshop
waves.title = Wellen
waves.remove = Entfernen
2019-08-16 22:10:27 +07:00
waves.never = <nie>
waves.every = alle
waves.waves = Welle(n)
2019-08-16 22:10:27 +07:00
waves.perspawn = per Spawn
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
waves.shields = shields/wave
2019-08-16 22:10:27 +07:00
waves.to = bis
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
waves.guardian = Guardian
waves.preview = Vorschau
waves.edit = Bearbeiten...
waves.copy = Aus der Zwischenablage kopieren
waves.load = Aus der Zwischenablage laden
waves.invalid = Ungültige Wellen in der Zwischenablage.
waves.copied = Wellen kopiert.
waves.none = Keine Gegner definiert.\nInfo: Leere Wellenentwürfe werden automatisch mit dem Standard-Entwurf ersetzt.
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
wavemode.counts = counts
wavemode.totals = totals
wavemode.health = health
editor.default = [lightgray]<Standard>
details = Details
edit = Bearbeiten
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
editor.name = Name:
editor.spawn = Spawnbereich
editor.removeunit = Bereich entfernen
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
editor.teams = Teams
editor.errorload = Fehler beim Laden der Datei:\n[accent]{0}
editor.errorsave = Fehler beim Speichern der Datei:\n[accent]{0}
editor.errorimage = Das ist ein Bild, keine Karte. Wechsle nicht den Dateityp und erwarte, dass es funktioniert.\n\nWenn du eine 3.5/build 40-Karte importieren möchtest, benutze den 'Importiere Terrainbild' Knopf im Editor.
editor.errorlegacy = Diese Karte ist zu alt und benutzt ein veraltetes Kartenformat, das nicht mehr unterstützt wird.
editor.errornot = Dies ist keine Kartendatei.
2019-08-16 22:10:27 +07:00
editor.errorheader = Diese Karte ist entweder nicht gültig oder beschädigt.
editor.errorname = Karte hat keinen Namen.
editor.update = Aktualisieren
editor.randomize = Zufällig anordnen
editor.apply = Anwenden
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
editor.generate = Generieren
editor.resize = Größe\nanpassen
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
editor.loadmap = Karte\nladen
editor.savemap = Karte\nspeichern
editor.saved = Gespeichert!
editor.save.noname = Deine Karte hat keinen Namen! Setze einen Namen im [accent]Karten Info[] Menu.
editor.save.overwrite = Deine Karte überschreibt eine built-in Karte! Wähle einen anderen Karten Namen im [accent]'Karten info'[] Menu.
editor.import.exists = [scarlet]Fehler beim Import:[] Ein built-in Karte namens '{0}' existiert bereits!
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
editor.import = Importieren...
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
editor.importmap = Importiere Karte
editor.importmap.description = Importiere von einer bestehenden Karte
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
editor.importfile = Importiere Datei
editor.importfile.description = Importiere aus einer Kartendatei
editor.importimage = Importiere Terrainbild
editor.importimage.description = Importiere aus einer Terrainbild-Datei
editor.export = Exportiere...
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
editor.exportfile = Export in Datei
editor.exportfile.description = Exportiere in eine Karten-Datei
editor.exportimage = Export in Terrainbild-Datei
editor.exportimage.description = Exportiere in ein Kartenbild
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
editor.loadimage = Bild\nladen
editor.saveimage = Bild\nspeichern
editor.unsaved = [crimson] Einige Änderungen wurden noch nicht gespeichert! [] Möchtest du den Editor wirklich verlassen?
editor.resizemap = Größe der Karte ändern
editor.mapname = Kartenname
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
editor.overwrite = [accent] Warnung! Dies überschreibt eine vorhandene Karte.
editor.overwrite.confirm = [scarlet]Warnung![] Eine Karte mit diesem Namen existiert bereits. Bist du sicher, dass du sie überschreiben willst?
editor.exists = Eine Karte mit diesem Namen existiert bereits.
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
editor.selectmap = Wähle eine Karte zum Laden:
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
2019-08-16 22:10:27 +07:00
toolmode.replace = Ersetzen
toolmode.replace.description = Zeichnet nur auf festen Blöcken.
toolmode.replaceall = Alles Ersetzen
toolmode.replaceall.description = Alle Blöcke auf der Karte ersetzen.
toolmode.orthogonal = Rechtwinkelig
toolmode.orthogonal.description = Zeichnet nur rechtwinkelige Linien.
toolmode.square = Quadrat
toolmode.square.description = Quadratpinsel.
2019-08-16 22:10:27 +07:00
toolmode.eraseores = Erze löschen
toolmode.eraseores.description = Löscht nur Erze.
toolmode.fillteams = Teams ausfüllen
toolmode.fillteams.description = Füllt Teams aus statt Blöcke.
toolmode.drawteams = Teams Zeichnen
toolmode.drawteams.description = Zeichnet Teams statt Blöcke.
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
filters.empty = [lightgray]Keine Filter! Füge einen mit dem unteren Knopf hinzu.
filter.distort = Verzerren
filter.noise = Rauschen
2020-04-26 22:24:52 +07:00
filter.enemyspawn = Enemy Spawn Select
filter.corespawn = Core Select
filter.median = Median
filter.oremedian = Erzmedian
filter.blend = Mischen
filter.defaultores = Standarderze
filter.ore = Erz
filter.rivernoise = Flussrauschen
filter.mirror = Spiegel
2019-08-16 22:10:27 +07:00
filter.clear = Löschen
filter.option.ignore = Ignorieren
filter.scatter = Streuen
filter.terrain = Terrain
filter.option.scale = Skalierung
2019-08-16 22:10:27 +07:00
filter.option.chance = Wahrscheinlichkeit
filter.option.mag = Größe
filter.option.threshold = Grenzwert
filter.option.circle-scale = Kreisskalierung
filter.option.octaves = Oktaven
filter.option.falloff = Rückgang
filter.option.angle = Winkel
2020-04-26 22:24:52 +07:00
filter.option.amount = Amount
filter.option.block = Block
filter.option.floor = Boden
filter.option.flooronto = Ziel Boden
filter.option.wall = Wand
filter.option.ore = Erz
filter.option.floor2 = Sekundärer Boden
filter.option.threshold2 = Sekundärer Grenzwert
2019-06-08 23:11:32 +07:00
filter.option.radius = Radius
filter.option.percentile = Perzentil
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
width = Breite:
height = Höhe:
menu = Menü
play = Spielen
2019-08-16 22:10:27 +07:00
campaign = Kampagne
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
load = Laden
save = Speichern
fps = FPS: {0}
ping = Ping: {0}ms
language.restart = Bitte Starte dein Spiel neu, damit die Sprach-Einstellung aktiv wird.
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
settings = Einstellungen
tutorial = Tutorial
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
tutorial.retake = Tutorial wiederholen
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
editor = Editor
mapeditor = Karteneditor
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
abandon = Aufgeben
abandon.text = Diese Zone sowie alle Ressourcen werden dem Gegner überlassen.
locked = Gesperrt
complete = [lightgray]Abschließen:
requirement.wave = Erreiche Welle {0} in {1}
requirement.core = Zerstöre den feindlichen Kern in {0}
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
requirement.research = Research {0}
requirement.capture = Capture {0}
resume = Zu Zone zurückkehren:\n[lightgray]{0}
bestwave = [lightgray]Beste Welle: {0}
launch = Starten
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
launch.text = Launch
launch.title = Start erfolgreich
launch.next = [lightgray]Nächste Möglichkeit bei Welle {0}
launch.unable2 = [scarlet]START nicht möglich.[]
launch.confirm = Dies wird alle Ressourcen in deinen Kern übertragen.\nDu kannst nicht wieder zu dieser Karte zurückkehren.
launch.skip.confirm = Wenn du die Wartezeit überspringst, kannst du den Kern bis zu einer späteren Welle nicht mehr starten.
uncover = Freischalten
configure = Startitems festlegen
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
loadout = Loadout
resources = Resources
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
bannedblocks = Gesperrte Blöcke
addall = Alle hinzufügen
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
launch.destination = Destination: {0}
configure.invalid = Anzahl muss eine Zahl zwischen 0 und {0} sein.
zone.unlocked = [lightgray]{0} freigeschaltet.
zone.requirement.complete = Welle {0} erreicht:\n{1} Anforderungen der Zone erfüllt.
zone.resources = Ressourcen entdeckt:
zone.objective = [lightgray]Ziel: [accent]{0}
zone.objective.survival = Überlebe
zone.objective.attack = Zerstöre den feindlichen Kern
add = Hinzufügen...
boss.health = Boss-Lebenskraft
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
connectfail = [crimson] Verbindung zum Server konnte nicht hergestellt werden: [accent]{0}
error.unreachable = Server nicht erreichbar.
error.invalidaddress = Ungültige Adresse.
error.timedout = Zeitüberschreitung!\nStelle sicher, dass die Portweiterleitung auf dem Host richtig eingerichtet ist, und die Adresse stimmt!
error.mismatch = Paketfehler:\nClient und Server passen möglicherweise nicht zusammen.\nStelle sicher, dass du und der Host jeweils die neueste Version von Mindustry haben!
error.alreadyconnected = Bereits verbunden.
error.mapnotfound = Kartendatei nicht gefunden!
error.io = Netzwerk-I/O-Fehler.
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
error.any = Unbekannter Netzwerkfehler.
error.bloom = Bloom konnte nicht initialisiert werden.\nEs kann sein, dass dein Gerät es nicht unterstützt.
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
weather.rain.name = Rain
weather.snow.name = Snow
weather.sandstorm.name = Sandstorm
weather.sporestorm.name = Sporestorm
sectors.unexplored = [lightgray]Unexplored
sectors.resources = Resources:
sectors.production = Production:
sectors.stored = Stored:
sectors.resume = Resume
sectors.launch = Launch
sectors.select = Select
sectors.nonelaunch = [lightgray]none (sun)
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
sector.groundZero.name = Ground Zero
sector.craters.name = The Craters
sector.frozenForest.name = Frozen Forest
sector.ruinousShores.name = Ruinous Shores
sector.stainedMountains.name = Stained Mountains
sector.desolateRift.name = Desolate Rift
sector.nuclearComplex.name = Nuclear Production Complex
sector.overgrowth.name = Overgrowth
sector.tarFields.name = Tar Fields
sector.saltFlats.name = Salt Flats
sector.fungalPass.name = Fungal Pass
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
sector.groundZero.description = The optimal location to begin once more. Low enemy threat. Few resources.\nGather as much lead and copper as possible.\nMove on.
sector.frozenForest.description = Even here, closer to mountains, the spores have spread. The frigid temperatures cannot contain them forever.\n\nBegin the venture into power. Build combustion generators. Learn to use menders.
sector.saltFlats.description = On the outskirts of the desert lie the Salt Flats. Few resources can be found in this location.\n\nThe enemy has erected a resource storage complex here. Eradicate their core. Leave nothing standing.
sector.craters.description = Water has accumulated in this crater, relic of the old wars. Reclaim the area. Collect sand. Smelt metaglass. Pump water to cool turrets and drills.
sector.ruinousShores.description = Past the wastes, is the shoreline. Once, this location housed a coastal defense array. Not much of it remains. Only the most basic defense structures have remained unscathed, everything else reduced to scrap.\nContinue the expansion outwards. Rediscover the technology.
sector.stainedMountains.description = Further inland lie the mountains, yet untainted by spores.\nExtract the abundant titanium in this area. Learn how to use it.\n\nThe enemy presence is greater here. Do not give them time to send their strongest units.
sector.overgrowth.description = This area is overgrown, closer to the source of the spores.\nThe enemy has established an outpost here. Build Titan units. Destroy it. Reclaim that which was lost.
sector.tarFields.description = The outskirts of an oil production zone, between the mountains and desert. One of the few areas with usable tar reserves.\nAlthough abandoned, this area has some dangerous enemy forces nearby. Do not underestimate them.\n\n[lightgray]Research oil processing technology if possible.
sector.desolateRift.description = An extremely dangerous zone. Plentiful resources, but little space. High risk of destruction. Leave as soon as possible. Do not be fooled by the long spacing between enemy attacks.
sector.nuclearComplex.description = A former facility for the production and processing of thorium, reduced to ruins.\n[lightgray]Research the thorium and its many uses.\n\nThe enemy is present here in great numbers, constantly scouting for attackers.
sector.fungalPass.description = A transition area between high mountains and lower, spore-ridden lands. A small enemy reconnaissance base is located here.\nDestroy it.\nUse Dagger and Crawler units. Take out the two cores.
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
settings.language = Sprache
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
settings.data = Spieldaten
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
settings.reset = Auf Standard zurücksetzen
settings.rebind = Zuweisen
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
settings.resetKey = Reset
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
settings.controls = Steuerung
settings.game = Spiel
settings.sound = Audio
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
settings.graphics = Grafik
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
settings.cleardata = Spieldaten zurücksetzen...
settings.clear.confirm = Bist du sicher, dass du die Spieldaten zurücksetzen willst?\n Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!
settings.clearall.confirm = [scarlet]WARNUNG![]\nDas wird jegliche Spieldaten zurücksetzen, inklusive Speicherstände, Karten, Freischaltungen und Tastenbelegungen.\n Sobald du 'OK' drückst, wird alles zurückgesetzt und das Spiel schließt sich automatisch.
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
settings.clearsaves.confirm = Are you sure you want to clear all your saves?
settings.clearsaves = Clear Saves
paused = [accent]< Pausiert >
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
clear = Leeren
banned = [scarlet]Verbannt
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
unplaceable.sectorcaptured = [scarlet]Requires captured sector
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
yes = Ja
no = Nein
info.title = Info
error.title = [crimson]Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
error.crashtitle = Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten!
2020-06-22 02:03:46 +07:00
unit.nobuild = [scarlet]Einheit kann nicht bauen!
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
blocks.input = Eingang
blocks.output = Ausgang
blocks.booster = Verstärkung
2020-03-28 03:13:41 +07:00
blocks.tiles = Required Tiles
blocks.affinities = Affinities
block.unknown = [lightgray]???
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
blocks.powercapacity = Kapazität
blocks.powershot = Stromverbrauch/Schuss
2019-08-16 22:10:27 +07:00
blocks.damage = Schaden
blocks.targetsair = Visiert Lufteinheiten an
blocks.targetsground = Visiert Bodeneinheiten an
blocks.itemsmoved = Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit
blocks.launchtime = Zeit zwischen Starts
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
blocks.shootrange = Reichweite
blocks.size = Größe
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
blocks.displaysize = Display Size
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
blocks.liquidcapacity = Flüssigkeitskapazität
blocks.powerrange = Stromreichweite
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
blocks.linkrange = Link Range
blocks.instructions = Instructions
blocks.powerconnections = Maximale Stromverbindungen
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
blocks.poweruse = Stromverbrauch
blocks.powerdamage = Stromverbrauch/Schadenspunkt
blocks.itemcapacity = Materialkapazität
blocks.basepowergeneration = Basis-Stromerzeugung
blocks.productiontime = Produktionszeit
blocks.repairtime = Zeit zur vollständigen Reparatur
blocks.speedincrease = Geschwindigkeitserhöhung
blocks.range = Reichweite
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
blocks.drilltier = Abbaubare Erze
blocks.drillspeed = Bohrgeschwindigkeit
blocks.boosteffect = Verstärkungseffekt
blocks.maxunits = Max. aktive Einheiten
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
blocks.health = Lebenspunkte
blocks.buildtime = Baudauer
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
blocks.maxconsecutive = Max Consecutive
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
blocks.buildcost = Baukosten
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
blocks.inaccuracy = Ungenauigkeit
blocks.shots = Schüsse
blocks.reload = Schüsse/Sekunde
blocks.ammo = Munition
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
blocks.shieldhealth = Shield Health
blocks.cooldowntime = Cooldown Time
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
bar.drilltierreq = Besserer Bohrer Benötigt
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
bar.noresources = Missing Resources
bar.corereq = Core Base Required
bar.drillspeed = Bohrgeschwindigkeit: {0}/s
2019-11-06 07:03:14 +07:00
bar.pumpspeed = Pump Speed: {0}/s
bar.efficiency = Effizienz: {0}%
bar.powerbalance = Strom: {0}/s
bar.powerstored = Gespeichert: {0}/{1}
bar.poweramount = Strom: {0}
bar.poweroutput = Stromgenerierung: {0}
2019-04-02 00:32:49 +07:00
bar.items = Items: {0}
bar.capacity = Kapazität: {0}
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
bar.unitcap = {0} {1}/{2}
bar.limitreached = [scarlet] {0} / {1}[white] {2}\n[lightgray][[unit disabled]
bar.liquid = Flüssigkeit
bar.heat = Hitze
bar.power = Strom
bar.progress = Baufortschritt
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
bar.input = Input
bar.output = Output
bullet.damage = [stat]{0}[lightgray] Schaden
bullet.splashdamage = [stat]{0}[lightgray] Flächenschaden ~[stat] {1}[lightgray] Kacheln
bullet.incendiary = [stat]entzündend
bullet.homing = [stat]zielsuchend
bullet.shock = [stat]schockend
bullet.frag = [stat]explosiv
2019-08-16 22:10:27 +07:00
bullet.knockback = [stat]{0}[lightgray] zurückstoßend
bullet.freezing = [stat]frierend
bullet.tarred = [stat]teerend
bullet.multiplier = [stat]{0}[lightgray]x Munition Multiplikator
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
bullet.reload = [stat]{0}[lightgray]x Feuerrate
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
unit.blocks = Blöcke
unit.powersecond = Stromeinheiten/Sekunde
unit.liquidsecond = Flüssigkeitseinheiten/Sekunde
unit.itemssecond = Materialeinheiten/Sekunde
unit.liquidunits = Flüssigkeitseinheiten
unit.powerunits = Stromeinheiten
unit.degrees = Grad
unit.seconds = Sekunden
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
unit.minutes = mins
unit.persecond = /sek
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
unit.perminute = /min
unit.timesspeed = x Geschwindigkeit
2019-04-02 00:32:49 +07:00
unit.percent = %
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
unit.shieldhealth = shield health
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
unit.items = Materialeinheiten
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
unit.thousands = k
unit.millions = mil
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
unit.billions = b
category.general = Allgemeines
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
category.power = Strom
category.liquids = Flüssigkeiten
category.items = Materialien
category.crafting = Erzeugung
category.shooting = Schießen
category.optional = Optionale Zusätze
setting.landscape.name = Landschaft sperren
setting.shadows.name = Schatten
setting.blockreplace.name = Automatische Blockvorschläge
setting.linear.name = Lineare Filterung
setting.hints.name = Tipps
2020-04-26 22:24:52 +07:00
setting.flow.name = Display Resource Flow Rate[scarlet] (experimental)
setting.buildautopause.name = Bauen automatisch pausieren
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
setting.mapcenter.name = Auto Center Map To Player
setting.animatedwater.name = Animiertes Wasser
setting.animatedshields.name = Animierte Schilde
setting.antialias.name = Antialias[lightgray] (Neustart erforderlich)[]
2020-04-26 22:24:52 +07:00
setting.playerindicators.name = Player Indicators
setting.indicators.name = Verbündeten-Indikatoren
setting.autotarget.name = Auto-Zielauswahl
setting.keyboard.name = Maus+Tastatur Steuerung
setting.touchscreen.name = Touchscreen-Steuerung
setting.fpscap.name = Max. FPS
setting.fpscap.none = Kein(e)
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
setting.fpscap.text = {0} FPS
setting.uiscale.name = UI-Skalierung[lightgray] (Neustart erforderlich)[]
setting.swapdiagonal.name = Immer diagonale Platzierung
setting.difficulty.training = Training
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
setting.difficulty.easy = Leicht
setting.difficulty.normal = Normal
setting.difficulty.hard = Schwer
setting.difficulty.insane = Verrückt
setting.difficulty.name = Schwierigkeit:
setting.screenshake.name = Wackeleffekt
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
setting.effects.name = Effekte anzeigen
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
setting.destroyedblocks.name = Zerstörte Blöcke anzeigen
2020-04-26 22:24:52 +07:00
setting.blockstatus.name = Display Block Status
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
setting.conveyorpathfinding.name = Automatische Wegfindung beim Bau von Förderbändern
setting.sensitivity.name = Controller-Empfindlichkeit
setting.saveinterval.name = Autosave-Häufigkeit
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
setting.seconds = {0} Sekunden
setting.blockselecttimeout.name = Block-Auswahl Timeout
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
setting.milliseconds = {0} Millisekunden
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
setting.fullscreen.name = Vollbild
setting.borderlesswindow.name = Randloses Fenster [lightgray](Neustart vielleicht erforderlich)
setting.fps.name = FPS zeigen
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
setting.smoothcamera.name = Smooth Camera
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
setting.blockselectkeys.name = Block Shortcuts anzeigen
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
setting.vsync.name = VSync
setting.pixelate.name = Verpixeln [lightgray](Könnte die Leistung beeinträchtigen)
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
setting.minimap.name = Zeige die Minimap
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
setting.coreitems.name = Display Core Items (WIP)
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
setting.position.name = Spieler-Position anzeigen
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
setting.musicvol.name = Musiklautstärke
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
setting.atmosphere.name = Show Planet Atmosphere
setting.ambientvol.name = Ambient-Lautstärke
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
setting.mutemusic.name = Musik stummschalten
setting.sfxvol.name = Audioeffekt-Lautstärke
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
setting.mutesound.name = Audioeffekte stummschalten
setting.crashreport.name = Anonyme Absturzberichte senden
setting.savecreate.name = Automatisch speichern
setting.publichost.name = Öffentliche Sichtbarkeit des Spiels
2020-03-28 03:13:41 +07:00
setting.playerlimit.name = Player Limit
setting.chatopacity.name = Chat-Deckkraft
setting.lasersopacity.name = Power-Laser-Deckkraft
2020-03-28 03:13:41 +07:00
setting.bridgeopacity.name = Bridge Opacity
setting.playerchat.name = Chat im Spiel anzeigen
public.confirm = Willst du dein Spiel öffentlich zugänglich machen?\n[accent]Jeder kann deinem Spiel beitreten.\n[lightgray]Dies kann später in den Einstellung->Spielt->Öffentliches Spiel geändert werden.
public.beta = Bemerke: Beta-Versionen des Spiels können keine öffentlichen Spiele machen.
uiscale.reset = UI-Skalierung wurde geändert.\nDrücke "OK", um diese Skalierung zu bestätigen.\n[scarlet]Zurückkehren und Beenden in[accent] {0}[] Einstellungen...
uiscale.cancel = Abbrechen & Beenden
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
setting.bloom.name = Bloom
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
keybind.title = Tasten zuweisen
keybinds.mobile = [scarlet]Die meisten Tastenzuweisungen hier funktionieren auf z.B. mobilen Geräten nicht. Nur grundlegende Bewegung wird unterstützt.
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
category.general.name = Allgemein
category.view.name = Ansicht
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
category.multiplayer.name = Mehrspieler
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
category.blocks.name = Block Select
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
command.attack = Angreifen
command.rally = Patrouillieren
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
command.retreat = Rückzug
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
command.idle = Idle
placement.blockselectkeys = \n[lightgray]Taste: [{0},
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
keybind.respawn.name = Respawn
keybind.control.name = Control Unit
keybind.clear_building.name = Bauplan löschen
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
keybind.press = Drücke eine Taste...
keybind.press.axis = Drücke eine Taste oder bewege eine Achse...
keybind.screenshot.name = Karten-Screenshot
keybind.toggle_power_lines.name = Power Lasers umschalten
2020-04-26 22:24:52 +07:00
keybind.toggle_block_status.name = Toggle Block Statuses
keybind.move_x.name = X-Achse
keybind.move_y.name = Y-Achse
keybind.mouse_move.name = Der Maus folgen
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
keybind.pan.name = Pan View
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
keybind.boost.name = Boost
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
keybind.schematic_select.name = Bereich auswählen
keybind.schematic_menu.name = Entwurfsmenü
keybind.schematic_flip_x.name = Entwurf umdrehen X
keybind.schematic_flip_y.name = Entwurf umdrehen Y
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
keybind.category_prev.name = Vorige Kategorie
keybind.category_next.name = Nächste Kategorie
keybind.block_select_left.name = Block-Auswahl nach links
keybind.block_select_right.name = Block-Auswahl nach rechts
keybind.block_select_up.name = Block-Auswahl nach oben
keybind.block_select_down.name = Block-Auswahl nach unten
keybind.block_select_01.name = Kategorie/Block 1 auswählen
keybind.block_select_02.name = Kategorie/Block 2 auswählen
keybind.block_select_03.name = Kategorie/Block 3 auswählen
keybind.block_select_04.name = Kategorie/Block 4 auswählen
keybind.block_select_05.name = Kategorie/Block 5 auswählen
keybind.block_select_06.name = Kategorie/Block 6 auswählen
keybind.block_select_07.name = Kategorie/Block 7 auswählen
keybind.block_select_08.name = Kategorie/Block 8 auswählen
keybind.block_select_09.name = Kategorie/Block 9 auswählen
keybind.block_select_10.name = Kategorie/Block 10 auswählen
keybind.fullscreen.name = Vollbildmodus umschalten
keybind.select.name = Auswählen/Schießen
keybind.diagonal_placement.name = Diagonal platzieren
keybind.pick.name = Block auswählen
keybind.break_block.name = Block zerstören
keybind.deselect.name = Auswahl aufheben
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
keybind.pickupCargo.name = Pickup Cargo
keybind.dropCargo.name = Drop Cargo
keybind.command.name = Command
keybind.shoot.name = Schießen
keybind.zoom.name = Zoomen
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
keybind.menu.name = Menü
keybind.pause.name = Pause
keybind.pause_building.name = Pausieren/Fortsetzen des Bauens
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
keybind.minimap.name = Minimap
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
keybind.chat.name = Chat
keybind.player_list.name = Spielerliste
keybind.console.name = Konsole
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
keybind.rotate.name = Drehen
2019-10-23 07:33:52 +07:00
keybind.rotateplaced.name = Rotate Existing (Hold)
keybind.toggle_menus.name = Menüs umschalten
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
keybind.chat_history_prev.name = Chat Historie zurück
keybind.chat_history_next.name = Chat Historie vor
keybind.chat_scroll.name = Chat scrollen
keybind.drop_unit.name = Einheit absetzen
keybind.zoom_minimap.name = Minimap-Zoom
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
mode.help.title = Beschreibung der Modi
mode.survival.name = Überleben
mode.survival.description = Der normale Modus. Ressourcen sind limitiert und Wellen kommen automatisch.\n[gray]Gegnerische Spawns auf der Karte sind erforderlich.
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
mode.sandbox.name = Sandkasten
mode.sandbox.description = Unendliche Ressourcen und kein Timer für Wellen.
2019-10-23 07:33:52 +07:00
mode.editor.name = Editor
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.pvp.description = Kämpfe lokal gegen andere Spieler.\n[gray]Benötigt mindestens 2 unterschiedlich gefärbte Kerne auf der Karte.
mode.attack.name = Angriff
mode.attack.description = Keine Wellen, das Ziel ist es, die gegnerische Basis zu zerstören.\n[gray]Benötigt einen roten Kern auf der Karte.
mode.custom = Angepasste Regeln
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
rules.infiniteresources = Unbegrenzte Ressourcen
rules.reactorexplosions = Reaktor-Explosionen
rules.wavetimer = Wellen-Timer
rules.waves = Wellen
rules.attack = Angriff-Modus
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
rules.buildai = AI Building
rules.enemyCheat = Unbegrenzte Ressourcen für die KI (Rotes Team)
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
rules.blockhealthmultiplier = Block Health Multiplier
rules.blockdamagemultiplier = Block Damage Multiplier
rules.unitbuildspeedmultiplier = Baugeschwindigkeit-Einheit Multiplikator
rules.unithealthmultiplier = Lebenspunkte-Einheit Multiplikator
rules.unitdamagemultiplier = Schaden-Einheit Multiplikator
rules.enemycorebuildradius = Bauverbot Radius druch feindlichen Kern:[lightgray] (Kacheln)
rules.wavespacing = Wellen-Abstand:[lightgray] (Sek)
rules.buildcostmultiplier = Bau-Kosten Multiplikator
rules.buildspeedmultiplier = Bau-Schnelligkeit Multiplikator
2020-03-28 03:13:41 +07:00
rules.deconstructrefundmultiplier = Deconstruct Refund Multiplier
rules.waitForWaveToEnd = Warten bis Welle endet
rules.dropzoneradius = Drop-Zonen-Radius:[lightgray] (Kacheln)
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
rules.unitammo = Units Require Ammo
rules.title.waves = Wellen
rules.title.resourcesbuilding = Ressourcen & Gebäude
rules.title.enemy = Gegner
rules.title.unit = Einheiten
rules.title.experimental = Experimentell
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
rules.title.environment = Environment
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
rules.lighting = Lighting
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
rules.fire = Fire
rules.explosions = Block/Unit Explosion Damage
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
rules.ambientlight = Ambient Light
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
rules.weather = Weather
rules.weather.frequency = Frequency:
rules.weather.duration = Duration:
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
content.item.name = Materialien
content.liquid.name = Flüssigkeiten
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
content.unit.name = Einheiten
2019-12-04 05:16:58 +07:00
content.block.name = Blöcke
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
item.copper.name = Kupfer
item.lead.name = Blei
item.coal.name = Kohle
item.graphite.name = Graphit
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
item.titanium.name = Titan
item.thorium.name = Thorium
2018-11-02 21:30:59 +07:00
item.silicon.name = Silizium
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
item.plastanium.name = Plastanium
item.phase-fabric.name = Phasengewebe
item.surge-alloy.name = Spannungslegierung
item.spore-pod.name = Sporen-Pod
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
item.sand.name = Sand
item.blast-compound.name = Explosive Mischung
item.pyratite.name = Pyratit
item.metaglass.name = Metaglas
item.scrap.name = Schrott
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
liquid.water.name = Wasser
liquid.slag.name = Schlacke
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
liquid.oil.name = Öl
liquid.cryofluid.name = Kryoflüssigkeit
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
item.explosiveness = [lightgray]Explosivität: {0}
item.flammability = [lightgray]Entflammbarkeit: {0}
item.radioactivity = [lightgray]Radioaktivität: {0}
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
unit.health = [lightgray]Lebenskraft: {0}
unit.speed = [lightgray]Geschwindigkeit: {0}
2020-04-26 22:24:52 +07:00
unit.weapon = [lightgray]Weapon: {0}
unit.itemcapacity = [lightgray]Item Capacity: {0}
unit.minespeed = [lightgray]Mining Speed: {0}%
unit.minepower = [lightgray]Mining Power: {0}
unit.ability = [lightgray]Ability: {0}
unit.buildspeed = [lightgray]Building Speed: {0}%
2020-07-25 00:27:15 +07:00
liquid.heatcapacity = [lightgray]Wärmekapazität: {0}
liquid.viscosity = [lightgray]Viskosität: {0}
liquid.temperature = [lightgray]Temperatur: {0}
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
unit.dagger.name = Dagger
unit.mace.name = Mace
unit.fortress.name = Fortress
unit.nova.name = Nova
unit.pulsar.name = Pulsar
unit.quasar.name = Quasar
unit.crawler.name = Crawler
unit.atrax.name = Atrax
unit.spiroct.name = Spiroct
unit.arkyid.name = Arkyid
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
unit.toxopid.name = Toxopid
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
unit.flare.name = Flare
unit.horizon.name = Horizon
unit.zenith.name = Zenith
unit.antumbra.name = Antumbra
unit.eclipse.name = Eclipse
unit.mono.name = Mono
unit.poly.name = Poly
unit.mega.name = Mega
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
unit.quad.name = Quad
unit.oct.name = Oct
2020-07-25 00:27:15 +07:00
unit.risso.name = Risso
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
unit.minke.name = Minke
unit.bryde.name = Bryde
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
unit.sei.name = Sei
unit.omura.name = Omura
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
unit.alpha.name = Alpha
unit.beta.name = Beta
unit.gamma.name = Gamma
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
unit.scepter.name = Scepter
unit.reign.name = Reign
unit.vela.name = Vela
unit.corvus.name = Corvus
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
block.resupply-point.name = Resupply Point
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
block.parallax.name = Parallax
2020-04-26 22:24:52 +07:00
block.cliff.name = Cliff
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
block.sand-boulder.name = Sandbrocken
block.grass.name = Gras
2020-04-26 22:24:52 +07:00
block.slag.name = Slag
block.salt.name = Salz
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
block.salt-wall.name = Salt Wall
block.pebbles.name = Geröll
block.tendrils.name = Ranken
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
block.sand-wall.name = Sand Wall
block.spore-pine.name = Sporenkiefer
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
block.spore-wall.name = Spore Wall
block.boulder.name = Boulder
block.snow-boulder.name = Snow Boulder
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
block.snow-pine.name = Schnee-Kiefer
block.shale.name = Schiefer
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
block.shale-boulder.name = Schiefergeröll
block.moss.name = Moos
block.shrubs.name = Gestrüpp
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
block.spore-moss.name = Moossporen
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
block.shale-wall.name = Shale Wall
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
block.scrap-wall.name = Schrottmauer
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Große Schrottmauer
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Riesige Schrottmauer
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantische Schrottmauer
block.thruster.name = Schubdüse
block.kiln.name = Brennofen
block.graphite-press.name = Graphit-Presse
block.multi-press.name = Multipresse
block.constructing = {0}\n[lightgray](Baut)
block.spawn.name = Gegnerischer Startpunkt
block.core-shard.name = Kern: Scherbe
block.core-foundation.name = Kern: Fundament
block.core-nucleus.name = Kern: Nukleus
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.deepwater.name = Tiefes Wasser
block.water.name = Wasser
block.tainted-water.name = Unreines Wasser
block.darksand-tainted-water.name = Unreines Wasser (Dunkler Sand)
block.tar.name = Teer
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.stone.name = Stein
block.sand.name = Sand
block.darksand.name = Dunkler Sand
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.ice.name = Eis
block.snow.name = Schnee
block.craters.name = Krater
block.sand-water.name = Sandiges Wasser
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
block.darksand-water.name = Dunkles sandiges Wasser
block.char.name = Holzkohle
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
block.dacite.name = Dacite
block.dacite-wall.name = Dacite Wall
block.ice-snow.name = Eisschnee
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
block.stone-wall.name = Stone Wall
block.ice-wall.name = Ice Wall
block.snow-wall.name = Snow Wall
block.dune-wall.name = Dune Wall
block.pine.name = Kiefer
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
block.dirt.name = Dirt
block.dirt-wall.name = Dirt Wall
block.mud.name = Mud
block.white-tree-dead.name = Weißer Baum (tot)
block.white-tree.name = Weißer Baum
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
block.spore-cluster.name = Sporen-Cluster
block.metal-floor.name = Metallboden 1
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metallboden 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metallboden 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metallboden 5
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = beschädigter Metallboden
block.dark-panel-1.name = Dunkles Panel 1
block.dark-panel-2.name = Dunkles Panel 2
block.dark-panel-3.name = Dunkles Panel 3
block.dark-panel-4.name = Dunkles Panel 4
block.dark-panel-5.name = Dunkles Panel 5
block.dark-panel-6.name = Dunkles Panel 6
block.dark-metal.name = Dunkles Metall
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
block.basalt.name = Basalt
block.hotrock.name = Heißer Felsen
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
block.magmarock.name = Magma-Felsen
block.copper-wall.name = Kupfermauer
block.copper-wall-large.name = Große Kupfermauer
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanmauer
block.titanium-wall-large.name = Große Titanmauer
block.plastanium-wall.name = Plastaniummauer
block.plastanium-wall-large.name = Große Plastaniummauer
block.phase-wall.name = Phasenmauer
block.phase-wall-large.name = Große Phasenmauer
block.thorium-wall.name = Thorium-Mauer
block.thorium-wall-large.name = Große Thorium-Mauer
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
block.door.name = Tor
block.door-large.name = Großes Tor
block.duo.name = Doppelgeschütz
block.scorch.name = Scatter
block.scatter.name = Luftgeschütz
block.hail.name = Hail
block.lancer.name = Lancer
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.conveyor.name = Förderband
block.titanium-conveyor.name = Titan-Förderband
2020-06-25 17:02:48 +07:00
block.plastanium-conveyor.name = Plastanium Förderband
block.armored-conveyor.name = Gepanzertes Förderband
block.armored-conveyor.description = Bewegt Gegenstände genauso schnell wie das Titan-Förderband, ist aber besser gepanzert. Akzeptiert nur Verbindungen mit anderen Förderbändern.
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.junction.name = Kreuzung
block.router.name = Verteiler
block.distributor.name = Großer Verteiler
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.sorter.name = Sortierer
2020-06-25 17:02:48 +07:00
block.inverted-sorter.name = Invertierter Sortierer
block.message.name = Nachricht
block.illuminator.name = Illuminierer
block.illuminator.description = Eine kleine, kompakte, konfigurierbare Lichtquelle. Benötigt Strom.
block.overflow-gate.name = Überlauftor
block.underflow-gate.name = Unterlauftor
block.silicon-smelter.name = Silizium-Schmelzer
block.phase-weaver.name = Phasenweber
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.pulverizer.name = Pulverisierer
block.cryofluidmixer.name = Kryoflüssigkeitsmixer
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.melter.name = Schmelzer
block.incinerator.name = Verbrennungsanlage
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
block.spore-press.name = Sporenpresse
block.separator.name = Trenner
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
block.coal-centrifuge.name = Kohlenzentrifuge
block.power-node.name = Stromknoten
block.power-node-large.name = Großer Stromknoten
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
block.surge-tower.name = Schwall-Turm
block.diode.name = Batterie-Diode
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.battery.name = Batterie
block.battery-large.name = Große Batterie
block.combustion-generator.name = Verbrennungsgenerator
2020-09-10 21:29:54 +07:00
block.steam-generator.name = Turbinengenerator
block.differential-generator.name = Differentialgenerator
block.impact-reactor.name = Schlaggenerator
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.mechanical-drill.name = Mechanischer Bohrer
block.pneumatic-drill.name = Pneumatischer Bohrer
block.laser-drill.name = Laser-Bohrer
block.water-extractor.name = Wasser-Extraktor
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.cultivator.name = Kultivierer
block.conduit.name = Leitungsrohr
block.mechanical-pump.name = Mechanische Pumpe
2019-01-08 06:48:55 +07:00
block.item-source.name = Materialquelle
block.item-void.name = Materialschlucker
block.liquid-source.name = Flüssigkeitsquelle
block.liquid-void.name = Flüssigkeitsschlucker
2019-01-08 06:48:55 +07:00
block.power-void.name = Stromsenke
block.power-source.name = Unendliche Stromquelle
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.unloader.name = Entlader
block.vault.name = Tresor
block.wave.name = Welle
block.swarmer.name = Schwärmer
block.salvo.name = Salve
block.ripple.name = Zerstörer
block.phase-conveyor.name = Phasen-Förderband
block.bridge-conveyor.name = Brücken-Förderband
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Plastanium-Verdichter
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Pyratit-Mixer
block.blast-mixer.name = Sprengmixer
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
block.solar-panel.name = Solarpanel
block.solar-panel-large.name = Großes Solarpanel
block.oil-extractor.name = Öl-Extraktor
block.repair-point.name = Reparaturpunkt
block.pulse-conduit.name = Impulskanal
2020-06-25 17:02:48 +07:00
block.plated-conduit.name = Gepanzerter Kanal
block.phase-conduit.name = Phasenkanal
block.liquid-router.name = Flüssigkeits-Verteiler
block.liquid-tank.name = Flüssigkeitstank
block.liquid-junction.name = Flüssigkeits-Kreuzung
block.bridge-conduit.name = Kanalbrücke
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.rotary-pump.name = Rotierende Pumpe
block.thorium-reactor.name = Thorium-Reaktor
block.mass-driver.name = Massenbeschleuniger
block.blast-drill.name = Sprengluftbohrer
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.thermal-pump.name = Thermische Pumpe
block.thermal-generator.name = Thermischer Generator
block.alloy-smelter.name = Legierungsschmelze
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
block.mender.name = Reparateur
block.mend-projector.name = Reparaturprojektor
block.surge-wall.name = Spannungsmauer
block.surge-wall-large.name = Große Spannungsmauer
block.cyclone.name = Zyklon
block.fuse.name = Zünder
block.shock-mine.name = Schock-Mine
block.overdrive-projector.name = Beschleunigungs-Projektor
block.force-projector.name = Kraftfeld-Projektor
block.arc.name = Arcus
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
block.rtg-generator.name = RTG-Generator
block.spectre.name = Phantom
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.meltdown.name = Meltdown
block.container.name = Container
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
block.launch-pad.name = Launchpad
block.launch-pad-large.name = Großes Launchpad
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
block.segment.name = Segment
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
block.command-center.name = Command Center
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
block.ground-factory.name = Ground Factory
block.air-factory.name = Air Factory
block.naval-factory.name = Naval Factory
block.additive-reconstructor.name = Additive Reconstructor
block.multiplicative-reconstructor.name = Multiplicative Reconstructor
block.exponential-reconstructor.name = Exponential Reconstructor
block.tetrative-reconstructor.name = Tetrative Reconstructor
2020-08-21 03:21:40 +07:00
block.payload-conveyor.name = Mass Conveyor
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
block.payload-router.name = Payload Router
block.disassembler.name = Disassembler
block.silicon-crucible.name = Silicon Crucible
2020-09-24 05:28:25 +07:00
block.overdrive-dome.name = Overdrive Dome
block.switch.name = Switch
block.micro-processor.name = Micro Processor
block.logic-processor.name = Logic Processor
block.hyper-processor.name = Hyper Processor
block.logic-display.name = Logic Display
block.large-logic-display.name = Large Logic Display
block.memory-cell.name = Memory Cell
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
team.blue.name = Blau
team.crux.name = Rot
team.sharded.name = Orange
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
team.orange.name = Orange
team.derelict.name = Derelict
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
team.green.name = Grün
team.purple.name = Lila
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
tutorial.next = [lightgray]<Tippen um fortzufahren>
tutorial.intro = Du befindest dich im[scarlet] Mindustry-Tutorial.[]\nBeginne, indem du[accent] Kupfer abbaust[]. Tippe dazu auf ein Kupfervorkommen in der Nähe deiner Basis.\n\n[accent]{0}/{1} Kupfer
tutorial.intro.mobile = Du befindest dich im [scarlet]Mindustry Tutorial.[]\nWische über den Bildschirm, um dich zu bewegen.\n[accent]Benutze zwei Finger[] um heran- und hinauszuzoomen.\nBeginne, indem du [accent]Kupfer abbaust[]. Bewege dich zu einem Kupfervorkommen und tippe anschließend darauf.\n\n[accent]{0}/{1} Kupfer
tutorial.drill = Manuelles Abbauen ist ineffizient.\n[accent]Bohrer []können automatisch abbauen.\nTippe auf den Bohrer-Tab unten rechts.\nWähle den[accent] Mechanischen Bohrer[].\nPlatziere ihn durch Klicken auf ein Kupfervorkommen.\nMit einem [accent]Rechtsklick[] brichst du den Bau ab.
tutorial.drill.mobile = Manuelles Abbauen ist ineffizient.\n[accent]Bohrer []können automatisch abbauen.\nTippe auf den Bohrer Tab unten rechts.\nWähle den[accent] Mechanischen Bohrer[].\nPlatziere ihn durch Tippen auf ein Kupfervorkommen, dann klicke auf das[accent] Häkchen[] unten um deine Auswahl zu bestätigen.\nKlicke auf den[accent] X-Button[], um den Bau abzubrechen.
tutorial.blockinfo = Jeder Block hat unterschiedliche Eigenschaften. Jeder Bohrer kann immer nur ein bestimmtes Material abbauen.\nFür Infos und Stats eines Blocks wähle einen Block im Baumenü aus und [accent] klicke auf den "?"-Button.[]\n\n[accent]Schaue dir jetzt die Stats des Mechanischen Bohrers an.[]
tutorial.conveyor = Mit [accent]Förderbändern[] werden Materialien zum Kern transportiert.\nReihe mehrere Förderbänder aneinander bis zum Kern.
tutorial.conveyor.mobile = Mit [accent]Förderbändern[] werden Materialien zum Kern transportiert.\nReihe mehrere Förderbänder aneinander bis zum Kern.\n[accent] Zum Bau in einer Reihe lasse deinen Finger für einige Sekunden gedrückt[] und ziehe ihn in eine beliebige Richtung.\n\n[accent]Platziere 2 Förderbänder, dann transportiere ein Erz zum Kern.
tutorial.turret = Verteidigungsgebäude müssen gebaut werden um[lightgray] Gegner[] abzuwehren.\nBaue ein Doppelgeschütz in die Nähe deiner Basis.
tutorial.drillturret = Doppelgeschütz benötigen[accent] Kupfermunition, []um schießen zu können.\nPlatziere neben das Geschütz einen Bohrer, um ihn mit Kupfer zu versorgen.
tutorial.pause = Du kannst das Spiel jederzeit [accent]pausieren.[]\nIn einer Pause kannst du den Bau weiterer Gebäude in Auftrag geben.\n\n[accent]Drücke die Leertaste um zu pausieren.
tutorial.pause.mobile = Du kannst das Spiel jederzeit [accent]pausieren.[]\nIn einer Pause kannst du den Bau weiterer Gebäude in Auftrag geben.\n\n[accent]Drücke diesen Button oben links um zu pausieren.
tutorial.unpause = Drücke die Leertaste erneut, um das Spiel fortzusetzen.
tutorial.unpause.mobile = Drücke ihn erneut, um das Spiel fortzusetzen.
tutorial.breaking = Oft kommt es vor, dass Blöcke zerstört werden müssen.\n[accent]Halte die rechte Maustaste gedrückt[] und wähle eine Fläche aus. Dadurch werden alle Blöcke darin zerstört.[]\n\n[accent]Zerstöre alle Schrott-Blöcke links neben deinem Kern mithilfe der Flächenauswahl.
tutorial.breaking.mobile = Oft kommt es vor, dass Blöcke zerstört werden müssen.\n[accent]Wähle den Abbau-Modus[], dann wähle einen Block um ihn zu zerstören.\nZerstöre eine Fläche, indem du deinen Finger einige Sekunden gedrückt hältst[] und in eine beliebige Richtung ziehst.\nTippe auf das Häkchen um den Rückbau zu bestätigen.\n\n[accent]Zerstöre all Schrott-Blöcke links des Kerns mithilfe der Flächenauswahl.
tutorial.withdraw = Einige Situationen erfordern, dass Materialien direkt aus den Blöcken aufgenommen werden.\nUm dies zu tun, [accent]tippe auf einen Block[] mit Materialien dann [accent]tippe auf das Material[] in diesem Block.\nUm mehrere Materialien zu entnehmen [accent]tippe darauf und halte die Maustaste gedrückt[].\n\n[accent]Entnimm etwas Kupfer vom Kern.[]
tutorial.deposit = Materialien können in Blöcke abgelegt werden, indem du die linke Maustaste drückst und von deinem Schiff dorthin ziehst.\n\n[accent]Lege das Kupfer zurück in den Kern.[]
tutorial.waves = Der [lightgray]Gegner[] greift an.\n\nVerteidige deinen Kern 2 Wellen lang. Baue mehr Geschütze.
tutorial.waves.mobile = Der[lightgray] Gegner[] greift an.\n\nVerteidige deinen Kern 2 Wellen lang. Dein Schiff feuert automatisch auf Gegner.\nBaue mehr Geschütze und Bohrer. Baue mehr Kupfer ab.
tutorial.launch = Sobald du eine bestimmte Welle erreicht hast, kannst du die [accent]Mission abschließen[]. Dadurch lässt du deine Basis zurück[accent] und überträgst alle Ressourcen in deinen Kern.[]\nDiese Ressourcen können zur Erforschung neuer Technologien eingesetzt werden.\n\n[accent]Drücke nun den Abschluss-Button.
2020-01-08 22:59:29 +07:00
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
item.copper.description = Ein nützliches Material. Wird in allen Arten von Blöcken verwendet.
item.lead.description = Ein grundlegendes Material. Häufig in Elektronik und Flüssigkeits-Transport-Blöcken verwendet.
2019-08-31 23:12:07 +07:00
item.metaglass.description = Eine extrem harte Glasmischung. Wird zur Verteilung und Lagerung von Flüssigkeiten benutzt.
item.graphite.description = Mineralisierter Kohlenstoff. Wird für Munition und elektrische Isolierung verwendet.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
item.sand.description = Ein gängiges Material, welches häufig in geschmolzener Form, flüssig oder als Legierung verwendet wird.
item.coal.description = Ein sehr häufig vorkommender Kraftstoff. Fossilierte Pflanzenmasse, geformt lange bevor dem Sporen-Ereignis.
item.titanium.description = Ein seltenes, sehr leichtes Metall. Häufig in Flüssigkeits-Transport-Blöcken, Abbauanlagen und Luftschiffen verwendet.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
item.thorium.description = Ein dichtes radioaktives Metall, welches als strukturelle Unterstützung und nuklearer Kraftstoff verwendet wird.
item.scrap.description = Überreste alter Gebäude und Einheiten. Enthält Spuren verschiedener Metalle.
item.silicon.description = Ein sehr nützlicher Halbleiter. Findet Anwendung in Solaranlagen, komplexer Elektronik und zielsuchender Munition.
item.plastanium.description = Ein leichtes, dehnbares Material, welches in Flugzeugen und Splittermunition verwendet wird.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
item.phase-fabric.description = Eine nahezu gewichtslose Substanz, die in fortgeschrittener Elektronik und in selbstreparierender Technologie verwendet wird.
item.surge-alloy.description = Eine fortgeschrittene Legierung mit einzigartigen elektrischen Eigenschaften.
item.spore-pod.description = Wird zur Umwandlung in Öl, Sprengstoff und Kraftstoff verwendet.
item.blast-compound.description = Eine flüchtige Mischung, die in Bomben und Sprengstoffen Verwendung findet. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, es als Treibstoff zu verwenden. Dies ist aber nicht empfehlenswert.
item.pyratite.description = Eine extrem leicht entflammbare Substanz. Findet Verwendung in Brandwaffen.
liquid.water.description = Wird üblicherweise zum Kühlen von Maschinen und zur Müllverarbeitung verwendet.
liquid.slag.description = Ein Gemisch aus verschiedenen Arten von Metall, welche miteinander vermischt wurden. Kann in seine Bestandteile getrennt oder als Waffe auf feindliche Einheiten gesprüht werden.
liquid.oil.description = Kann verbrannt, zum Explodieren gebracht, oder zur Kühlung verwendet werden.
liquid.cryofluid.description = Die Flüssigkeit, die Dinge am effizientesten herunterkühlen kann.
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
block.message.description = Speichert eine Nachricht. Wird genutzt, um mit Verbündeten zu kommunizieren.
block.graphite-press.description = Komprimiert Kohlestücke zu reinen Graphitplatten.
block.multi-press.description = Eine aktualisierte Version der Graphitpresse. Setzt Wasser und Strom ein, um Kohle schnell und effizient zu verarbeiten.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
block.silicon-smelter.description = Reduziert Sand mit hochreinem Kohlenstoff, um Silizium zu produzieren.
block.kiln.description = Schmelzt Sand und Blei zu Metaglass. Erfordert kleine Mengen Energie.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produziert Plastanium aus Öl und Titan.
block.phase-weaver.description = Produziert Phasengewebe aus radioaktivem Thorium und großen Mengen an Sand.
block.alloy-smelter.description = Verarbeitet Titan, Blei, Silizium und Kupfer zu einer Stromstoßlegierung.
block.cryofluidmixer.description = Verarbeitet Wasser mit Titan zu einer Kryoflüssigkeit, die viel effizienter kühlt.
block.blast-mixer.description = Verwendet Sporen, um Pyratit in eine weniger enzündliche aber explosive Mischung umzuwandeln.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Vermischt Kohle, Blei und Sand zu hochentzündlichem Pyratit.
block.melter.description = Erhitzt Schrott auf extrem hohe Temperaturen, um Lava zu erhalten.
block.separator.description = Setzt Lava Wasserdruck aus, um verschiedene Mineralien freizulegen.
block.spore-press.description = Komprimiert Sporenhülsen zu Öl.
block.pulverizer.description = Zertrümmert Schrott zu Sand. Nützlich, wenn kein natürlicher Sand verfügbar ist.
block.coal-centrifuge.description = Verfestigt Öl zu Kohlenstücken.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
block.incinerator.description = Vernichtet beliebige überschüssige Materialien oder Flüssigkeiten.
block.power-void.description = Verschlingt den kompletten übrigen Strom. Nur im Sandkasten-Modus verfügbar.
block.power-source.description = Erzeugt unendlich viel Strom. Nur im Sandkasten-Modus verfügbar.
block.item-source.description = Produziert unendlich viele Gegenstände. Nur im Sandkasten-Modus verfügbar.
block.item-void.description = Zerstört Materialien, die hereingegeben werden, ohne Strom zu verbrauchen. Nur im Sandkasten-Modus verfügbar.
block.liquid-source.description = Produziert unendlich Flüssigkeiten. Nur im Sandkasten-Modus verfügbar.
block.liquid-void.description = Entfernt jegliche Flüssigkeiten. Nur im Sandkasten-Modus verfügbar.
block.copper-wall.description = Ein günstiger Verteidigungsblock.\nNützlich, um die Basis und Türme in den ersten Wellen zu beschützen.
block.copper-wall-large.description = Ein günstiger Verteidigungsblock.\nNützlich, um die Basis und Türme in den ersten Wellen zu beschützen.\nBenötigt mehrere Kacheln.
block.titanium-wall.description = Ein mittelstarker Verteidigungsblock.\nBietet mäßigen Schutz vor Feinden.
block.titanium-wall-large.description = Ein mittelstarker Verteidigungsblock.\nBietet mäßigen Schutz vor Feinden.\nBenötigt mehrere Kacheln.
block.plastanium-wall.description = Eine spezielle Wand, die elektrische Funken absorbiert und automatische Stromknoten-Verbindung blockiert.
block.plastanium-wall-large.description = Eine spezielle Wand, die elektrische Funken absorbiert und automatische Stromknoten-Verbindung blockiert.\nBenötigt mehrere Kacheln.
block.thorium-wall.description = Ein starker Verteidigungsblock.\nBietet guten Schutz vor Feinden.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = Ein starker Verteidigungsblock.\nBietet guten Schutz vor Feinden.\nBenötigt mehrere Kacheln.
block.phase-wall.description = Nicht so stark wie eine Thorium-Mauer, aber reflektiert Schüsse bis zu einer gewissen Stärke.
block.phase-wall-large.description = Nicht so stark wie eine Thorium-Mauer, aber reflektiert Schüsse bis zu einer gewissen Stärke.\nBenötigt mehrere Kacheln.
block.surge-wall.description = Der stärkste Verteidigungsblock.\nHat eine kleine Chance, bei einem Schuss einen Lichtbogen in Richtung Angreifer auszulösen.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Der stärkste Verteidigungsblock.\nHat eine kleine Chance, bei einem Schuss einen Lichtbogen in Richtung Angreifer auszulösen.\nBenötigt mehrere Kacheln.
block.door.description = Eine kleine Tür, die durch Tippen geöffnet und geschlossen werden kann.\nGegner können durch geöffnete Türen schießen und laufen.
block.door-large.description = Eine kleine Tür, die durch Tippen geöffnet und geschlossen werden kann.\nGegner können durch geöffnete Türen schießen und laufen.\nBenötigt mehrere Kacheln.
block.mender.description = Repariert regelmäßig Blöcke in seiner Umgebung. Hält die Abwehrkräfte zwischen den Wellen instand.\nVerwendet optional Silizium, um Reichweite und Effizienz zu steigern.
block.mend-projector.description = Eine verbesserte Version des Reparateurs. Repariert regelmäßig Blöcke in seiner Umgebung.\nVerwendet optional Phasengewebe, um Reichweite und Effizienz zu steigern.
block.overdrive-projector.description = Erhöht die Geschwindigkeit von nahegelegenen Blöcken, wie Bohrer und Förderbänder.
block.force-projector.description = Erzeugt ein sechseckiges Kraftfeld um sich herum, das Blöcke und Einheiten vor Schaden schützt.
block.shock-mine.description = Beschädigt Gegner, die auf die Mine laufen. Für Gegener schwer zu sehen.
block.conveyor.description = Basis-Transportblock. Bewegt Materialien vorwärts und lädt sie automatisch in Geschütztürme oder Verarbeitungsanlagen. Rotierbar.
block.titanium-conveyor.description = Verbesserter Transportblock. Bewegt Materialien schneller als Standard-Förderbänder.
2020-06-26 14:43:39 +07:00
block.plastanium-conveyor.description = Bewegt Materialen in Gruppen.\nNimmt hinten Materialien an und gibt sie vorne in drei Richtungen aus.
block.junction.description = Fungiert als Brücke zwischen zwei kreuzenden Förderbändern. Nützlich, wenn zwei verschiedene Förderbänder sich kreuzen, aber unterschiedliche Materialien verwenden.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Verbesserter Transportblock. Erlaubt es, Materialien über bis zu 3 Kacheln beliebigen Terrains oder Inhalts zu transportieren.
block.phase-conveyor.description = Verbesserter Transportblock. Verwendet Strom, um Materialien zu einem verbundenen Phasen-Förderband über mehrere Kacheln zu teleportieren.
block.sorter.description = Sortiert Materialien. Wenn ein Gegenstand der Auswahl entspricht, darf er vorbei. Andernfalls wird er links oder rechts ausgegeben.
2020-06-26 14:43:39 +07:00
block.inverted-sorter.description = Funktioniert wie ein normaler Sortierer, aber gibt das ausgewählte Material seitwärts aus.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
block.router.description = Akzeptiert Materialien aus einer Richtung und leitet sie gleichmäßig in bis zu drei andere Richtungen weiter. Nützlich, wenn die Materialien aus einer Richtung an mehrere Empfänger verteilt werden sollen.
block.distributor.description = Ein weiterentwickelter Verteiler, der Materialien in bis zu sieben Richtungen gleichmäßig verteilt.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
block.overflow-gate.description = Ein Verteiler, der nur Materialien nach links oder rechts ausgibt, falls der Weg gerade aus blockiert ist.
2020-06-25 17:02:48 +07:00
block.underflow-gate.description = Das Gegenteil eines Überlauftors. Gibt Materialen nur nach vorne aus, wenn der Weg rechts und links blockiert ist.
block.mass-driver.description = Ultimativer Transportblock. Sammelt mehrere Materialien und schießt sie zu einem verbundenen Massenbeschleuniger über eine große Reichweite.
2019-10-01 04:42:31 +07:00
block.mechanical-pump.description = Eine günstige, langsame Pumpe, die keinen Strom benötigt.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
block.rotary-pump.description = Eine fortgeschrittene Pumpe, die mithilfe von Strom doppelt so schnell pumpt.
block.thermal-pump.description = Die ultimative Pumpe, dreimal so schnell wie eine mechanische Pumpe und die einzige Pumpe, die Lava fördern kann.
block.conduit.description = Standard Flüssigkeits-Transportblock. Funktioniert wie ein Förderband, nur für Flüssigkeiten. Wird am Besten mit Extraktoren, Pumpen oder anderen Kanälen benutzt.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Verbesserter Flüssigkeits-Transportblock. Transportiert Flüssigkeiten schneller und speichert mehr als Standard Kanäle.
2020-06-26 14:43:39 +07:00
block.plated-conduit.description = Bewegt Flüssigkeiten genauso schnell wie ein Impulskanal, ist aber besser gepanzert. Akzeptiert nur Verbindungen mit anderen Kanälen.\nVerliert weniger Flüssigkeit.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
block.liquid-router.description = Akzeptiert Flüssigkeiten aus einer Richtung und verteilt sie an bis zu drei andere Richtungen weiter. Nützlich, um Flüssigkeiten aus einer Quelle an mehrere Empfänger zu verteilen.
block.liquid-tank.description = Speichert eine große Menge an Flüssigkeiten. Verwende es als Puffer, wenn Angebot und Nachfrage an einer Flüssigkeit schwanken.
block.liquid-junction.description = Fungiert als Brücke über zwei kreuzende Kanäle. Nützlich in Situationen, in denen sich zwei Kanäle mit verschiedenen Flüssigkeiten kreuzen.
block.bridge-conduit.description = Verbesserter Flüssigkeits-Transportblock. Erlaubt es, Flüssigkeiten über bis zu 3 Kacheln beliebigen Terrains oder Inhalts zu transportieren.
block.phase-conduit.description = Verbesserter Flüssigkeits-Transportblock. Verwendet Strom, um Flüssigkeiten zu einem verbundenen Phasenkanal zu teleportieren.
2020-06-25 17:02:48 +07:00
block.power-node.description = Überträgt Strom zu verbundenen Knoten. Bis zu zwanzig Stromquellen, -verbraucher oder -knoten können verbunden werden. Der Knoten erhält Strom von benachbarten Knoten und gibt Strom an benachbarte Blöcke weiter.
block.power-node-large.description = Hat einen größeren Radius als der normale Stromknoten und verbindet bis zu dreißig Stromquellen, -verbraucher oder -knoten.
block.surge-tower.description = Ein extrem weitreichender Netzknoten mit weniger verfügbaren Verbindungen.
2020-06-25 17:02:48 +07:00
block.diode.description = Batteriestrom kann nur in eine Richtung durch diesen Block fließen, aber nur wenn die andere Seite weniger Strom in Batterien hat.
block.battery.description = Speichert Strom, solange ein Überschuss besteht, und gibt ihn bei Knappheit ab, solange Kapazität vorhanden ist.
block.battery-large.description = Speichert sehr viel mehr Strom als eine normale Batterie.
block.combustion-generator.description = Generiert Strom, indem Öl oder entzündliche Materialien verbrannt werden.
block.thermal-generator.description = Erzeugt große Mengen Strom aus Lava.
2020-09-10 21:29:54 +07:00
block.steam-generator.description = Effizienter als ein Verbrennungsgenerator, benötigt jedoch zusätzlich Wasser.
block.differential-generator.description = Erzeugt große Mengen an Energie. Nutzt den Temperaturunterschied zwischen Kryofluid und brennendem Pyratit.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
block.rtg-generator.description = Ein Radioisotopengenerator, der keine Kühlung benötigt, aber weniger Strom als ein Thorium-Reaktor liefert.
block.solar-panel.description = Erzeugt kleine Mengen an Strom aus Sonnenenergie.
block.solar-panel-large.description = Erzeugt viel mehr Strom als ein normales Solar Panel, ist aber auch sehr viel teurer in der Anschaffung.
block.thorium-reactor.description = Erzeugt riesige Mengen Strom aus radioaktivem Thorium. Benötigt konstante Kühlung. Explodiert verheerend, wenn unzureichende Mengen an Kühlung vorhanden sind.
block.impact-reactor.description = Ein fortschrittlicher Generator, der in der Lage ist, bei höchster Effizienz enorme Mengen an Leistung zu erzeugen. Erfordert eine erhebliche Leistungsaufnahme, um den Prozess zu starten.
block.mechanical-drill.description = Ein günstiger Bohrer. Wenn er auf passende Kacheln gesetzt wird, baut er unbegrenzt Erze des entsprechenden Typs mit geringer Geschwindigkeit ab.
block.pneumatic-drill.description = Ein verbesserter Bohrer, der schneller ist und in der Lage ist, härtere Erze abzubauen, indem er von Luftdruck gebrauch macht.
block.laser-drill.description = Erlaubt es, durch Lasertechnologie noch schneller zu bohren, benötigt aber Strom. Erlaubt zusätzlich das Abbauen von radioaktivem Thorium.
block.blast-drill.description = Der ultimative Bohrer. Benötigt große Mengen an Strom.
block.water-extractor.description = Extrahiert Wasser aus dem Boden. Verwende ihn, wenn es keinen See in der Nähe gibt.
block.cultivator.description = Kultiviert den Boden mit Wasser, um Biomasse zu erzeugen.
block.oil-extractor.description = Verwendet große Mengen an Strom, um Öl aus Sand zu extrahieren. Verwende ihn, wenn es keine direkte Ölquelle gibt.
block.core-shard.description = Die erste Version der Kernkapsel. Einmal zerstört, ist jeglicher Kontakt zur Region verloren. Lass das nicht zu.
block.core-foundation.description = Die zweite Version des Kerns. Besser gepanzert. Speichert mehr Ressourcen.
block.core-nucleus.description = Die dritte und letzte Version der Kernkapsel. Sehr gut gepanzert. Speichert enorme Mengen an Ressourcen.
block.vault.description = Speichert eine große Menge an Materialien pro Typ. Ein[lightgray] Entlader[] kann verwendet werden, um Materialien auszuladen.
block.container.description = Speichert eine kleine Menge an Materialien pro Typ. Ein[lightgray] Entlader[] kann verwendet werden, um Materialien auszuladen.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
block.unloader.description = Entlädt Materialien aus einem Container, Tresor oder einer Basis auf ein Förderband oder direkt in einen benachbarten Block. Der Typ des auszuladenden Materials kann durch darauf tippen verändert werden.
block.launch-pad.description = Startet Stapel von Items, ohne dass ein Kernstart erforderlich ist. Unvollendet.
block.launch-pad-large.description = Eine verbesserte Version des Launchpads. Speichert weitere Items. Wird häufiger gestartet.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
block.duo.description = Ein kleiner, günstiger Geschützturm.
block.scatter.description = Ein mittelgroßer Anti-Luft-Turm. Sprüht Blei- oder Schrottklumpen auf feindliche Einheiten.
block.scorch.description = Verbrennt alle Bodenfeinde in der Nähe. Hochwirksam im Nahbereich.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
block.hail.description = Ein kleiner Artillerie-Geschützturm.
block.wave.description = Ein mittelgroßer Geschützturm, der flüssige Kugeln verschießt.
block.lancer.description = Ein mittelgroßer Geschützturm, der sich auflädt und Elektrizitätsstrahlen verschießt.
block.arc.description = Ein kleiner Geschützturm, der Lichtbögen in Richtung des Gegners schießt.
block.swarmer.description = Ein mittelgroßer Geschützturm, der Raketenschwärme abfeuert.
block.salvo.description = Ein mittelgroßer Geschützturm, der Schüsse in Salven abfeuert.
block.fuse.description = Ein großer Geschützturm, der starke Strahlen mit kurzer Reichweite abfeuert.
block.ripple.description = Ein großer Artillerie-Geschützturm, der mehrere Schüsse gleichzeitig abfeuert.
block.cyclone.description = Ein großer Schnellfeuer-Geschützturm.
block.spectre.description = Ein großer Geschützturm, der zwei starke Schüsse gleichzeitig abfeuert.
block.meltdown.description = Ein großer Geschützturm, der starke Strahlen mit großer Reichweite abfeuert.
block.repair-point.description = Heilt durchgehend die nächste befreundete, beschädigte Einheit in der Umgebung.
2020-07-24 04:12:55 +07:00
block.segment.description = Damages and destroys incoming projectiles. Laser projectiles are not targeted.