added translation to schematic.exists
added translation to rules.deconstructrefundmultiplier
added tranlation to rules.solarpowermultiplier
On the last I used solar panel power multiplier since it doesnt sound good in spanish otherwise.
Corrected some misspellings.
Added warning text in router.
Changed description of alloy smelter to keep with the translated name of surge alloy.
Added a missed dot from my previous translation.
Added translation to the following:
Line 62 stat.playtime
Line 108 mod. display
Line 176 servers.local
Line 177 servers.remote
Line 178
line 261
Line 542 block.tiles
Line 543 block.afinities
Line 678 Player.limit
Line 681 bridge.opacity
Changed cancel building from "impiar" to "limpiar"
Changed Lich unit name to "Exánime".
Translated name for scatter turret.
Changed wave name from "Horda" to "Ola". (Horda reffers to enemy waves while ola means sea waves)
Changed name swarmer from "enjambredor" to "enjambre".
changed turrets description to be closer to the english version.
Changed factories descriptions to be closer to english version
(Nuevas cosas agregadas dentro del juego (Por Anuke) y traducidas al español por mi y otros, aparte de un retoque en algunas traducciones con errores/letras de más)
Solo para la versión en español.
(New things added within the game (By Anuke) and translated into Spanish by me and others, apart from a touch-up in some translations with more errors / lyrics)
Only for the Spanish version.
* Render each visible power link only once.
* Set power lasers opacity based on the setting
* Change power laser colors to work better with transparency
* Slightly reducing power laser width
* Change laser color to the original, minor refactoring
* Change power laser opacity setting label
* Add laser opacity setting text to bundles
* Remove "Show Power Lasers" setting as it's redundant (replaced by lasers opacity setting), changing default laser opacity setting to 100%
* Remove "" from other bundles
* Update bundle_es.propierties
Translated mostly (i hope every) stuff in english, and edit some spanish stuff too. Gaven specially to some ores more descriptive names, and bring specially translation in spanish to newer things like draugs factories, information about this one, and related newer things.
* Update