
1033 lines
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2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
credits.text = Created by [ROYAL]Anuken[] - [SKY]anukendev@gmail.com[]\n\n[GRAY](In case you can't tell, this text is currently unfinished.\nTranslators, don't edit it yet!)
credits = Créditos
contributors = Translators and Contributors
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
discord = ¡Únete al Discord de Mindustry!
link.discord.description = La sala oficial del Discord de Mindustry
link.github.description = Código fuente del juego
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
link.changelog.description = List of update changes
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
link.dev-builds.description = Versiones de desarrollo inestable
link.trello.description = Tablero de Trello oficial para las características planificadas
link.itch.io.description = itch.io es la página donde podes descargar las versiones para PC y web
link.google-play.description = Ficha en la Google Play Store
link.wiki.description = Wiki oficial de Mindustry
linkfail = ¡Error al abrir el enlace!\nLa URL ha sido copiada a su portapapeles.
screenshot = Screenshot saved to {0}
2019-05-01 10:34:41 +07:00
screenshot.invalid = Map too large, potentially not enough memory for screenshot.
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
gameover = Tu núcleo ha sido destruido.
gameover.pvp = ¡El equipo[accent] {0}[] ha ganado!
highscore = [accent]¡Nueva mejor puntuación!
stat.wave = Waves Defeated:[accent] {0}
stat.enemiesDestroyed = Enemies Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.built = Buildings Built:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Resources Launched:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
2019-03-21 06:12:14 +07:00
placeline = You have selected a block.\nYou can[accent] place in a line[] by[accent] holding down your finger for a few seconds[] and dragging in a direction.\nTry it.
removearea = You have selected removal mode.\nYou can[accent] remove blocks in a rectangle[] by[accent] holding down your finger for a few seconds[] and dragging.\nTry it.
2019-03-22 11:16:09 +07:00
launcheditems = [accent]Launched Items
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
map.delete = ¿Estás seguro que quieres borrar el mapa "[accent]{0}[]"?
level.highscore = Puntuación más alta: [accent]{0}
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
level.select = Selección de nivel
level.mode = Modo de juego:
showagain = No mostrar otra vez en la próxima sesión
coreattack = < ¡El núcleo está bajo ataque! >
nearpoint = [[ [scarlet]LEAVE DROP POINT IMMEDIATELY[] ]\nannihilation imminent
database = Core Database
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
savegame = Guardar Partida
loadgame = Cargar Partida
joingame = Unirse a la Partida
addplayers = Agregar/Quitar Jugadores
customgame = Partida personalizada
newgame = New Game
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
none = <no hay>
2019-04-03 02:52:44 +07:00
minimap = Minimap
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
close = Cerrar
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
website = Website
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
quit = Salir
maps = Mapas
continue = Continuar
maps.none = [LIGHT_GRAY]¡No se han encontrado mapas!
about.button = Acerca de
name = Nombre:
noname = Pick a[accent] player name[] first.
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
filename = Nombre del archivo:
unlocked = ¡Nuevo Bloque Desbloqueado!
completed = [accent]Completed
techtree = Tech Tree
research.list = [LIGHT_GRAY]Research:
research = Research
researched = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} researched.
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
players = {0} jugadores online
players.single = {0} jugador online
server.closing = [accent]Cerrando servidor...
server.kicked.kick = ¡Has sido expulsado del servidor!
server.kicked.serverClose = El servidor ha cerrado.
server.kicked.clientOutdated = ¡Cliente desactualizado! ¡Actualiza tu juego!
server.kicked.serverOutdated = ¡Servidor desactualizado! ¡Pídele al anfitrión que lo actualice!
server.kicked.banned = Has sido baneado del servidor.
server.kicked.recentKick = Has sido expulsado recientemente.\nEspera para poder conectarte de nuevo.
server.kicked.nameInUse = Ya hay alguien con ese\nnombre en el servidor.
server.kicked.nameEmpty = Tu nombre debe por lo menos contener un carácter o número.
server.kicked.idInUse = ¡Ya estás en el servidor! Conectarse con dos cuentas no está permitido.
server.kicked.customClient = Este servidor no soporta versiones personalizadas. Descarga una versión oficial.
server.kicked.gameover = Game over!
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
server.versions = Your version:[accent] {0}[]\nServer version:[accent] {1}[]
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
host.info = El botón [accent]host[] hostea un servidor en el puerto [scarlet]6567[]. \nCualquier persona en la misma [LIGHT_GRAY]wifi o red local[] debería poder ver tu servidor en la lista de servidores.\n\nSi quieres que cualquier persona se pueda conectar de cualquier lugar por IP, la [accent]asignación de puertos[] es requerida.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Nota: Si alguien experimenta problemas conectándose a tu partida LAN, asegúrate de permitir a Mindustry acceso a tu red local mediante la configuración de tu firewall.
join.info = Aquí, puedes escribir la [accent]IP de un server[] para conectarte, o descubrir servidores de [accent]red local[] para conectarte.\nLAN y WAN es soportado para jugar en multijugador.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Nota: No hay una lista automática global de servidores; si quieres conectarte por IP, tendrás que preguntarle al anfitrión por la IP.
hostserver = Hostear Servidor
hostserver.mobile = Hostear\nJuego
host = Hostear
hosting = [accent]Abriendo servidor...
hosts.refresh = Actualizar
hosts.discovering = Descubrir partidas LAN
server.refreshing = Actualizando servidor...
hosts.none = [lightgray]¡No se han encontrado partidas LAN!
host.invalid = [scarlet]No se ha podido conectar al anfitrión.
trace = Rastrear Jugador
trace.playername = Nombre de jugador: [accent]{0}
trace.ip = IP: [accent]{0}
trace.id = ID Única: [accent]{0}
2019-06-08 23:11:32 +07:00
trace.mobile = Mobile Client: [accent]{0}
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
trace.modclient = Cliente Personalizado: [accent]{0}
invalidid = ¡ID de cliente inválida! Envía un informe del error.
server.bans = Baneos
server.bans.none = ¡Ningún usuario ha sido baneado!
server.admins = Administradores
server.admins.none = ¡Ningún administrador ha sido encontrado!
server.add = Agregar Servidor
server.delete = ¿Estás seguro de querer borrar este servidor?
server.edit = Editar Servidor
server.outdated = [crimson]¡Servidor desactualizado![]
server.outdated.client = [crimson]¡Cliente desactualizado![]
server.version = [lightgray]Versión: {0}
server.custombuild = [yellow]Versión personalizada
confirmban = ¿Estás seguro de querer banear este jugador?
confirmkick = ¿Estás seguro de querer expulsar este jugador?
confirmunban = ¿Estás seguro de querer desbanear este jugador?
confirmadmin = ¿Estás seguro de querer hacer administrador a este jugador?
confirmunadmin = ¿Estás seguro de querer quitar los permisos de administrador a este jugador?
joingame.title = Unirse a la partida
joingame.ip = IP:
disconnect = Desconectado.
disconnect.data = ¡Se ha fallado la carga de datos del mundo!
connecting = [accent]Conectando...
connecting.data = [accent]Cargando datos del mundo...
server.port = Puerto:
server.addressinuse = ¡La dirección ya está en uso!
server.invalidport = ¡El número de puerto es invalido!
server.error = [crimson]Error hosteando el servidor: error [accent]{0}
save.old = Este punto de guardado es de una versión más antigua de este juego, y ya no puede ser usada.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]La retrocmpatibilidad de los puntos de guardado estará completamente implementada en la versión 4.0.
save.new = Nuevo Punto de Guardado
save.overwrite = ¿Estás seguro de querer sobrescribir\neste punto de guardado?
overwrite = Sobrescribir
save.none = ¡No se ha encontrado ningún punto de guardado!
saveload = [accent]Guardando...
savefail = ¡No se ha podido guardar la partida!
save.delete.confirm = ¿Estás seguro de querer borrar este punto de guardado?
save.delete = Borrar
save.export = Exportar Punto de Guardado
save.import.invalid = [accent]¡Este punto de guardado es inválido!
save.import.fail = [crimson]La importación del punto de guardado ha fallado: error [accent]{0}
save.export.fail = [crimson]La exportación del punto de guardado ha fallado: error [accent]{0}
save.import = Importar Punto de Guardado
save.newslot = Nombre del Punto de Guardado:
save.rename = Renombrar
save.rename.text = Nuevo nombre:
selectslot = Selecciona un Punto de Guardado.
slot = [accent]Casilla {0}
save.corrupted = [accent]¡El punto de guardado está corrupto o es inválido!\nSi acabas de actualizar el juego, esto debe ser probablemente un cambio en el formato de guardado y[scarlet] no[] un error.
empty = <vacío>
on = Encendido
off = Apagado
save.autosave = Autoguardado: {0}
save.map = Mapa: {0}
save.wave = Horda {0}
save.difficulty = Dificultad: {0}
save.date = Última vez guardado: {0}
save.playtime = Tiempo de juego: {0}
warning = Warning.
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
confirm = Confirmar
delete = Borrar
ok = OK
open = Abrir
2019-05-01 10:34:41 +07:00
customize = Customize
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
cancel = Cancelar
openlink = Abrir Enlace
copylink = Copiar Enlace
back = Atrás
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
classic.export = Export Classic Data
classic.export.text = [accent]Mindustry[] has just had a major update.\nClassic (v3.5 build 40) save or map data has been detected. Would you like to export these saves to your phone's home folder, for use in the Mindustry Classic app?
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
quit.confirm = ¿Estás seguro de querer salir de la partida?
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
quit.confirm.tutorial = Are you sure you know what you're doing?\nThe tutorial can be re-taken in[accent] Settings->Game->Re-Take Tutorial.[]
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
loading = [accent]Cargando...
saving = [accent]Guardando...
wave = [accent]Horda {0}
wave.waiting = Horda en {0}
2019-05-01 10:34:41 +07:00
wave.waveInProgress = [LIGHT_GRAY]Wave in progress
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
waiting = Esperando...
waiting.players = Esperando jugadores...
wave.enemies = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} Enemigos Restantes
wave.enemy = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} Enemigo Restante
loadimage = Cargar Imagen
saveimage = Guardar Imagen
unknown = Desconocido
custom = Personalizado
builtin = Incorporado
map.delete.confirm = ¿Estás seguro de querer borrar este mapa? ¡Recuerda que está acción no puede sdeshacerse!
map.random = [accent]Mapa Aleatorio
map.nospawn = ¡Este mapa no tiene ningún núcleo en el cual pueda aparecer el jugador! Agrega un núcleo[ROYAL] blue[] al mapa con el editor.
map.nospawn.pvp = ¡Este mapa no tiene ningún núcleo enemigo para que aparezca el jugador! Añade un núcleo[SCARLET] red[] a este mapa en el editor.
2019-03-25 08:10:59 +07:00
map.nospawn.attack = This map does not have any enemy cores for player to attack! Add[SCARLET] red[] cores to this map in the editor.
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
map.invalid = Error cargando el mapa: archivo corrupto o inválido.
editor.brush = Pincel
editor.openin = Abrir en el Editor
editor.oregen = Generación de Minerales
editor.oregen.info = Generación de Minerales:
editor.mapinfo = Info del Mapa
editor.author = Autor:
editor.description = Descripción:
editor.waves = Waves:
2019-06-08 23:11:32 +07:00
editor.rules = Rules:
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
editor.generation = Generation:
2019-06-08 23:11:32 +07:00
editor.ingame = Edit In-Game
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
editor.newmap = New Map
waves.title = Waves
waves.remove = Remove
waves.never = <never>
waves.every = every
waves.waves = wave(s)
waves.perspawn = per spawn
waves.to = to
waves.boss = Boss
waves.preview = Preview
waves.edit = Edit...
waves.copy = Copy to Clipboard
waves.load = Load from Clipboard
waves.invalid = Invalid waves in clipboard.
waves.copied = Waves copied.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
waves.none = No enemies defined.\nNote that empty wave layouts will automatically be replaced with the default layout.
editor.default = [LIGHT_GRAY]<Default>
edit = Edit...
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
editor.name = Nombre:
2019-06-08 23:11:32 +07:00
editor.spawn = Spawn Unit
editor.removeunit = Remove Unit
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
editor.teams = Equipos
editor.errorload = Error loading file:\n[accent]{0}
editor.errorsave = Error saving file:\n[accent]{0}
2019-06-08 23:11:32 +07:00
editor.errorimage = That's an image, not a map. Don't go around changing extensions expecting it to work.\n\nIf you want to import a legacy map, use the 'import legacy map' button in the editor.
editor.errorlegacy = This map is too old, and uses a legacy map format that is no longer supported.
editor.errorheader = This map file is either not valid or corrupt.
editor.errorname = Map has no name defined.
editor.update = Update
editor.randomize = Randomize
editor.apply = Apply
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
editor.generate = Generar
editor.resize = Cambiar Tamaño
editor.loadmap = Cargar Mapa
editor.savemap = Guardar Mapa
editor.saved = ¡Guardado!
editor.save.noname = ¡Tu mapa no tiene un nombre! Pon uno en el menú 'Info del Mapa'.
editor.save.overwrite = ¡Tu mapa sobrescribe uno ya incorporado! Elige un nombre diferente en el menú 'Info del Mapa'.
editor.import.exists = [scarlet]¡No se ha podido importar:[] un mapa incorporado con el nombre '{0}' ya existe!
editor.import = Importar...
editor.importmap = Importar Mapa
editor.importmap.description = Importar un mapa ya existente
editor.importfile = Importar Archivo
editor.importfile.description = Importar un archivo externo del mapa
editor.importimage = Importar Imagen del Terreno
editor.importimage.description = Importar archivo externo de imagen del mapa
editor.export = Exportar...
editor.exportfile = Exportar Archivo
editor.exportfile.description = Exportar archivo del mapa
editor.exportimage = Exportar Imagen del Terreno
editor.exportimage.description = Exportar archivo de imagen del mapa
editor.loadimage = Importar Terreno
editor.saveimage = Exportar Terreno
editor.unsaved = [scarlet]¡Tienes cambios sin guardar![]\n¿Estás seguro de querer salir?
editor.resizemap = Cambiar Tamaño del Mapa
editor.mapname = Nombre del Mapa:
editor.overwrite = [accent]¡Advertencia!\nEsto sobrescribe un mapa ya existente.
editor.overwrite.confirm = [scarlet]¡Advertencia![] Un mapa con ese nombre ya existe. ¿Estás seguro de querer sobrescribirlo?
editor.selectmap = Selecciona un mapa para cargar:
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
toolmode.replace = Replace
toolmode.replace.description = Draws only on solid blocks.
toolmode.replaceall = Replace All
toolmode.replaceall.description = Replace all blocks in map.
toolmode.orthogonal = Orthogonal
toolmode.orthogonal.description = Draws only orthogonal lines.
toolmode.square = Square
toolmode.square.description = Square brush.
toolmode.eraseores = Erase Ores
toolmode.eraseores.description = Erase only ores.
toolmode.fillteams = Fill Teams
toolmode.fillteams.description = Fill teams instead of blocks.
toolmode.drawteams = Draw Teams
toolmode.drawteams.description = Draw teams instead of blocks.
2019-03-20 02:27:19 +07:00
filters.empty = [LIGHT_GRAY]No filters! Add one with the button below.
filter.distort = Distort
filter.noise = Noise
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
filter.median = Median
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
filter.oremedian = Ore Median
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
filter.blend = Blend
filter.defaultores = Default Ores
filter.ore = Ore
filter.rivernoise = River Noise
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
filter.mirror = Mirror
filter.clear = Clear
filter.option.ignore = Ignore
filter.scatter = Scatter
filter.terrain = Terrain
filter.option.scale = Scale
2019-03-20 02:27:19 +07:00
filter.option.chance = Chance
filter.option.mag = Magnitude
filter.option.threshold = Threshold
filter.option.circle-scale = Circle Scale
filter.option.octaves = Octaves
filter.option.falloff = Falloff
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
filter.option.angle = Angle
filter.option.block = Block
filter.option.floor = Floor
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
filter.option.flooronto = Target Floor
filter.option.wall = Wall
filter.option.ore = Ore
2019-03-20 02:27:19 +07:00
filter.option.floor2 = Secondary Floor
filter.option.threshold2 = Secondary Threshold
2019-06-08 23:11:32 +07:00
filter.option.radius = Radius
filter.option.percentile = Percentile
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
width = Ancho:
height = Alto:
menu = Menu
play = Jugar
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
campaign = Campaign
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
load = Cargar
save = Guardar
fps = FPS: {0}
tps = TPS: {0}
ping = Ping: {0} ms
language.restart = Por favor reinicie el juego para que los cambios del lenguaje surjan efecto.
settings = Ajustes
tutorial = Tutorial
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
tutorial.retake = Re-Take Tutorial
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
editor = Editor
mapeditor = Editor de Mapa
donate = Donar
abandon = Abandon
abandon.text = This zone and all its resources will be lost to the enemy.
locked = Locked
complete = [LIGHT_GRAY]Complete:
2019-03-29 04:31:22 +07:00
zone.requirement = Wave {0} in zone {1}
resume = Resume Zone:\n[LIGHT_GRAY]{0}
bestwave = [LIGHT_GRAY]Best: {0}
launch = Launch
launch.title = Launch Successful
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
launch.unable2 = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[]
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
launch.skip.confirm = If you skip now, you will not be able to launch until later waves.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} unlocked.
2019-03-29 04:31:22 +07:00
zone.requirement.complete = Wave {0} reached:\n{1} zone requirements met.
2019-02-26 10:38:01 +07:00
zone.config.complete = Wave {0} reached:\nLoadout config unlocked.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
zone.objective = [lightgray]Objective: [accent]{0}
zone.objective.survival = Survive
zone.objective.attack = Destroy Enemy Core
2019-02-26 10:38:01 +07:00
add = Add...
boss.health = Boss Health
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
connectfail = [crimson]Ha fallado la conexión con el servidor: [accent]{0}
error.unreachable = Servidor inaccesible.
error.invalidaddress = Dirección inválida.
error.timedout = ¡Se acabó el tiempo!\n¡Asegúrate que el host ha hecho el port forwarding, y que la dirección es correcta!
error.mismatch = Error de paquete:\nposible versión no válida del servidor/cliente.\nAsegúrate de que tú y el host tenéis la última versión de Mindustry.
error.alreadyconnected = Ya estás conectado.
error.mapnotfound = ¡Archivo de mapa no encontrado!
error.io = Network I/O error.
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
error.any = Error de red desconocido.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
error.bloom = Failed to initialize bloom.\nYour device may not support it.
zone.groundZero.name = Ground Zero
2019-05-01 10:34:41 +07:00
zone.desertWastes.name = Desert Wastes
zone.craters.name = The Craters
zone.frozenForest.name = Frozen Forest
zone.ruinousShores.name = Ruinous Shores
zone.stainedMountains.name = Stained Mountains
zone.desolateRift.name = Desolate Rift
zone.nuclearComplex.name = Nuclear Production Complex
2019-05-01 10:34:41 +07:00
zone.overgrowth.name = Overgrowth
zone.tarFields.name = Tar Fields
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
zone.saltFlats.name = Salt Flats
zone.impact0078.name = Impact 0078
zone.crags.name = Crags
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
zone.fungalPass.name = Fungal Pass
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
zone.groundZero.description = The optimal location to begin once more. Low enemy threat. Few resources.\nGather as much lead and copper as possible.\nMove on.
zone.frozenForest.description = Even here, closer to mountains, the spores have spread. The fridgid temperatures cannot contain them forever.\n\nBegin the venture into power. Build combustion generators. Learn to use menders.
zone.desertWastes.description = These wastes are vast, unpredictable, and criss-crossed with derelict sector structures.\nCoal is present in the region. Burn it for power, or synthesize graphite.\n\n[lightgray]This landing location cannot be guaranteed.
zone.saltFlats.description = On the outskirts of the desert lie the Salt Flats. Few resources can be found in this location.\n\nThe enemy has erected a resource storage complex here. Eradicate their core. Leave nothing standing.
zone.craters.description = Water has accumulated in this crater, relic of the old wars. Reclaim the area. Collect sand. Smelt metaglass. Pump water to cool turrets and drills.
zone.ruinousShores.description = Past the wastes, is the shoreline. Once, this location housed a coastal defense array. Not much of it remains. Only the most basic defense structures have remained unscathed, everything else reduced to scrap.\nContinue the expansion outwards. Rediscover the technology.
zone.stainedMountains.description = Further inland lie the mountains, yet untainted by spores.\nExtract the abundant titanium in this area. Learn how to use it.\n\nThe enemy presence is greater here. Do not give them time to send their strongest units.
zone.overgrowth.description = This area is overgrown, closer to the source of the spores.\nThe enemy has established an outpost here. Build dagger units. Destroy it. Reclaim that which was lost.
zone.tarFields.description = The outskirts of an oil production zone, between the mountains and desert. One of the few areas with usable tar reserves.\nAlthough abandoned, this area has some dangerous enemy forces nearby. Do not underestimate them.\n\n[lightgray]Research oil processing technology if possible.
zone.desolateRift.description = An extremely dangerous zone. Plentiful resources, but little space. High risk of destruction. Leave as soon as possible. Do not be fooled by the long spacing between enemy attacks.
zone.nuclearComplex.description = A former facility for the production and processing of thorium, reduced to ruins.\n[lightgray]Research the thorium and its many uses.\n\nThe enemy is present here in great numbers, constantly scouting for attackers.
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
zone.fungalPass.description = A transition area between high mountains and lower, spore-ridden lands. A small enemy reconnaissance base is located here.\nDestroy it.\nUse Dagger and Crawler units. Take out the two cores.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
zone.impact0078.description = <insert description here>
zone.crags.description = <insert description here>
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
settings.language = Lenguaje
settings.reset = Reiniciar por los de defecto
settings.rebind = Reasignar
settings.controls = Controles
settings.game = Juego
settings.sound = Sonido
settings.graphics = Gráficos
settings.cleardata = Limpiar Datos del Juego...
settings.clear.confirm = ¿Estas seguro de querer limpiar estos datos?\n¡Esta acción no puede deshacerse!
settings.clearall.confirm = [scarlet]ADVERTENCIA![]\nEsto va a eliminar todos tus datos, incluyendo guardados, mapas, desbloqueos y keybinds.\nUna vez presiones 'ok', el juego va a borrrar todos tus datos y saldrá del juego automáticamente.
settings.clearunlocks = Eliminar Desbloqueos
settings.clearall = Eliminar Todo
paused = Pausado
yes =
no = No
info.title = [accent]Información
error.title = [crimson]Un error ha ocurrido.
error.crashtitle = Un error ha ocurrido.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
attackpvponly = [scarlet]Only available in Attack/PvP modes
2019-04-02 00:32:49 +07:00
blocks.input = Input
blocks.output = Output
blocks.booster = Booster
2019-04-01 05:20:38 +07:00
block.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]???
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
blocks.powercapacity = Capacidad de Energía
blocks.powershot = Energía/Disparo
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
blocks.damage = Damage
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
blocks.targetsair = Apunta al Aire
2019-03-20 02:27:19 +07:00
blocks.targetsground = Targets Ground
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
2019-03-29 04:31:22 +07:00
blocks.launchtime = Time Between Launches
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
blocks.shootrange = Rango
blocks.size = Tamaño
blocks.liquidcapacity = Capacidad de Líquidos
blocks.powerrange = Rango de Energía
blocks.poweruse = Consumo de Energía
blocks.powerdamage = Energía/Daño
blocks.itemcapacity = Capacidad de Objetos
blocks.basepowergeneration = Generación de energía base
2019-04-02 00:32:49 +07:00
blocks.productiontime = Production Time
2019-03-29 04:31:22 +07:00
blocks.repairtime = Block Full Repair Time
2019-04-02 00:32:49 +07:00
blocks.speedincrease = Speed Increase
2019-03-29 04:31:22 +07:00
blocks.range = Range
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
blocks.drilltier = Taladrables
blocks.drillspeed = Velocidad Base del Taladro
2019-04-02 00:32:49 +07:00
blocks.boosteffect = Boost Effect
blocks.maxunits = Max Active Units
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
blocks.health = Vida
2019-06-08 23:11:32 +07:00
blocks.buildtime = Build Time
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
blocks.inaccuracy = Imprecisión
blocks.shots = Disparos
blocks.reload = Recarga
blocks.ammo = Ammo
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
bar.drilltierreq = Better Drill Required
2019-04-02 00:32:49 +07:00
bar.drillspeed = Drill Speed: {0}/s
bar.efficiency = Efficiency: {0}%
bar.powerbalance = Power: {0}
2019-04-05 02:14:45 +07:00
bar.poweramount = Power: {0}
2019-04-02 00:32:49 +07:00
bar.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
bar.items = Items: {0}
bar.liquid = Liquid
bar.heat = Heat
bar.power = Power
bar.progress = Build Progress
bar.spawned = Units: {0}/{1}
2019-03-25 04:58:59 +07:00
bullet.damage = [stat]{0}[lightgray] dmg
bullet.splashdamage = [stat]{0}[lightgray] area dmg ~[stat] {1}[lightgray] tiles
bullet.incendiary = [stat]incendiary
bullet.homing = [stat]homing
bullet.shock = [stat]shock
bullet.frag = [stat]frag
bullet.knockback = [stat]{0}[lightgray] knockback
bullet.freezing = [stat]freezing
bullet.tarred = [stat]tarred
bullet.multiplier = [stat]{0}[lightgray]x ammo multiplier
bullet.reload = [stat]{0}[lightgray]x reload
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
unit.blocks = bloques
unit.powersecond = unidades de energía/segundo
unit.liquidsecond = unidades de líquido/segundo
unit.itemssecond = objetos/segundo
unit.liquidunits = unidades de líquido
unit.powerunits = unidades de energía
unit.degrees = grados
unit.seconds = segundos
2019-04-02 00:32:49 +07:00
unit.persecond = /sec
unit.timesspeed = x speed
unit.percent = %
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
unit.items = objetos
category.general = General
category.power = Energía
category.liquids = Líquidos
category.items = Objetos
category.crafting = Fabricación
category.shooting = Disparo
category.optional = Mejoras Opcionales
2019-03-25 04:58:59 +07:00
setting.landscape.name = Lock Landscape
2019-03-23 22:08:46 +07:00
setting.shadows.name = Shadows
2019-06-08 23:11:32 +07:00
setting.linear.name = Linear Filtering
setting.animatedwater.name = Animated Water
2019-04-03 04:18:55 +07:00
setting.animatedshields.name = Animated Shields
2019-03-21 11:58:06 +07:00
setting.antialias.name = Antialias[LIGHT_GRAY] (requires restart)[]
setting.indicators.name = Ally Indicators
setting.autotarget.name = Auto apuntado
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
setting.keyboard.name = Mouse+Keyboard Controls
setting.fpscap.name = Máx FPS
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
setting.fpscap.none = Nada
setting.fpscap.text = {0} FPS
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
setting.uiscale.name = UI Scaling[lightgray] (require restart)[]
2019-03-20 02:27:19 +07:00
setting.swapdiagonal.name = Always Diagonal Placement
2018-10-26 21:55:15 +07:00
setting.difficulty.training = entrenamiento
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
setting.difficulty.easy = fácil
setting.difficulty.normal = normal
setting.difficulty.hard = difícil
setting.difficulty.insane = locura
setting.difficulty.name = Dificultad:
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
setting.screenshake.name = Movimiento de la Pantalla
setting.effects.name = Mostrar Efectos
setting.sensitivity.name = Sensibilidad del Control
setting.saveinterval.name = Intervalo del Auto-guardado
setting.seconds = {0} Segundos
setting.fullscreen.name = Pantalla Completa
2019-06-08 23:11:32 +07:00
setting.borderlesswindow.name = Borderless Window[LIGHT_GRAY] (may require restart)
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
setting.fps.name = Mostrar FPS
setting.vsync.name = VSync
setting.lasers.name = Mostrar Energía de los Láseres
2019-04-03 02:52:44 +07:00
setting.pixelate.name = Pixelate [LIGHT_GRAY](may decrease performance)
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
setting.minimap.name = Mostrar Minimapa
setting.musicvol.name = Volumen de la Música
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
setting.ambientvol.name = Ambient Volume
setting.mutemusic.name = Silenciar Musica
setting.sfxvol.name = Volumen de los efectos de sonido
setting.mutesound.name = Silenciar Sonido
setting.crashreport.name = Enviar informes de fallos anónimos
2019-05-01 10:34:41 +07:00
setting.chatopacity.name = Chat Opacity
setting.playerchat.name = Display In-Game Chat
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
uiscale.reset = UI scale has been changed.\nPress "OK" to confirm this scale.\n[scarlet]Reverting and exiting in[accent] {0}[] settings...
uiscale.cancel = Cancel & Exit
setting.bloom.name = Bloom
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
keybind.title = Reasignar Teclas
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
keybinds.mobile = [scarlet]Most keybinds here are not functional on mobile. Only basic movement is supported.
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
category.general.name = General
category.view.name = Visión
category.multiplayer.name = Multijugador
2018-10-26 21:55:15 +07:00
command.attack = Atacar
command.retreat = Retirarse
2018-10-26 21:55:15 +07:00
command.patrol = Patrullar
keybind.gridMode.name = Block Select
keybind.gridModeShift.name = Category Select
2018-10-26 21:55:15 +07:00
keybind.press = Presiona una tecla...
keybind.press.axis = Pulsa un eje o botón...
keybind.screenshot.name = Map Screenshot
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
keybind.move_x.name = Mover x
keybind.move_y.name = Mover y
keybind.select.name = Seleccionar
2019-03-20 02:27:19 +07:00
keybind.diagonal_placement.name = Diagonal Placement
keybind.pick.name = Pick Block
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
2018-10-26 21:55:15 +07:00
keybind.deselect.name = Deseleccionar
keybind.shoot.name = Disparar
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
keybind.zoom_hold.name = Mantener Zoom
keybind.zoom.name = Zoom
keybind.menu.name = Menu
keybind.pause.name = Pausa
2019-05-01 10:34:41 +07:00
keybind.minimap.name = Minimap
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
keybind.dash.name = Correr
keybind.chat.name = Chat
keybind.player_list.name = Lista de jugadores
keybind.console.name = consola
keybind.rotate.name = Rotar
2018-10-26 21:55:15 +07:00
keybind.toggle_menus.name = Alternar menús
keybind.chat_history_prev.name = Historial de chat anterior
keybind.chat_history_next.name = Historial de chat siguiente
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
keybind.chat_scroll.name = Chat scroll
keybind.drop_unit.name = drop unit
2018-10-26 21:55:15 +07:00
keybind.zoom_minimap.name = Zoom minimapa
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
mode.help.title = Descripción de modos
mode.survival.name = Survival
mode.survival.description = The normal mode. Limited resources and automatic incoming waves.
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
mode.sandbox.name = sandbox
mode.sandbox.description = Recursos ilimitados y sin temporizador para las hordas.
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.pvp.description = Pelea contra otros jugadores localmente.
mode.attack.name = Attack
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
2019-03-25 04:58:59 +07:00
mode.custom = Custom Rules
rules.infiniteresources = Infinite Resources
rules.wavetimer = Wave Timer
rules.waves = Waves
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
rules.attack = Attack Mode
2019-03-25 04:58:59 +07:00
rules.enemyCheat = Infinite AI Resources
rules.unitdrops = Unit Drops
2019-04-04 11:03:19 +07:00
rules.unitbuildspeedmultiplier = Unit Creation Speed Multiplier
rules.unithealthmultiplier = Unit Health Multiplier
2019-05-01 10:34:41 +07:00
rules.playerhealthmultiplier = Player Health Multiplier
2019-04-04 11:03:19 +07:00
rules.playerdamagemultiplier = Player Damage Multiplier
2019-05-01 10:34:41 +07:00
rules.unitdamagemultiplier = Unit Damage Multiplier
2019-03-25 04:58:59 +07:00
rules.enemycorebuildradius = Enemy Core No-Build Radius:[LIGHT_GRAY] (tiles)
rules.respawntime = Respawn Time:[LIGHT_GRAY] (sec)
rules.wavespacing = Wave Spacing:[LIGHT_GRAY] (sec)
2019-03-25 05:33:07 +07:00
rules.buildcostmultiplier = Build Cost Multiplier
rules.buildspeedmultiplier = Build Speed Multiplier
2019-05-01 10:34:41 +07:00
rules.waitForWaveToEnd = Waves wait for enemies
rules.dropzoneradius = Drop Zone Radius:[LIGHT_GRAY] (tiles)
rules.respawns = Max respawns per wave
rules.limitedRespawns = Limit Respawns
rules.title.waves = Waves
rules.title.respawns = Respawns
rules.title.resourcesbuilding = Resources & Building
rules.title.player = Players
rules.title.enemy = Enemies
rules.title.unit = Units
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
content.item.name = Objetos
content.liquid.name = Líquidos
content.unit.name = Unidades
content.block.name = Blocks
content.mech.name = Mecanoides
item.copper.name = Cobre
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
item.lead.name = Plomo
item.coal.name = Carbón
item.graphite.name = Graphite
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
item.titanium.name = Titanio
item.thorium.name = Torio
item.silicon.name = Silicona
item.plastanium.name = Plastanio
item.phase-fabric.name = Tejido de fase
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
item.surge-alloy.name = Surge Alloy
2019-02-26 10:38:01 +07:00
item.spore-pod.name = Spore Pod
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
item.sand.name = Arena
item.blast-compound.name = Compuesto Explosivo
item.pyratite.name = Pirotita
item.metaglass.name = Metaglass
item.scrap.name = Scrap
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
liquid.water.name = Agua
liquid.slag.name = Slag
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
liquid.oil.name = Petróleo
liquid.cryofluid.name = Criogénico
mech.alpha-mech.name = Alpha
mech.alpha-mech.weapon = Repetidor Pesado
mech.alpha-mech.ability = Enjambre de Drones
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
mech.delta-mech.name = Delta
mech.delta-mech.weapon = Generador de arco
mech.delta-mech.ability = Descarga
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
mech.tau-mech.name = Tau
mech.tau-mech.weapon = Láser de reestructuración
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
mech.tau-mech.ability = Repair Burst
mech.omega-mech.name = Omega
mech.omega-mech.weapon = Enjambre de misiles
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
mech.omega-mech.ability = Armored Configuration
mech.dart-ship.name = Dardo
mech.dart-ship.weapon = Repetidor
mech.javelin-ship.name = Jabalina
mech.javelin-ship.weapon = Ráfaga de misiles
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
mech.javelin-ship.ability = Discharge Booster
mech.trident-ship.name = Tridente
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
mech.trident-ship.weapon = Bomb Bay
mech.glaive-ship.name = Glaive
mech.glaive-ship.weapon = Flame Repeater
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
item.explosiveness = [LIGHT_GRAY]Explosividad: {0}
item.flammability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Inflamabilidad: {0}
item.radioactivity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Radioactividad: {0}
unit.health = [LIGHT_GRAY]Vida: {0}
unit.speed = [LIGHT_GRAY]Velocidad: {0}
mech.weapon = [LIGHT_GRAY]Arma: {0}
mech.health = [LIGHT_GRAY]Health: {0}
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
mech.itemcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Capacidad de objetos: {0}
mech.minespeed = [LIGHT_GRAY]Velocidad de minado: {0}
mech.minepower = [LIGHT_GRAY]Potencia de minado: {0}
mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Hablidad: {0}
2019-04-02 00:32:49 +07:00
mech.buildspeed = [LIGHT_GRAY]Building Speed: {0}%
2019-01-10 04:58:06 +07:00
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Capacidad Térmica: {0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Viscosidad: {0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]Temperatura: {0}
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
block.sand-boulder.name = Sand Boulder
block.grass.name = Grass
block.salt.name = Salt
2019-05-01 10:34:41 +07:00
block.saltrocks.name = Salt Rocks
block.pebbles.name = Pebbles
block.tendrils.name = Tendrils
block.sandrocks.name = Sand Rocks
block.spore-pine.name = Spore Pine
2019-03-20 02:27:19 +07:00
block.sporerocks.name = Spore Rocks
block.rock.name = Rock
2019-03-21 06:12:14 +07:00
block.snowrock.name = Snow Rock
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
block.snow-pine.name = Snow Pine
block.shale.name = Shale
block.shale-boulder.name = Shale Boulder
block.moss.name = Moss
2019-05-01 10:34:41 +07:00
block.shrubs.name = Shrubs
block.spore-moss.name = Spore Moss
block.shalerocks.name = Shale Rocks
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.graphite-press.name = Graphite Press
block.multi-press.name = Multi-Press
block.constructing = {0}\n[LIGHT_GRAY](Construyendo)
block.spawn.name = Punto de generación
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.deepwater.name = Aguas profundas
block.water.name = Agua
2019-03-23 22:08:46 +07:00
block.tainted-water.name = Tainted Water
block.darksand-tainted-water.name = Dark Sand Tainted Water
block.tar.name = Alquitrán
block.stone.name = Piedra
block.sand.name = Arena
2019-03-21 11:58:06 +07:00
block.darksand.name = Dark Sand
block.ice.name = Hielo
block.snow.name = Nieve
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
2019-03-21 11:58:06 +07:00
block.darksand-water.name = Dark Sand Water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
2019-05-01 10:34:41 +07:00
block.dark-panel-1.name = Dark Panel 1
block.dark-panel-2.name = Dark Panel 2
block.dark-panel-3.name = Dark Panel 3
block.dark-panel-4.name = Dark Panel 4
block.dark-panel-5.name = Dark Panel 5
block.dark-panel-6.name = Dark Panel 6
block.dark-metal.name = Dark Metal
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = Muro de cobre
block.copper-wall-large.name = Muro de cobre grande
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
block.titanium-wall-large.name = Large Titanium Wall
block.phase-wall.name = Muro de Fase grande
block.phase-wall-large.name = Muro de Fase grande
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.thorium-wall.name = Pared de Torio
block.thorium-wall-large.name = Pared de Torio grande
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.door.name = Puerta
block.door-large.name = Puerta Larga
block.duo.name = Dúo
2019-03-21 11:58:06 +07:00
block.scorch.name = Scorch
block.scatter.name = Scatter
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.hail.name = Granizo
block.lancer.name = Lancero
block.conveyor.name = Cinta Transportadora
block.titanium-conveyor.name = Cinta Transportadora de Titanio
block.junction.name = Cruce
block.router.name = Enrutador
block.distributor.name = Distribuidor
block.sorter.name = Clasificador
block.overflow-gate.name = Compuerta de Desborde
block.silicon-smelter.name = Horno para Silicona
block.phase-weaver.name = Tejedor de Fase
block.pulverizer.name = Pulverizador
block.cryofluidmixer.name = Mezclador de Criogénicos
block.melter.name = Fundidor
block.incinerator.name = Incinerador
2019-02-26 10:38:01 +07:00
block.spore-press.name = Spore Press
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.separator.name = Separador
2019-05-01 10:34:41 +07:00
block.coal-centrifuge.name = Coal Centrifuge
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.power-node.name = Nodo de Energía
block.power-node-large.name = Nodo de Energía Grande
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.battery.name = Batería
block.battery-large.name = Batería Grande
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.combustion-generator.name = Generador de Combustión
block.turbine-generator.name = Turbina
block.differential-generator.name = Differential Generator
block.impact-reactor.name = Impact Reactor
block.mechanical-drill.name = Taladro mecánico
block.pneumatic-drill.name = Taladro neumático
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.laser-drill.name = Taladro Laser
block.water-extractor.name = Extractor de Agua
block.cultivator.name = Cultivador
2019-05-01 10:34:41 +07:00
block.dart-mech-pad.name = Dart Mech Pad
block.delta-mech-pad.name = Pad de mecanoide Delta
block.javelin-ship-pad.name = Pad de nave Jabalina
block.trident-ship-pad.name = Pad de nave Tridente
block.glaive-ship-pad.name = Pad de nave Glaive
block.omega-mech-pad.name = Pad de mecanoide Omega
block.tau-mech-pad.name = Pad de mecanoide Tau
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.conduit.name = Conducto
block.mechanical-pump.name = Bomba Mecánica
2019-01-08 06:48:55 +07:00
block.item-source.name = Fuente de objetos
block.item-void.name = Vacío de objetos
block.liquid-source.name = Fuente de líquidos
block.power-void.name = Vacío de energía
block.power-source.name = Energía Infinita
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.unloader.name = Descargador
block.vault.name = Bóveda
block.wave.name = Horda
block.swarmer.name = Enjambredor
block.salvo.name = Salva
block.ripple.name = Onda
block.phase-conveyor.name = Cinta Transportadora de Fase
block.bridge-conveyor.name = Cinta Transportadora Puente
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Compresor de Plastanio
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Mezclador de Pirotita
block.blast-mixer.name = Mezclador de Explosivos
block.solar-panel.name = Panel Solar
block.solar-panel-large.name = Panel Solar Grande
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.oil-extractor.name = Extractor de Petróleo
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
block.draug-factory.name = Draug Miner Drone Factory
block.spirit-factory.name = Fábrica de Drones Espíritu
block.phantom-factory.name = Fábrica de Drones Fantasmales
block.wraith-factory.name = Fábrica de Wraith Fighter
block.ghoul-factory.name = Fábrica de Ghoul Bomber
block.dagger-factory.name = Fábrica de Dagas
block.crawler-factory.name = Crawler Mech Factory
block.titan-factory.name = Fábrica de Titanes
block.fortress-factory.name = Fábrica de mecanoide Fortress
block.revenant-factory.name = Fábrica de Revenant Fighter
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.repair-point.name = Punto de Reparación
block.pulse-conduit.name = Conducto de Pulso
block.phase-conduit.name = Conducto de Fase
block.liquid-router.name = Enrutador de Líquidos
block.liquid-tank.name = Tanque de Líquidos
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.liquid-junction.name = Cruce de Líquidos
block.bridge-conduit.name = Conducto Puente
block.rotary-pump.name = Bomba Rotatoria
block.thorium-reactor.name = Reactor de Torio
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.mass-driver.name = Teletransportador de Masa
block.blast-drill.name = Taladro de explosión
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.thermal-pump.name = Bomba Térmica
block.thermal-generator.name = Generador Térmico
block.alloy-smelter.name = Alloy Smelter
2019-03-29 04:31:22 +07:00
block.mender.name = Mender
block.mend-projector.name = Proyector de reparación
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.surge-wall.name = Surge Wall
block.surge-wall-large.name = Large Surge Wall
block.cyclone.name = Ciclón
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.fuse.name = Fuse
block.shock-mine.name = Shock Mine
block.overdrive-projector.name = Proyector de sobremarcha
block.force-projector.name = Proyector de fuerza
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.arc.name = Arc
block.rtg-generator.name = Generador RTG
block.spectre.name = Espectro
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
block.meltdown.name = Meltdown
block.container.name = Contenedor
block.launch-pad.name = Launch Pad
2019-03-29 04:31:22 +07:00
block.launch-pad-large.name = Large Launch Pad
team.blue.name = Azul
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
team.crux.name = red
team.sharded.name = orange
team.orange.name = Naranja
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
team.derelict.name = derelict
team.green.name = Verde
team.purple.name = Púrpura
unit.spirit.name = Dron Espíritu
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
unit.draug.name = Draug Miner Drone
unit.phantom.name = Dron Fantasmal
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
unit.dagger.name = Daga
unit.crawler.name = Crawler
Update and standardize translations (POEditor.com) (#258) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_ru.properties * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Delete bundle_fr_be.properties * Create bundle_fr_be.properties * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Create bundle_tr.properties * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_CN.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_zh_TW.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_fr_be.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_de.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_in_ID.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ita.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ko.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pl.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_pt_BR.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_es.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tk.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_tr.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_uk_UA.properties (POEditor.com) * Update bundle_ru.properties (POEditor.com)
2018-10-25 00:22:18 +07:00
unit.titan.name = Titán
unit.ghoul.name = Ghoul Bomber
unit.wraith.name = Wraith Fighter
unit.fortress.name = Fortress
unit.revenant.name = Revenant
unit.eruptor.name = Eruptor
unit.chaos-array.name = Chaos Array
unit.eradicator.name = Eradicator
unit.lich.name = Lich
unit.reaper.name = Reaper
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
tutorial.next = [lightgray]<Tap to continue>
tutorial.intro = You have entered the[scarlet] Mindustry Tutorial.[]\nBegin by[accent] mining copper[]. Tap a copper ore vein near your core to do this.\n\n[accent]{0}/{1} copper
tutorial.drill = Minar manualmente es ineficiente.\nLos [accent]taladros pueden minar automáticamente.\nColoca uno en una veta de cobre.
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
tutorial.drill.mobile = Mining manually is inefficient.\n[accent]Drills []can mine automatically.\nTap the drill tab in the bottom right.\nSelect the[accent] mechanical drill[].\nPlace it on a copper vein by tapping, then press the[accent] checkmark[] below to confirm your selection.\nPress the[accent] X button[] to cancel placement.
tutorial.blockinfo = Each block has different stats. Each drill can only mine certain ores.\nTo check a block's info and stats,[accent] tap the "?" button while selecting it in the build menu.[]\n\n[accent]Access the Mechanical Drill's stats now.[]
tutorial.conveyor = Los [accent]Conveyors[] se usan para transportar objetos al núcleo.\nConstruye una línea de transportadores del taladro al núcleo.
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
tutorial.conveyor.mobile = [accent]Conveyors[] are used to transport items to the core.\nMake a line of conveyors from the drill to the core.\n[accent] Place in a line by holding down your finger for a few seconds[] and dragging in a direction.\n\n[accent]{0}/{1} conveyors placed in line\n[accent]0/1 items delivered
tutorial.turret = Se tiene que construir estructuras defensivas para repeler el [LIGHT_GRAY]enemy[].\nConstruye una torreta dúo cerca de tu base.
tutorial.drillturret = Los dúos requieren[accent] copper ammo[]para disparar.\nColoca un taladro junto a la torre para darle cobre.
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
tutorial.pause = During battle, you are able to[accent] pause the game.[]\nYou may queue buildings while paused.\n\n[accent]Press space to pause.
tutorial.pause.mobile = During battle, you are able to[accent] pause the game.[]\nYou may queue buildings while paused.\n\n[accent]Press this button in the top left to pause.
tutorial.unpause = Now press space again to unpause.
tutorial.unpause.mobile = Now press it again to unpause.
tutorial.breaking = Blocks frequently need to be destroyed.\n[accent]Hold down right-click[] to destroy all blocks in a selection.[]\n\n[accent]Destroy all the scrap blocks to the left of your core using area selection.
tutorial.breaking.mobile = Blocks frequently need to be destroyed.\n[accent]Select deconstruction mode[], then tap a block to begin breaking it.\nDestroy an area by holding down your finger for a few seconds[] and dragging in a direction.\nPress the checkmark button to confirm breaking.\n\n[accent]Destroy all the scrap blocks to the left of your core using area selection.
tutorial.withdraw = In some situations, taking items directly from blocks is necessary.\nTo do this, [accent]tap a block[] with items in it, then [accent]tap the item[] in the inventory.\nMultiple items can be withdrawn by [accent]tapping and holding[].\n\n[accent]Withdraw some copper from the core.[]
tutorial.deposit = Deposit items into blocks by dragging from your ship to the destination block.\n\n[accent]Deposit your copper back into the core.[]
tutorial.waves = El[LIGHT_GRAY] enemy[] se acerca.\n\nDefiende tu núcleo 2 hordas. Construye más torretas.
2019-08-24 05:14:27 +07:00
tutorial.waves.mobile = The[lightgray] enemy[] approaches.\n\nDefend the core for 2 waves. Your ship will automatically fire at enemies.\nBuild more turrets and drills. Mine more copper.
tutorial.launch = Once you reach a specific wave, you are able to[accent] launch the core[], leaving your defenses behind and[accent] obtaining all the resources in your core.[]\nThese resources can then be used to research new technology.\n\n[accent]Press the launch button.
2019-07-30 21:23:29 +07:00
item.copper.description = Un útil material estructural. Usado extensivamente en todo tipo de bloques.
item.lead.description = Un material básico. Usado extensivamente en electrónicos y bloques de transferencia de líquidos.
item.metaglass.description = A super-tough glass compound. Extensively used for liquid distribution and storage.
item.graphite.description = Mineralized carbon, used for ammunition and electrical insulation.
item.sand.description = Un material común que es usado extensivamente en la fundición, para alear y como fundente.
item.coal.description = Un combustible común y preparado para ser quemado.
item.titanium.description = Un metal raro super ligero usado extensivamente en transportación de liquidos, taladros y aeronaves.
item.thorium.description = Un metal radiactivo, muy denso usado en soporte de estructuras y combustible nuclear.
item.scrap.description = Leftover remnants of old structures and units. Contains trace amounts of many different metals.
item.silicon.description = Un semiconductor muy útil, se usa para paneles solares y muchos electrónicos complejos.
item.plastanium.description = Un material dúctil, ligero usado en aeronaves y proyectiles de fragmentación.
item.phase-fabric.description = Una sustancia casi sin peso usada en electrónica avanzada y en tecnología autoreparadora.
item.surge-alloy.description = Una aleación avanzada con propiedades eléctricas únicas.
item.spore-pod.description = Used for conversion into oil, explosives and fuel.
item.blast-compound.description = Un compuesto volatil usado en bombas y explosivos. Aunque se puede quemar como combustible, esto no es recomendable.
item.pyratite.description = Una sustancia extremadamente inflamable usada en armas incendiarias.
liquid.water.description = Usado comúnmente para enfriar máquinas y para procesar residuos.
liquid.slag.description = Various different types of molten metal mixed together. Can be separated into its constituent minerals, or sprayed at enemy units as a weapon.
liquid.oil.description = Puede ser quemado, explotado o como un enfriador.
liquid.cryofluid.description = El líquido más eficiente pra enfriar las cosas.
mech.alpha-mech.description = El mecanoide estándar. Tiene velocidad y daño decentes, puede crear hasta 3 drones para poder ofensivo incremenado.
mech.delta-mech.description = Un mecanoide rápido y ligeramente armado para ataques de ataque y retirada. Hace poco daño a estructuras, pero puede eliminar rápidamente a grandes grupos de unidades con sus armas de arco eléctrico.
mech.tau-mech.description = El mecanoide de soporte. Repara bloques aliados disparándolos. Puede extinguir el fuego y reparar aliados en un rango con su habilidad de reparación.
mech.omega-mech.description = Un mecanoide grande y bien armado, hecho para asaltos en primera línea. Su habilidad de armadura puede bloquear hasta el 90% del daño que recibe.
mech.dart-ship.description = La nave normal. Bastante ligera y rápida, pero tiene poca capacidad ofensiva y baja velocidad minado.
mech.javelin-ship.description = Una nave de ataque y retirada. Aunque inicialmente lento, puede acelerar a altas velocidades y volar sobre puestos enemigos, causando gran daño con su habilidad de rayos y misiles.
mech.trident-ship.description = Un bombardero pesado. Razonablemente bien equipado.
mech.glaive-ship.description = Una nave pistolera grande y bien armada. Equipada con un repetidor incendiario. Buena aceleración y velocidad máxima.
unit.draug.description = A primitive mining drone. Cheap to produce. Expendable. Automatically mines copper and lead in the vicinity. Delivers mined resources to the closest core.
unit.spirit.description = El dron del comienzo. Aparece en el núcleo por defecto. Mina automáticamente minerales, recoge objetos y repara bloques.
unit.phantom.description = Un dron avanzado. Mina automáticamente minerales, recoge objetos y repra bloques. Bastante más efectivo que un dron normal.
unit.dagger.description = Una unidad de terreno. Útil con enjambres.
unit.crawler.description = A ground unit consisting of a stripped-down frame with high explosives strapped on top. Not particular durable. Explodes on contact with enemies.
unit.titan.description = Una unidad blindada de terreno, avanzada. Ataca blancos de aire y de terreno.
unit.fortress.description = Una unidad terrestre pesada de artillería.
unit.eruptor.description = A heavy mech designed to take down structures. Fires a stream of slag at enemy fortifications, melting them and setting volatiles on fire.
unit.wraith.description = Una unidad interceptora rápida.
unit.ghoul.description = Una unidad bombardera pesada. Usa compuesto explosivo o pirotita como munición.
unit.revenant.description = A heavy, hovering missile array.
block.graphite-press.description = Compresses chunks of coal into pure sheets of graphite.
block.multi-press.description = An upgraded version of the graphite press. Employs water and power to process coal quickly and efficiently.
block.silicon-smelter.description = Reduce arena con coque de alta pureza para producir silicona.
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass. Requires small amounts of power.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produce plastanio con aceite y titanio.
block.phase-weaver.description = Produces phase fabric from radioactive thorium and high amounts of sand.
block.alloy-smelter.description = Produce "surge alloy" con titanio, plomo, silicona y cobre.
block.cryofluidmixer.description = Combina agua y titanio en líquido criogénico que es mucho más eficiente para enfriar.
block.blast-mixer.description = Usa aceite para transformar pirotita en un objeto menos inflamable pero más explosivo: compuesto explosivo.
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Mezcla carbón, plomo y arena en pirotita altamente inflamable.
block.melter.description = Calienta piedra a temperaturas muy altas para obtener lava.
block.separator.description = Expone piedra a la presión del agua para obtener diversos minerales contenidos en la piedra.
block.spore-press.description = Compresses spore pods into oil.
block.pulverizer.description = Despedaza la piedra en arena. Útil cuando no hay arena natural.
block.coal-centrifuge.description = Solidifes oil into chunks of coal.
block.incinerator.description = Se deshace de cualquier líquido u objeto excesivo.
block.power-void.description = Elimina toda la energía que se le da. Solo en sandbox.
block.power-source.description = Da energía infinita. Solo en sandbox.
block.item-source.description = Da objetos infinitos. Solo en sandbox.
block.item-void.description = Destruye cuanquier objeto que va a él sin necesitar energía. Solo en sandbox.
block.liquid-source.description = Da líquido infinito. Solo en sandbox.
block.copper-wall.description = Un bloque defensivo barato.\nÚtil para defneder e núcleo y las torres en las primeras hordas.
block.copper-wall-large.description = Un bloque defensivo barato.\nÚtil para defneder e núcleo y las torres en las primeras hordas.\nOcupa múltiples casillas.
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block.titanium-wall.description = A moderately strong defensive block.\nProvides moderate protection from enemies.
block.titanium-wall-large.description = A moderately strong defensive block.\nProvides moderate protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.thorium-wall.description = Un bloque defensivo fuerte.\nBuena protección contra enemigos.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = Un bloque defensivo fuerte.\nBuena protección contra enemigos.\nOcupa múltiples casillas.
block.phase-wall.description = No es tan fuerte como un muro de torio pero rebota balas al enemigo si no son demasiado fuertes.
block.phase-wall-large.description = No es tan fuerte como un muro de torio pero rebota balas al enemigo si no son demasiado fuertes.\nOcupa múltiples casillas.
block.surge-wall.description = El bloque defensivo más fuerte.\nTiene una pequeña probabilidad de disparar rayos al atacante.
block.surge-wall-large.description = El bloque defensivo más fuerte.\nTiene una pequeña probabilidad de disparar rayos al atacante.\nOcupa múltiplies casillas.
block.door.description = Una puerta pequeña que puede ser abierta y cerrada tocándola.\nSi está abirta, los enemigos pueden moverse y disparar a través de ella.\nOcupa múltiples casillas.
block.door-large.description = Una puerta grande que puede ser abierta y cerrada tocándola.\nSi está abirta, los enemigos pueden moverse y disparar a través de ella.\nOcupa múltiples casillas.
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block.mender.description = Periodically repairs blocks in its vicinity. Keeps defenses repaired in-between waves.\nOptionally uses silicon to boost range and efficiency.
block.mend-projector.description = Regenera edificios cercanos periódcamente.
block.overdrive-projector.description = Aumenta la velocidad de edificios cercanos como taladros y transportadores.
block.force-projector.description = Crea un área de fuerza hexagonal alrededor de él, protegiendo edificios y unidades dentro de él del daño de las balas.
block.shock-mine.description = Daña enemigos que pisan a mina. Casi invisible al enemigo.
block.conveyor.description = Bloque de transporte básico. Mueve objetos hacia adelante y los deposita automáticamente en torres o fábricas. Rotable.
block.titanium-conveyor.description = Bloque de transporte avanzado. Mueve objetos más rápido que los transportadores estándar.
block.junction.description = Actúa como puente para dos transportadores que se cruzan. Útil en situaciones con dos diferentes transportadores transportando diferentes materiales a diferentes lugares.
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block.bridge-conveyor.description = Bloque avanado de transporte. Puede transportar objetos por encima hasta 3 casillas de cualquier terreno o construcción.
block.phase-conveyor.description = Bloque de transporte avanzado. Usa energía para transportar objetos a otro transportador de fase conectado por varias casillas.
block.sorter.description = Clasifica objetos. Si un objeto es igual al seleccionado, pasará al frente. Si no, el objeto saldrá por la izquierda y la derecha.
block.router.description = Acepta objetos de una dirección y deja objetos equitativamente en hasta 3 direcciones diferentes. Útil para dividir los materiales de una fuente de recursos a múltiples objetivos.
block.distributor.description = Un enrutador avanzado que distribuye objetos equitativamente en hasta otras 7 direcciones.
block.overflow-gate.description = Un enrutador que solo saca por la izquierda y la derecha si la cinta del frente está llena.
block.mass-driver.description = El mejor bloque de transorte. Recoge varios objetos y los dispara a otro conductor de masa en un largo rango.
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block.mechanical-pump.description = Una bomba barata con extracción lenta, pero sin uso de energía.
block.rotary-pump.description = Una bomba avanzada que duplica la velocidad usando energía.
block.thermal-pump.description = La mejor bomba. Tres veces más rápido que la bomba mecánica, y la única bomba que puede extraer lava.
block.conduit.description = Bloque de transporte de líquidos básico. Funciona como un transportador, pero con líquidos. Usado con bombas, extractores u otros conductos.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Bloque de transporte de líquidos avanzado. Transporta líquidos más rápidamente y almacena más que los conductos estándar.
block.liquid-router.description = Acepta líquidos de una dirección y los deja en hasta 3 direcciones equitativamente. También puede amacenar cierta capacidad de líquido. Útil para dividir los líquidos de una fuente a varios objetivos.
block.liquid-tank.description = Almacena una gran cantidad de líquidos. Úsalo para crear almacenes cuando no hay una demanda constante de materiales o para asegurarse de enfriar bloques vitales.
block.liquid-junction.description = Actúa como un puente para dos condusctos que se cruzan. Útil en situaciones en las que hay dos conductos con líquidos diferentes a diferentes lugares.
block.bridge-conduit.description = Bloque avanzado de transporte de líquidos. Permite transportar líquidos por encima hasta 3 casillas de cualquier terreno o construcción.
block.phase-conduit.description = Bloque de transporte de líquidos avanzado. Usa energía para transportar líquidos a otro conducto de fase conectado por varias casillas.
block.power-node.description = Transmite energía a nodos conectados, conecta hasta cuatro fuentes de energía, edificios que usan energía o nodos. El nodo obtendrá o transmitirá energía de cualquier bloque adyacente.
block.power-node-large.description = Tiene un radio más amplio que el nodo de energía y conecta hasta seis fuentes de energía, edificios que usan energía o nodos.
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block.surge-tower.description = An extremely long-range power node with fewer available connections.
block.battery.description = Guarda energía cuando hay abundancia y proporciona energía cuando hay escasez de energía mientras la batería tenga energía.
block.battery-large.description = Almacena mucha más energía que una batería normal.
block.combustion-generator.description = Genera energía quemando aceite o matteriales inflamables.
block.thermal-generator.description = Genera una gran cantidad de energía con la lava.
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block.turbine-generator.description = Más eficiente que un generador de combustión, pero requiere agua adicional.
block.differential-generator.description = Generates large amounts of energy. Utilizes the temperature difference between cryofluid and burning pyratite.
block.rtg-generator.description = Un generador radioisótropo termoeléctrico que no necesita enfriamiento pero proporciona menos energía que un reactor de torio.
block.solar-panel.description = Proporciona una pequeña cantidad de energía procedente del sol.
block.solar-panel-large.description = Genera un mucho mejor suministro de energía que un panel solar estándar, pero también es mucho más caro de construir.
block.thorium-reactor.description = Genera grandes cantidades de energía del torio altamente radioactivo. Necesita enfriamiento constante. Explotará violentamente si no se le aporta suficiente enfriamiento.
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block.impact-reactor.description = An advanced generator, capable of creating massive amounts of power at peak efficiency. Requires a significant power input to kickstart the process.
block.mechanical-drill.description = Un taladro barato. Cuando es colocado en casillas apropiadas, extrae objetos lentamente de forma indefinida.
block.pneumatic-drill.description = Un taladro mejorado que es más rápido y puede obtener minerales más duros usando la presión.
block.laser-drill.description = Permite obtener minerales incluso más rápido con la tecnología láser, pero requiere energía. Además, se puede obtener torio radioactivo con este taladro.
block.blast-drill.description = El mejor taladro. Requiere grandes cantidades de energía.
block.water-extractor.description = Extrae agua de la tierra. Úsalo cuando no haya lagos cercanos.
block.cultivator.description = Cultiva la tierra para obtener biomateria.
block.oil-extractor.description = Usa grandes cantidades de energía para extraer aceite de la arena. Úsalo cuando no hay fuentes directas de aceite cerca.
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block.core-shard.description = The first iteration of the core capsule. Once destroyed, all contact to the region is lost. Do not let this happen.
block.core-foundation.description = The second version of the core. Better armored. Stores more resources.
block.core-nucleus.description = The third and final iteration of the core capsule. Extremely well armored. Stores massive amounts of resources.
block.vault.description = Almacena una gran cantidad de objetos. Úsalo para crear almacenes cuando no hay una demanda constante de materales. Un [LIGHT_GRAY] unloader[] puede usarse para obtener objetos del almacén.
block.container.description = Almacena una pequeña cantidad de objetos. Úsalo para crear almacenes cuando no hay una demanda constante de materales. Un [LIGHT_GRAY] unloader[] puede usarse para obtener objetos del contenedor.
block.unloader.description = Descarga objetos de un contenedor, almacén o el núcleo a un transportador o directamente a un bloque adyacente. El tipo de objeto descargado puede ser cambiado tocando el descagador.
block.launch-pad.description = Launches batches of items without any need for a core launch. Unfinished.
block.launch-pad-large.description = An improved version of the launch pad. Stores more items. Launches more frequently.
block.duo.description = Una torre pequeña y barata.
block.scatter.description = A medium-sized anti-air turret. Sprays clumps of lead or scrap flak at enemy units.
block.scorch.description = Burns any ground enemies close to it. Highly effective at close range.
block.hail.description = Una torre de artillería pequeña.
block.wave.description = Una torre de tamaño mediano que dispara burbujas de líquido.
block.lancer.description = Una torre de tamaño mediano que dispara rayos cargados eléctricamente.
block.arc.description = Una torre pequeña que disapra electricidad en un arco aleatorio al enemigo.
block.swarmer.description = Una torre de tamaño mediano que dispara misiles en grupo.
block.salvo.description = Una torre de tramaño mediano que dispara balas en salvos.
block.fuse.description = Una torre grande que dispara rayos poderosos de corto alcance.
block.ripple.description = Una torre de artillería grande que dispara varios disparos simultáneamente.
block.cyclone.description = Una torre de disparo rápido grande.
block.spectre.description = Una torre grande que dispara dos balas poderosas de una vez.
block.meltdown.description = Una torre grande que dispara rayos poderosos de largo alcance.
block.draug-factory.description = Produces Draug mining drones.
block.spirit-factory.description = Produce drones ligeros que obtienen minerales y reparan bloques.
block.phantom-factory.description = Produce drones avanzados que son significativamente más eficientes que un dron espíritu.
block.wraith-factory.description = Produce unidades aéreas rápidas e interceptoras.
block.ghoul-factory.description = Produce unidades bombarderas pesadas.
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block.revenant-factory.description = Produce unidades terrestres láser pesadas.
block.dagger-factory.description = Produce unidades terrestres básicas.
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block.crawler-factory.description = Produces fast self-destructing swarm units.
block.titan-factory.description = Produce unidades terrestres avanzadas.
block.fortress-factory.description = Produce unidades terrestres de artillería pesada.
block.repair-point.description = Repara la unidad dañada más cercana a su alrededor.
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block.dart-mech-pad.description = Provides transformation into a basic attack mech.\nUse by tapping while standing on it.
block.delta-mech-pad.description = Deja tu nave actual y transfórmate en un mecanoide rápido y ligero hecho para ataques de emboscada y retirada.\nUsa el pad tocándolo dos veces mientras estás en él.
block.tau-mech-pad.description = Deja tu nave actual y transfórmate en un mecanoide de soporte que puede reparar construcciones y tropas aliadas.\nUsa el pad tocándolo dos veces mientras estás en él.
block.omega-mech-pad.description = Deja tu nave actual y transfórmate en un mecanoide pesado y bien armado, hecho para asaltos en primera línea.\nUsa el pad tocándolo dos veces mientras estás en él.
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Deja tu nave actual y transfórmate en una unidad aérea fuerte y rápida interceptora con arma eléctrica.\nUsa el pad tocándolo dos veces mientras estás en él.
block.trident-ship-pad.description = Deja tu nave actual y transfórmate en una unidad aérea bombardera pesada.\nUsa el pad tocándolo dos veces mientras estás en él.
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Deja tu nave actual y transfórmate en una unidad aérea grande y bien armada nave pistolera.\nUsa el pad tocándolo dos veces mientras estás en él.