* Proper demand tribute thresholds
* Proper calculation for Force rankings
* debug strings
* use new force ranking for AI threatAssessment
* use new force ranking for AI threatAssessment, pt 2
* Enforce the existence of an eras.json file for mods
* Merged `getEra()` and `getEraObject()`
* Hide mods we have deemed outdated
* Fixed compile errors that I didn't notice before
* Fixed unit tests
If the last game you created used a mod that you later removed from the the device it could never be removed from the new game parameters
Caught exceptions from quickstart failing
* Implemented renaming of religions
* Made AskForText display error on invalid input, implemented recommended changes
* Almost forgot the translatable strings in the new popup
* Fixed great person gift formula, confusing boolean, "great person" filter
* Refactored getRejectionReason to return a hashSet of reasons instead of a random one
* Added Grand Temple and Great Mosque of Djenne buildings
* Added uniques for Grand Temple
* Added uniques for Mosque of Djenne, refactored ability uses system to count down isntead of up
* Json definition for nation, images
* Jsons, Hussar and Coffee House
* Diplomatic Marriage Button
* Implement Marriage
* AI Marriage
* template.properties
* Popups etc
* Strings
* reviews
* reviews pt 2
* Generalize the concept of founding religions in preparation of enhancing
* Implemented enhancing religions
* Added all enhancer beliefs (mostly correctly, mostly tested)
* You can now found a religion without a pantheon, requiring you to choose a pantheon as well
* Parameterized 'enhance religion' action, fixed tests
* Implemented requested changes & simplified beliefContainer a lot
* Fixed rename
* Updated code to include features added in the meantime
* Merge branch 'master' into enhanceReligions
Co-authored-by: Yair Morgenstern <yairm210@hotmail.com>
* Civilopedia Phase X - Show Policies
* Civilopedia Phase X - Show City States
* Civilopedia - Loop-driven init and Cleanup
* Civilopedia - City States
* Civilopedia Phase X - Remove spurious comments
* Ancient Ruins, Civilopedia and Translations
- TranslationFileWriter can process Ruins.json
- Hide Religion / Civilopedia uniques hardcoded String moved to Constants
- Civilopedia display of Ruins pulls actual json rewards in code
- Manually curated rewards description removed
* Ancient Ruins, Civilopedia and Translations
- Old rewards descriptions moved to names, color
- Code now recreates old output closely
- civilopediaText allowed additionally
- TranslationFileWriter tweaked accordingly
* Ancient Ruins, Civilopedia and Translations - fix stargazers
Also added android:exported tags so that android:processDebugMainManifest doesn't fail the gradle check.
I think this is only failing locally because I bumped the compileSdkVersion to 31, but that means it'll need to go in soon anyway.
* Made water oil wells require the Refrigeration tech
Oil wells can now only be created on water with the refrigeration
This is not the ideal solution: it would be preferable to support
multiple improvements for a single resource, to add offshore platforms
as a separate improvement for coastal oil that requires refrigeration
and to disable building oil wells on coast. Allowing multiple
improvements for a resource would however be a much more significant
* Added back "terrainsCanBeBuiltOn": ["Coast"]
* CityScreen Buy button rework
- e.g. "Buy" for Missionary
- Info pane staying even when building no longer offered
- Purchase Prompt a little prettier
* Urgent Fix - noMods switch default
* CityScreen Buy button rework - patch1
* city-state bonuses graded depending on friend or ally
* siam militaristic UP, cleaned up presentation
* fix strings
* move city state modifiers to json
* city-state bonuses graded depending on friend or ally
* siam militaristic UP, cleaned up presentation
* fix strings
* move city state modifiers to json
* Restructure eras.json
* reduce indentation in DiplomacyManager.kt
* Add fallback values in cas of missing json definitions
* review edits
* fix conflicts???
Co-authored-by: Yair Morgenstern <yairm210@hotmail.com>
* Improve horse and construction sound
* Update Credits.md
* Convert to mp3
* Delete construction.ogg
* Improve horse sound
By https://freesound.org/people/Kubuzz/sounds/347036/
* Update Credits.md
* Bring back to old "construction" sound
* Update Credits.md
Helicopters are implemented as land units, so the anti-air units (land
anti-air and fighters) did not yet have this bonus.
Also corrected the damage bonus of triplanes and removed a redundant
"6 tiles in every direction always visible" unique.
* Implemented Zone of Control
* Implemented "move after attacking" ZoC exception
Units that can move after attacking are not affected by zone of control
if they move because of defeating a unit.
* Implemented all missing special ZoC cases
As described in:
* Slightly optimized ZoC logic
* Modified the "possible optimization" comment
Added the knowledge gained from SomeTroglodyte's tests.
* Added "Ignores Zone of Control" unique
Implemented the unique and gave it to the Helicopter Gunship.
* Implemented religious pressure: cities now can have more than one religion in them and religions spread between nearby cities over time.
* Implemented proposed changes
* Implemented requested changes & minor changes I forgot to include last time
* All pantheons not founded by you are now removed when you gain a new city (found this somewhere in the source code of the original, don't know if it's documented anywhere online)
* Ruins now have their own file
* Added religious rewards
* Added an option for only enabling rewards after a certain amount of turns
* You can now weigh rewards making some more likely than others
* Cleaned up some code
* Make new changes compatible with old mods
* Implemented proposed changes
* Implemented requested changes
* Implemented requested changes
will this break a hypothetical save where someone is now researching a tech and has all required techs for now but not the new to be added requirement?
* Ai now cares about distance from it's cities
* Ai now cares about distance from it's cities
* Ai now cares about distance from it's cities
* Ai will pay extra pay extra for bordering cities or surrounding cities
* Ai will pay extra pay extra for bordering cities or surrounding cities
* Ai will pay extra for cities that are closer to their territory
* The code is cleaner
* The code is cleaner
* The code is cleaner
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* Ai now cares about distance from it's cities
* Ai now cares about distance from it's cities
* Ai will pay extra pay extra for bordering cities or surrounding cities
* Ai will pay extra pay extra for bordering cities or surrounding cities
* Ai will pay extra for cities that are closer to their territory
* The code is cleaner
* The code is cleaner
* The code is cleaner
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* Ai now cares about distance from it's cities
* Ai now cares about distance from it's cities
* Ai now cares about distance from it's cities
* Ai will pay extra pay extra for bordering cities or surrounding cities
* Ai will pay extra pay extra for bordering cities or surrounding cities
* Ai will pay extra for cities that are closer to their territory
* The code is cleaner
* The code is cleaner
* The code is cleaner
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* Ai now values distance
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* You can now gift improvements to the ai
* Update template.properties
* Added missionairy units, which can spread religion and bought with faith
* Forgot an include, minor additions
* Forgot credit for the missionary image
* Large refactor, enabling buying with almost all stats, split IConstruction into IConstruction & INonPerpetualConstruction
* Does this fix the tests
* Fixed accidentally removing all trailing spaces in template.properties
* Thanks to someTroglodyte for paying more attention than I do :)
* Implemented requested changes
* Fixed large amount of question marks
* Missing space, of course
* Fixed function name change
* Fixed merge problems
Co-authored-by: Yair Morgenstern <yairm210@hotmail.com>
- Deserts are a little bit more common (but now have higher chance of being stripes)
- Slightly reduced range of Tundra.
- Slightly reduced amount of Snow.
- Grasslands can now appear next to desert tiles and huge plains areas are much less likely.
* Added globalization tech
* Added united nations and backbone for diplomatic victory
* You can now vote with the united nations every 20 * gameSpeed turns, and the results will be displayed the turn after
* You can now win with diplomacy
* AI will now vote in the united nations
* Added the amount of turns till the next diplomatic vote in the diplomacy overview
* Added translatable strings
* Implemented most of the requested changes (rest coming soon)
* Implemented further requested changes
* Split off unitTypes to its own json, only containing the domain it can travel in for now
* Updated translationFileWriter to handle this file correctly
* Updated promotions file
* Implemented requested changes
* Units without a sprite use the sprite of a first unit with the same type
* Implemented proposed changes
* Fix Hagia Sophia and CN Tower not giving civ 5 bonuses
i got the information about Hagia Sophia from @ravignir and CN Tower from civ wiki. i will also add faith to buildings that give faith in G&K but will do it as a commit, that so that it would be easily revertable if faith doesnt just get ignored when religion is disabled
* Create Buildings.json
* Delete Fix Hagia Sophia and CN Tower not giving the bonuses it gave in civ 5
This should make the map look more like a civ5 map:
here is a spreadsheet i've created and used to make these changes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18uacHvZlh4FoM8xEVH4J9jaAmtHomutr/view?usp=sharing
What it does:
- makes center of a map mostly Grassland with some bits of Plains
- next biome is Desert and Plains with a rare patches of Grasslands.
- next biome is again Grasslands and Plains (in about equal proportions)
- final biome is Tundra that turns into Snow towards poles.
- makes the whole map look less stripy.
It looks kind of messy, but i tried to make it as compact as i could.
* Add files via upload (#4632)
* Update Finnish.properties (#4627)
* Update Finnish.properties
* Update Finnish.properties
* Update Finnish.properties
* Update Hungarian.properties (#4625)
* Update Swedish.properties (#4621)
* Update Korean.properties (#4614)
* Update Korean.properties
* Update Korean.properties
* Update Korean.properties
* Update Korean.properties
* Update Korean.properties
스웨덴 문명 추가됨. 아래 주목. (#4566)
> I took the liberty of redoing the city name list. The new list includes only cities in modern Sweden (so no Finland), and no Viking Age settlements that are not currently inhabited.
도시 목록을 모던 스웨덴 기준으로 했다는데, 말이 좋아 그렇지 걍 좃대로 한걸로밖엔 생각되지 않음. Unciv가 문5 따라가는 겜인데, 문5 도시목록에 중대한 오류가 있지 않은 이상 그대로 가주는게 맞는거지. 근데 내가 역사덕후도 아니고 이사람은 스웨덴어 번역(swedish.properties)도 한거보면 현지인인거 같아서 일단 번역은 해놈. 내가 하는 한국어번역부터가 문5를 그렇게 완벽히 리스펙하진 않으니 또이또이기도 하고 걍 내가 귀찮은거 뿐이니까.
도시 목록 번역에는 국립국어원 외래어 표기법을 참고함.
국립국어원 https://www.korean.go.kr/front/main.do
국립국어원 어문규범 https://kornorms.korean.go.kr//main/main.do
국립국어원의 존재의의가 어문규범인데 홈페이지 분리하는 클라스... 그렇지.. 정부기관 홈페이지는 이렇게 지저분해야 제맛이지
스웨덴어 표기법은 알아서 찾아드가시고
실제로 본 페이지는 여기임. 구글링해서 나온거고 내용물은 같은데 레이아웃이 달라버림 ㅋㅋ
스웨덴어 표기 일람표 https://www.korean.go.kr/front/page/pageView.do?page_id=P000115&mn_id=97
스웨덴어 표기 세칙 https://www.korean.go.kr/front/page/pageView.do?page_id=P000136&mn_id=97
도시 목록을 한글로 옮긴 결과물은 다음과 같음
ㅇ : 예시에 있어서 복붙한거
v : 규정에 맞춰서 짜맞추는데 성공한거
?? : 도시이름이 현지표기랑 다르거나(예테보리는 원래 Göteborg), 규정대로 적었는데 구글링 결과가 시원찮은거(그렌나는 영문검색결과도 Granna Granaa 가 더 많음)
Stockholm = 스톡홀름 ㅇ
Uppsala = 웁살라 ㅇ
Gothenburg = 예테보리 ??
Malmö = 말뫼 ㅇ
Linköping = 린셰핑 ㅇ
Kalmar = 칼마르 v
Skara = 스카라 v
Västerås = 베스테로스 ㅇ
Jönköping = 옌셰핑 ㅇ
Visby = 비스뷔 ㅇ
Falun = 팔룬 ㅇ
Norrköping = 노르셰핑 ㅇ
Gävle = 예블레 v
Halmstad = 할름스타드 ㅇ
Karlskrona = 칼스크로나 v
Hudiksvall = 후딕스발 v
Örebro = 외레브로 ㅇ
Umeå = 우메오 ㅇ
Karlstad = 칼스타드 v
Helsingborg = 헬싱보리 v
Härnösand = 헤르뇌산드 v
Vadstena = 바드스테나 v
Lund = 룬드 ㅇ
Västervik = 베스테르비크 v
Enköping = 엔셰핑 ㅇ
Skövde = 셰브데 ㅇ
Eskilstuna = 에실스투나 v
Luleå = 룰레오 ㅇ
Lidköping = 리드셰핑 v
Södertälje = 쇠데르텔리에 ㅇ
Mariestad = 마리에스타드 v
Östersund = 외스테르순드 ㅇ
Borås = 보로스 v
Sundsvall = 순스발 ㅇ
Vimmerby = 빔머뷔 v
Köping = 셰핑 v
Mora = 모라 v
Arboga = 아르보가 v
Växjö = 벡셰 v
Gränna = 그렌나 ??
Kiruna = 키루나 ㅇ
Borgholm = 보르그홀름 v
Strängnäs = 스트렝네스 v
Sveg = 스베그 v
맨날 꺼무위키 보고 작업하다가 해보니까 번역다운 번역 한거같아서 나름 재미있었고, 한국어 정발명이 외래어 표기법에 맞지 않는 경우도 있다는걸 알게됨
( i.e. Jönköping = 옌셰핑 은 문5에도 있는 도시명인데 꺼무에는 이엔최핑이라 되있음 🤦♂️ )
그래도 돌발적인 행동은 안해줬으면 좋겠다... 머리터지는줄
* Update Indonesian.properties (#4613)
* Update Indonesian.properties
* Update Indonesian.properties
* Update Indonesian.properties
* Update Italian.properties (#4610)
* Update Russian.properties (#4608)
* Update Russian.properties
* Update Russian.properties
* Translating more (#4604)
* Translating keys and more
* Translating more
* Update Portuguese.properties
* Translating
* Update Portuguese.properties
* Update Portuguese.properties
* Translating civilizations: China, France and Rome
Translating phrases and cities from China, France and Rome.
* Translating the United States and Japan
* Translating Indian and German civilizations
Translating what is missing from the Indian and German civilizations
* Update Portuguese.properties
* Update Portuguese.properties
* Update Portuguese.properties
* Update Portuguese.properties
Co-authored-by: HoleHolo <80876542+HoleHolo@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: AcridBrimistic <acridbrimistic@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: JurDan775 <80947706+JurDan775@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: SimonCeder <63475501+SimonCeder@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Samsaek the Calico <saud2410@naver.com>
Co-authored-by: kensvin <63847755+Kensvin28@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Giuseppe D'Addio <41149920+Smashfanful@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: sockybob <44141246+sockybob@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: batatasmor <75855494+batatasmor@users.noreply.github.com>
* Deprecate "Can only be built on Coastal tiles"
* Deprecate "Cannot be built on bonus resource"
* Deprecate "Can only be built on Coastal tiles" - bump 'as of'